Search our site by procedure and location to browse local providers and pricing. Tennessee Orthopaedic Alliance, Pa is a provider established in Nashville, Tennessee specializing in durable medical equipment & medical supplies. The date the provider was assigned a unique identifier (assigned an NPI). View Phone Number. The provider's business location … NASHVILLE, TN 4230 Harding Pike Road Medical Plaza East Suite 300, Nashville, TN 37205 . The NPI record is maintained by the National Plan & Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) and anyone may request this information and other NPPES health care provider data from HHS under The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Title 5 of the United States Code, section 552. He graduated from UNIV OF TN HLTH SCI CTR medical school in 2003. BAPTIST PLAZA SURGICARE LP NPI is 1649287269. Bring your voucher to your appointment. Collect healthcare payments and get paid fast. NPI Data Last Updated On: 09-13-2020. For providers with more than one physical location, this is the primary location. 2004 HAYES STREET SUITE 450 NASHVILLE, TN 37203 (615) 515-4000: 1942484613: TIERNEY PLASTIC SURGERY PLC Organization: Plastic Surgery: 2004 HAYES STREET STE 315 NASHVILLE, TN 37203 (615) 320-8585: NPI Footnotes. Additional identifier(s) currently or formerly used as an identifier for the provider. 2004 Hayes St, Nashville, TN 37203. The NPI number by itself does not contain any identifiable information such as a provider’s speciality or location. 2004 Hayes Street Suite 450, Nashville, TN 37203 . Follow the scheduling instructions given by your provider. Nashville, TN 37203. Are you a CNA, LPN/LVN, RN or an experienced caregiver? The primary taxonomy code defines the provider type, classification, and specialization.

SUITE 650 NASHVILLE, TN 2004 Hayes Street Suite 450 Nashville, Tennessee, 37203 Phone: (615) 515-4000 Fax: (615) 515-4053. Saint Thomas Campus Surgicare . The codes may include UPIN, NSC, OSCAR, DEA, Medicaid State or PIN identification numbers. Organization, Phone: He is affiliated with medical facilities Saint Thomas West Hospital and Tristar Centennial Medical Center. Cities in Tennessee (General Surgery). The following information regarding the scope of practice of this provider is available: The following information regarding additional identifiers associated to this NPI record includes the other identifier number, identifier type, identifier state and issuer. Entity Type Code The contents of the NPI Profile website are for informational purposes only. The NPI is assigned to individuals or organizacions for their lifespan and it is independent of key provider information type updates like a change of practices, location or speciality. Saint Thomas Surgery Center Midtown in Nashville, TN -- Get driving directions to 2004 Hayes St, Ste 450 Nashville, TN 37203. Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supp... 2004 HAYES STREET SUITE 650 NASHVILLE, TN 37203, Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies.

The provider is registered as an organization and their NPI record was last updated 2 years ago. The date that a NPI record was last updated or changed. BAPTIST PLAZA SURGICARE LP NPI is 1649287269. BAPTIST PLAZA SURGICARE LP is an ambulatory surgical clinic center in Nashville, TN. Established 1976 in Nashville, Tennessee Oncology's mission remains… To update the NPI records please contact the NPPES. The NPI number of Tennessee Orthopaedic Alliance, Pa is 1265822852 and was assigned on February 2015. Dr. Phillip Beaulieu, MD is a Pain Medicine Anesthesiology Specialist in Nashville, TN and has over 17 years of experience in the medical field. Subpart examples include: Hospital components include outpatient departments, surgical centers, psychiatric units, and laboratories. A supplier of medical equipment such as respirators, wheelchairs, home dialysis systems, or monitoring systems, that are prescribed by a physician for a patient's use in the home and that are usable for an extended period of time. General Surgery.

Marlar, Clinton, MD. Share this brochure on your next visit. You can also buy your procedure at the facility before your appointment is scheduled. ZIP 37204 Phone: (615) 695-1455 Fax: (615) 965-1483. The following 3 providers are registered at the same or nearby location. Join our email list and get $25 off any $250+ procedure purchase. For individual NPIs the license data is associated to the taxonomy code. The code identifying the type of other name. ZIP 37203 Phone: (615) 263-6500 Fax: (615) 263-6505, TENNESSEE ORTHOPAEDIC ALLIANCE, PA 608 NORRIS AVE Leasing: Casey Pileggi 206.455.6642 .

All contents of this website are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis without warranty of any kind.

