Los maestros de su hijo les llamarán esta semana para agendar la fecha y tiempo para la junta virtual donde podrán conocer a su maestro y escuchar más información sobre este ano escolar. Huntsville City Schools (HCS) leaders announced plans during Thursday night’s board of education work session for traditional students to return to school Mondays through Fridays for the second nine weeks beginning Monday, Oct. 26, 2020.

Each student will need his or her own device with a web camera. A smart phone is not an acceptable device.

After-Hours Emergency: (256) 428-8355 For more information please contact the compliance department.

Skyward Family Support Website, (Available on a P.I.S.D connected computer only at 7:55 am Monday - Friday), 2920 Watters Rd, Pasadena, Texas 77502 | Phone, Dual Language: Parent Informational Meetings for 2020 - 2021 (English and Spanish), PISD-Student ClassLink Student Quick Guide, School Physical Activity and Nutrition Survey (English), School Physical Activity and Nutrition Survey (Spanish), Your child's teacher will be calling or emailing you to set up a Virtual. HCS Primary Telephone: (256) 428-6800. Istation installation directions for Mac, Announcements broadcast from our Counselor Its science programming includes Project Lead the Way coursework, which incorporates hands- on project-based learning. Nuestros maestros están trabajando muy duro para el comienzo de las clases virtuales. Please be on the lookout for a phone call or an email to set up an appointment. 951 students attend Morris Middle School, and the ratio of students to teachers is 13:1. (A desktop computer, laptop, iPad, etc.)

If your Fisher student needs a laptop, please fill out the form on our COMPUTER NEEDS ASSESSMENT SURVEY 2020-2021 link. Find Us . Our Fisher teachers are working hard in preparing for Virtual teaching. We will begin handing out devices Friday, August 7 at 8:30 am. 11% of the Morris Middle School students have "limited English proficiency." 2020 - 2021 Lista de útiles escolares Istation installation directions Windows Estimados padres de estudiantes de la primaria Fisher: Esperamos que estén bien y listos para comenzar el aprendizaje a distancia el martes, 18 de agosto.

2020 - 2021 School Supply List Estaremos distribuyendo computadoras toda esta semana, pero tendrán que llenar el cuestionario antes de recoger la computadora. Computers will be distributed at the orange door. 4801 Bob Wallace Avenue Huntsville, AL 35805, https://www.huntsvillecityschools.org/schools/morris-middle, Return to In-Person Learning Five Days per Week. 2020 - 2021 Dress code, Stop the spread of germs (English)

We hope you are doing well and ready for Distance-Learning Aug. 18. The Morse Middle School Gifted and Talented program focuses on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), and college preparation. In addition to rigorous curriculum, students enjoy a wide variety of sports, arts and extracurricular opportunities.

The Morse Middle School Gifted and Talented program focuses on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), and college preparation. En esta junta aprenderán valiosa información cual les ayudara entender cuáles serán los requisitos del estudiante y del padre para las clases virtuales.

To make this process as smooth and quick as possible for you and us, we need you to go to the Fisher website, click on the Computer Needs Assessment Survey 2020-21 and complete the survey.

Homer J. Morris Middle School 1400 Trenton Rd McAllen, Texas TX 78504 956-618-7300 956-632-3666 2020 2021 School Supply List (English) 2010 2021 School Supply List (Spanish) 2020 2021 Dress Code English; 2020 2021 Dress Code (Spanish) Contact Webmaster Stop the spread of germs (Spanish) Please be patient as we work through this process. Morris Middle School is a public middle school in Ware Oaks Colonia. 200 White Street. Si su hijo no tiene una computadora personal- que será necesaria para cada estudiante diariamente, la escuela se la proveerá y solo necesitan llenar el cuestionario en nuestra página de internet de la Primaria Fisher titulado Computer Needs Assessment Survey 2020-2021. Please complete the survey before you come.   Assistant Principal: David Dishongh Assistant Principal: Blanca Roman. Huntsville City Schools. If you have more than 1 student that needs a device, you will need to fill out the survey for each child. We will be distributing out laptops all this week, but a form must be filled out in order to receive a computer. If your Fisher student needs a laptop, please fill out the form on our COMPUTER NEEDS ASSESSMENT SURVEY 2020-2021 link. Morris Middle School Home Page Google Maps 12356 Walter St. Mt.

Por favor esté al tanto de una llamada o correo electrónico con esos datos de parte de los maestros. Principal: Norma Gomez-Valenzuela The principal of Morris Middle School is Brian Mcclenney. Its science programming includes Project Lead the Way coursework, which incorporates hands- on project-based learning. Billie and Kathleen Morris Middle School. Once you complete the survey, please wait at least 2 hours before coming to pick up the computer (this can be done on your phone, tablet or computer). Morris , Michigan 48458 Phone: 810-591-7100 Fax: 810-591-7105 Morris Public School wants to identify children with established or suspected disabilities, regardless of the severity, and provide the most appropriate services to meet their individual needs. During this Meet the Teacher virtual meeting, your child's teacher will give you valuable information to help you understand what is required of you and your child for distance learning. We will be distributing out laptops all this week, but a form must be filled out in order to receive a computer. Computer Needs Assessment Survey 2020-2021. Located off Grunewald St. Si su hijo no tiene una computadora personal- que será necesaria para cada estudiante diariamente, la escuela se la proveerá y solo necesitan llenar el cuestionario en nuestra página de internet de la Primaria Fisher titulado. Mt. We will begin the school year with virtual learning. If you checked out a device for the summer, you may use that one.

These children do not have to be enrolled in school, Head Start, day care, state institutions, other child care, or …

We want to provide devices for every student that needs a device. Your child's teacher will be calling or emailing you to set up a Virtual Meet the Teacher for Monday, August 17th. At Morris Middle School we will support students and provide them an opportunity to master the habits of success by working together as a family to better students, each other, and our community. We will be here Monday –Friday 8:30 – 3:00. To find out more, please click the more information button below: In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"), the Huntsville City Board of Education will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs, or activities. Education Foundation Pasadena Independent School District, Everything you need to know about Fisher 20-21, Todo lo que necesita saber sobre Fisher 20 - 21, Announcements broadcast from our Counselor. Huntsville, AL 35801.

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