You made a mistake, the oldest civilization is the civilization of Berbers (Amazighi) in North Africa (Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Mali, Niger, Morrow, Mauritania). The WESTERN Roman Empire effectively fell, even counting barbarian leaders, in the mid 500s when Justinian decided to reunite the two halves of the Roman Empire, and instead unleashed a deadly plague that killed of the city dwellers and trade in the Mediterranean areas (and Britain). check Stonehenge. Human civilization should not be classified as we have done in our attempt to know different ancient tribes who lived in a compact area. All Indian Languages immerged from Sanskrit. Homo sapiens sapiens (modern man) exist more than 30,000(?) Not to mention cities in Iran, Israel, Armenia and Yemen. Although they may not have invented many of these disciplines, they are the civilization in which we inherit them directly from. Roman civilization emerged around the sixth century BC. Like monuments or big structures or stone things.

There are far too many misrepresentations in this article to name, of course I mention the ones that hit closer to home, but you should definitely read a bit more, or at least update what you’ve learned, or maybe even write without bias, if that’s the case. Agricultural activity started taking place around 8000BC. Africa is the womb of all civilization, and africans were the ones who spread acroos the world. The Oldest Living Civilization An old missionary student of China once remarked that Chinese history is “remote, monotonous, obscure, and-worst of all-there is too much of it.” China has the longest continuous history of any country in the world—3,500 years of written history. Through vigorous research, cross-disciplinary analysis, and traditional practices our community is creating the most progressive conversation on planet earth. For all we know, Santa Claus may be REAL flying to our homes every Christmas! Ya way too many mysterious things out there. 2nd all south indian languages has come from tamil is like all indian languages has emerged from hind. It is also important to note, aboriginals were the first out of Africa migration, or correctly the only surviving one, as humans were largely wiped out (middle east/ India subcontinent, East Asia to a fraction of the population by an unknown event – and so ‘rebooted’ out of Africa migration for several thousands of years. For instance, let me remember you that Bible talks about, Axumite Civilization. wrapper.appendChild(err); var needs_validate = function(el) { While there have been plenty of older settlements discovered all around the world, Mesopotamia is the oldest of what is truly considered a civilization. if (!value.match(/^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d$/)) { I understand that you are not ignorant as you are reading and replying so why not grasp full Knowledge. its not the Timeline of Ancient Mesopotamian civilization: c. 5000-3500 BC: its Indus Valley Civilization with perfect sewage and drainage system &hence it says INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION is the oldest one .

The civilization centered around the Yangtze River, and is likely to have existed before the 1700-1046BC Shang dynasty. Thank you for the post. The most significant contribution to human kind. In order to really reach the point of civilization you need to be stable enough to form cities. I, not sure we can prove anything. Existed along with Egypt, Persia and Mesopotamian coutries. [b]They found that the Armenians are a mix of ancient populations [/b] whose descendants now live in Sardinia, Central Asia and several other regions. } no_error = false; Civilization should be marked by its people’s ability to survive, adapt and produce new technologies and skillset. } You can paint it and argue about it, but it won’t change the fact that africans were the first civilizitionon this planet. Artifacts and items, inscribed with hieroglyphs and recovered from archaeological sites not too long ago, have proved how culturally rich the Egyptians were. true : no_error = false; Astronomy, mathematics, chariot and the plow. Matter a fact, quite the opposite happened. 2. Others were found in Tadrart Acacus in the Libyan desert. if (elems[i].getAttribute('required') === null) continue; Bones that have distinct aspects of a human’s and an apes skeleton. addEvent(input, 'change', function() { He could not reproduce and was “created” as a slave. If the legendary Yellow Emperor is taken into account, then Chinese civilisation is 4720y.o. Its proven that indian culture, civilization and all other things are the oldest on this world.

A sophisticated and technologically advanced urban culture is evident in the Indus Valley civilization making its capital the first urban center in the region. it was an awesome article but i want to say that new research shows that ancient Mesopotami is not the oldest any more ,now ُShahr-e-Sukhte (the burnt city) is known as the oldest one where is located in Iran. If we get a life threat from aliens, do we still continue to fight among each other or else will take a remedial action to save our entire man kind along with other living creatures? I’m sorry but this list is simply incorrect, my culture the Australian aboriginals are the oldest culture on earth going back over 50 000 years. Certainly they had and have an empire of the mind comprising mythology, law, custom, epic songs and poems, art, and a shared canon of oral literature. In addition to the usual ancient finds such as pottery and tools, people have uncovered records of the earliest examples of Chinese writing and proof that they were producers of the world’s oldest wine.

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