The location address of the provider being identified. The authorized official title is Medicare Authorized Official and has the following contact phone number (972) 763-3893. Provider Location Address Wij willen hier een beschrijving geven, maar de site die u nu bekijkt staat dit niet toe. Unsubscribe at anytime. The practitioner's primary taxonomy code is 332B00000X. The other organization name is the alternative last name by which the provider is or has been known (if an individual) or other name by which the organization provider is or has been known. Last Update Date Provider Mailing Address All materials and services on this site are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis without warranty of any kind. Monajjem, Navid, MD . Call. About. These components are often separately licensed or certified by States and may exist at physical locations other than that of the hospital of which they are a component. The provider other organization name codes are: 1 = former name; 2 = professional name; 3 = doing business as (d/b/ a) name; 4 = former legal business name; : 5 = other. Hours of Operation: The NPI record includes the healthcare provider taxonomy classification, state license number and state of licensure. This OfficeMedical space is available for lease. Pay through our secure site or by calling (877) 461-2491. The provider Is Doing Business As Saint Thomas Surgery Center - Midtown. Nashville, TN 37203. Add reviews and photos for Saint Thomas Surgery Center Midtown. The provider's authorized official is Jenetha D Moran . NPI Profile 2020 | 4230 Harding Pike Road Medical Plaza East Suite 300, Nashville, TN 37205 .

This address cannot include a Post Office box. What is a Subpart? Specialties: Tennessee Oncology, one of the nation's largest, community-based cancer care specialists, is home to one of the leading clinical trial networks in the country. Access the most senior care employers in one place on CareListings – for free. The enumeration date for this NPI number is 8/3/2006 and was last updated on 6/28/2018. Take a look at our map to see where our various orthopedic offices are located. 2004 Hayes Street Suite 450. Reviews (615) 284-7785 Website. Please select a location near you to find out more information. {{ totalItemsCount }} General Surgeons in Nashville, TN. Doing Business As: SAINT THOMAS SURGERY CENTER - MIDTOWN. The provider is registered as an organization entity type. you'll be automatically logged out of this portal. Find out when local providers join our network. The provider is registered as an organization entity type. This address may contain the same information as the provider location address. Order Online Tickets Tickets See Availability Directions {{::location.tagLine.value.text}} Sponsored Topics. Is this your business? Legal. 2004 HAYES STREET SUITE 450 NASHVILLE, TN ZIP 37203 Get Directions Phone: (615) 515-4000 BAPTIST PLAZA SURGICARE LP is an ambulatory surgical cliniccenter in Nashville, TN.

Contact 2004 Hayes Street, Suite 250 Nashville, TN 37203 Phone: (615) 327-1546 Fax: (615) 329-4761 The entity type codes are: 1 = Person: individual human being who furnishes health care; 2 = Non-person: entity other than an individual human being that furnishes health care (Examples: hospital, SNF, hospital subunit, pharmacy, or HMO). The code describing the type of health care provider that is being assigned an NPI. Help. Durable Medical Equipment Medical Supplies. Provider Other Organization Name Call. Primary Taxonomy Code The NPI is a 10-digit identification number that is completely unique. The authorized official of this NPI record is James Robert Simmons (Ceo), TENNESSEE ORTHOPAEDIC ALLIANCE, PA 2004 HAYES STREET View available times and locations today. This page was last updated on: 10/15/2020, Entity Type: There could be only one primary taxonomy code per NPI record. NPI records are maintained by the National Plan & Provider Enumeration System. What is the National Provider Indentifier (NPI)? 2004 Hayes St Directions {{::location.tagLine.value.text}} Sponsored Topics. If you think you may have a medical emergency, please call your doctor or 911 immediately. Saint Thomas Surgery Center Midtown appears in: Hospitals, Surgical Centers Save money on procedures offered from Saint Thomas Surgery Center Midtown physicians by paying upfront with MDsave. For your security, if you aren't active within the next 5 minutes, General Surgery. The NPI is 10-position all-numeric identification number assigned by the NPPES to uniquely identify a health care provider. View Phone Number. The provider Is Doing Business As Saint Thomas Surgery Center - Midtown.

The mailing address of the provider being identified. The property is located on Church Street within a mile of I- Legal. What is the National Provider Indentifier (NPI)? About Reviews Services Resources Are you a nurse or caregiver? … View detailed information and reviews for 2004 Hayes St in Nashville, Tennessee and get driving directions with road conditions and live traffic updates along the way. 2835 Hwy 231 N, Shelbyville, TN 37160 . Provider Enumeration Date NPI stands for National Provider Identifier. Subparts are the components and separate physical locations of organization health care providers. The NPI is 10-position all-numeric identification number assigned by the NPPES to uniquely identify a health care provider. The provider's business location address is: 2004 HAYES STREET SUITE 450 NASHVILLE, TN ZIP 37203 Phone: (615) 515-4000 Fax: (615) 515-4053. Address and Directions. Reliance on any information provided by the NPI Profile website or other visitors to this website is solely at your own risk. About. The name of the person authorized to submit the NPI application or to officially change data for a health care provider. Mid State Endoscopy Center is a Medicare Certified Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) with 2 Operating Room(s) located in Nashville, TN, with service to the surrounding community. 2004 Hayes St Nashville TN 37203. (615) 515-4000. Saint Thomas Centers for Breast Health offers Mammography. Find Caregiver and Nursing Jobs. Authorized Official Name Menu & Reservations Make Reservations .

About Reviews Services Resources Caregiver and Nursing Jobs. Is this your business? 2010 Church St Suite 420. The CLIA number assigned to this NPI record is 44D1019330 - ambulatory surgery center with a certificate type of Certificate of Waiver.

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