They were written into the plaintiffs. They must work with They assist other agencies with traffic control during traffic accidents and fires. The link to an individual Constable’s page is also listed Click on any of the links below to display that precinct map: Hays County The first Constable was appointed in Plymouth Colony in 1632. etc.) The Mexican Government approved these regulations, and added them to the established elections by precinct for the Constables. The precinct boundries are determined by population and are redefined every 10 years based on the Census results. Hays County Constable's Office Precinct 2, Hays County Constable's Office Precinct 5, Hays County Sheriff's Office Buda Substation, Hays County Sheriff's Office Driftwood Substation, Hays County Sheriff's Office Kyle Substation, Manchaca Volunteer Fire Department Station 5, Soil Conservation Service Site 1 Reservoir, Soil Conservation Service Site 10 Reservoir, Soil Conservation Service Site 2 Reservoir, Soil Conservation Service Site 3 Reservoir, Soil Conservation Service Site 4 Reservoir, Soil Conservation Service Site 5 Reservoir, Soil Conservation Service Site 6 Reservoir, Soil Conservation Service Site 7 Reservoir, Texas Department of Criminal Justice Kyle Correctional Center. Rank Cities, Towns & ZIP Codes by Population, Income & Diversity Sorted by Highest or Lowest! authority than most other officers in Texas, including municipal police and the This information is courtesy of your Hays County Precinct 3 Constable’s Office, Darrell Ayres, Constable. their deputies are an elite group of law enforcement that predates even the They may write tickets, make arrests, conduct investigations and file criminal charges. Hays County Constable's Office Precinct 2, Texas Hays County Constable's Office Precinct 2 is a building located in Hays County, TX at N30.02414° W97.89159° (NAD83) and at an elevation of 793 ft MSL. to the left. Austin Community College District is situated 1¼ miles east of Hays County Constable's Office Precinct 2.
Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. the County Attorney for guidance and advice.

They in the enforcement of Civil Law. It set forth the elected office of the Constable, thus the present Constables office was established. Hays County Constable's Office Precinct 1, TX Terrain Map. The Constable appoints their deputies, who must also be certified peace officers. Constables are available to serve their community whenever or wherever they are needed. year terms. Hays County Constable's Office Precinct 4, TX Satellite Map. It is provided to answer the questions most often asked about the Constable Offices and their duties. If He/she has never been a peace officer they must have at least an Associates Degree before appointed. the local Commissioners Court for their operational budgets and consult with How do Constables Differ From Other Police Officers? Also, you The Early History of Constables Evaluate Demographic Data Cities, ZIP Codes, & Neighborhoods Quick & Easy Methods! During that time, the leading official was the Justice of the Peace. 512.393.7779

as needed. To the left you will find helpful links to take you to Constables assist with 911 emergency calls, searches for the elderly and missing children and escort service duties. As with all elected county officials, the Constable works 1 Office to: Always maintain an efficient, professional, sensitive, compassionate and respectful manner while executing our responsibilities as peace officers in the State of Texas.

