It is possible to treat these symptoms with medications when they appear occasionally, but you may consider going for balloon sinuplasty if you experience them on a regular basis. Sinusitis can be chronic, lasting longer than 3 months, or it can be acute, lasting for less than a month. For more information regarding the procedure, check our Sinuplasty Frequently Asked Questions. It is important to bear in mind that balloon sinuplasty recovery may vary from patient to patient. Two of the most common approaches are medical therapy and Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS), but there is a third approach too called balloon sinuplasty, which involves using balloon catheters during surgery. While we recommend taking it easy for the first couple of days as you may have some swelling and drainage of your sinuses, you typically are able to return to work/school after 24 hours. Balloon sinuplasty is fairly straightforward, and reported complications are minimal. © Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved | Designed and developed by WebTegrity, LLC, Three Useful Tips for Avoiding Sinusitis this Winter, Sinusitis: What To Do If Antibiotics Don’t Work, Dr. Vincent Honrubia at the South Texas Sinus Institute in Edinburg, Texas, Designed and developed by WebTegrity, LLC, Pain in the area beneath the eyes, cheek area and temple. The balloon is made from a non-latex plastic which does not irritate nasal tissues.
The key to any successful post-op protocol is an attention to detail and follow through. This procedure can provide long-term relief from chronic sinusitis and it is seldom needed again. These problems are usually the outcome of allergies but in some cases, chronic inflammation and infections do not respond to antibiotics and other medications. Balloon Sinuplasty is a procedure approved by the FDA in 2005 to permanently reopen and restructure the … Each patient is also advised to sleep with their head elevated. Dr. Honrubia, a board certified ENT specialist, calls the treatment Painless Sinuplasty Anesthetic Linked Method or PSALM. Balloon sinuplasty is a safe and effective means of dealing with sinusitis in patients of all ages.
Once done, the balloon is deflated. Patients are lightly sedated during the balloon sinuplasty and they recover quickly from a procedure that is not painful. The procedure is effective and balloon sinuplasty recovery may not take long.
The procedure is effective and balloon sinuplasty recovery may not take long. Fortunately, this new technique is less invasive than traditional sinus procedures, which means the recovery process is also less intense. However, you may experience certain complications just like any other medical treatment.
Recovery from balloon sinuplasty is quick and easy. Recovery from balloon sinuplasty is quick and easy. Theres no cutting and no removal of bones or tissue. For instance, you may notice blood drainage for the first few days after balloon sinuplasty – this is quite the same with most nasal and sinus surgeries. Many of these problems are the result of allergies that occur seasonally. The next step is to place a guide wire with a small light at the end into your blocked sinus. It is the person who experiences these symptoms on a regular basis that may be a candidate for balloon sinuplasty. Designed and developed by WebTegrity, LLC.
Your healthcare provider may use a variety of approaches to treat sinusitis and clear blockage.
It does not harm the mucus lining of the nose. The decision to undergo that procedure is between the doctor and patient. Dr. Honrubia’s method gives patients mild intravenous medication to relax them but not put them to sleep. uses a translation plugin. Most people who have undergone this outpatient technique are back to their usual activities within two or three days. Patients undergoing this procedure and recovering from it are advised not to blow their nose for 24 hours or engage in heavy physical activity. People interested in learning more about the procedure are encouraged to consult their primary care provider and or an ENT specialist.
It is covered by Medicare and many insurance programs. Certain factors can affect the recovery time, including how you respond to anesthesia and what type of anesthesia (local or general anesthesia) was selected to perform the procedure.
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