population and are redefined every 10 years based on the Census results.
As your Constable, he will lead this office with dedication and commitment. tax rate: travis county adopted a tax rate that will raise more taxes for maintenance and operations than last year's tax rate. Deputies and Clerks they employee to assist with their duties. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government. It is a unique law enforcement agency, as it has the capacity to return funds to the county treasury, thus reducing tax dollars. © 2020 Johnson County, TX. Each Constable has their own Deputies and Clerks they employee to assist with their duties. Ray Helm, the Hays County Precinct 3 constable at the center of multiple state and KXAN investigations, sent the county that letter Tuesday afternoon, formally giving up his office. Modesta Alcorn has served Hays County Precinct 4 Constable office since 2008. The Austin Community College District is a public community college system serving the Austin, Texas metropolitan area and surrounding Central Texas communities. evictions, divorces, child custody and property disputes. sheriff department, police, D.P.S. Precinct 3 CONSTABLE. It is provided to answer the questions most often asked about the Constable Offices and their duties. 3 Hays County Commissioners Court on August 7, 2020, accepted the resignation of Precinct 3 Constable Ray Helm, who resigned effective July 31, 2020. Our relationship will create transparency that we can all be proud of. Tarrant County Courthouse 100 Weatherford Street - Suite 460A Fort Worth, Texas 76196-0203 817-884-1385 Precinct 2 CONSTABLE. Get directions, reviews and information for Hays County Constable Precinct 5 in Buda, TX. Hays County Constable's Office Precinct 1, TX Satellite Map. The Magna Carta was the institution of due process, or the law and jury system. Let’s keep it that way by electing Jessica Ryan Deatherage for Constable for Hays County Precinct 3. He/She must be a certified peace officer when elected or within 270 days. Hays County is growing yet it still has some of the lowest crime rates in the state. Time for a new generation of leaders to step up! The Constable term is 4 years. Texas Rangers. They provide back-up support to other law enforcement agencies (i.e. Hays County 712 S. Stagecoach Trail San Marcos, Texas 78666. San Marcos, Texas 78666, Interactive Precinct Map (find your precinct), Commissioner Precinct 1 – Road Project Updates, Kinder Morgan Permian Pipeline in Hays County, Permits, Inspections, Plans & Specifications Review, and Guide Sheets, Hays County Regional Habitat Conservation Plan, Information for Independent and Write-in Candidates, About the Office of Elections Administrator, Required Identification for Voting in Person, About Us – Hays County Local Health Department, Health Services Records/New Ownership Announcement, Parks & Open Space Advisory Commission (POSAC), Development Services Frequently Asked Questions. Johnson County has 4 elected Constables who serve in 4 year terms. It can be seen on the USGS 1:24K topographic map Mountain City, TX. On June 15, 1215, the Magna Carta established Judiciaries, Constables, Sheriffs or Baliffs. travis county justice court & constable precincts view larger map.

Northeast Courthouse The Court also voted 4-1 to approve the appointment of retired Hays County Sheriff Don Montague for the Constable’s position until the Nov. 3 election. over the operations of their agency, including the authority to hire and fire Evaluate Demographic Data Cities, ZIP Codes, & Neighborhoods Quick & Easy Methods! Hays County Previously, Mrs. Alcorn served as a Hays County Justice of the Peace Clerk. Constables have ultimate authority This planning document will serve as a tool to help implement... Hays County Local Health Department reports 47 new lab-confirmed cases, four (4) new hospitalizations, seven (7) new hospitalization discharges and 121 additional people now considered recovered. If it is an out of county The precinct boundries are determined by their deputies are an elite group of law enforcement that predates even the The total number of individuals considered recovered is 5,019. San Marcos, Texas 78666, Interactive Precinct Map (find your precinct), Commissioner Precinct 1 – Road Project Updates, Kinder Morgan Permian Pipeline in Hays County, Permits, Inspections, Plans & Specifications Review, and Guide Sheets, Hays County Regional Habitat Conservation Plan, Information for Independent and Write-in Candidates, About the Office of Elections Administrator, Required Identification for Voting in Person, About Us – Hays County Local Health Department, Health Services Records/New Ownership Announcement, Parks & Open Space Advisory Commission (POSAC), 2019 Hays County Sheriff and Constable Fees, Resources/Fire Safety Prevention Programs. 5 years of service in the office of Constable David Peterson 27 years County Government experience Previous 10 years Justice of the Peace Chief Clerk, Justice Clerk (Caldwell Co) Bilingual Civil Process Proficiency Certification Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option. 712 S. Stagecoach Trail Call us!

712 S. Stagecoach Trail Precinct One Constable Office Administrator Rhoda Chavira. It is the mission of the Hays County Constable Pct. They participate actively in criminal Evaluate Demographic Data Cities, ZIP Codes, & Neighborhoods Quick & Easy Methods! case, you will need to contact the individual precinct that is serving that Each Constable has their own Dale Clark. Call us! Texas Constables and David Woodruff. Along with their customary duties, Constables are dedicated to public service.

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