Now, this iconic musical returns to London, in a bold new actor-musician production with the actors onstage at all times and playing the piano to add a new narrative dimension to the story, accompanied by a four-piece band. I saw myself grow in confidence, ability and knowledge. Following a sell-out run in The Little set for January 2020, SpitLip are back with the latest incarnation of their new musical Operation Mincemeat. So lovely to see Monkey Bars in the brilliantly capable hands of @SwkPlayEldersCo this evening. A theatre company for anyone aged 65 and over. In 2012 they used STOMP-style percussion skills to tell the story of the French Revolution set in a London Kitchen in Brigade de Cuisine: Recipe for a Revolution, and in 2013 You Say You Want a Revolution? 1966, a Soho basement. By Tony Tortora. But on the way you will you will laugh, possibly cry, and feel a sense of what it is we might be doing here. The team are continuing the show for a limited run of 9 performances. Inspired too! Each term the Young Company develop performance skills through free weekly workshops, before putting them into practice in professionally supported performances here at Southwark Playhouse and other venues across the borough. Across a week, practitioners from New York Theatre Workshop work with an intergenerational group to explore shared stories and experiences between the generations, leading to a devised performance. The D’oyly Carte Charitable Trust @ebuckridge MyTheatreMates publishes a selection of daily press releases sent to us by publicists of the relevant show or theatre. In bricks & mortar @swkplay news, construction of the new purpose-built venue at Elephant & Castle is on schedule to move in in Mar 2020. Work is currently on schedule for the team to move in in March 2020. Supported by the Rhinebeck Writers Retreat. (you should still book in advance though – just something to…, We’re so grateful to our audiences for coming and hanging out with us, especially on drizzly Mondays. If you continue to use this site we'll assume you're happy with this. Devised by Mike Alfreds and Sonja Linden with the Company. Then Alex goes into labour, their baby is born still and their world implodes. Presented by ViSiBLE Theatre. Press night: Wednesday, 4 March 2020 at 7.30pm (The Large).

With the British Library archiving their first 50 years, they surge onwards. In both 2017 and, we have collaborated with the department of Drama at London South Bank University and New York Theatre Workshop on ‘Mind the Gap’. This was an immersive theatre production in conjunction with CineLive and the BFI. involved a door, bubbles and a very angry cyclist. Sound design by Dan Balfour. The Telegraph, ‘Southwark Playhouse’s young company meshing together in fine ensemble work’ Tags: Andy Jordan, Anything Is Possible If You Think About It Hard Enough, Aria Entertainment, Cops, Cordelia O’Neill, Five Characters in Search of a Good Night's Sleep, Jason Robert Brown, Jonathan O'Boyle, Mike Alfreds, Operation Mincemeat, People Show 137, Small Things Theatre Company, Southwark Playhouse, SpitLip, The Last Five Years, ViSiBLE Theatre. @TobyClarkee’s production was brimming with new insights — I heard all kinds of things in the text I hadn’t heard before. Evening Standard, ‘Truly an ensemble piece…the modern music echoed the urgency and vigour of the performers.’ (you should still book in advance though – just something to…, We’re so grateful to our audiences for coming and hanging out with us, especially on drizzly Mondays. @karleastham: Based in the Elephant and Castle and less than 20 minutes from Waterloo, Charing Cross and London Bridge. 29 April-23 May 2020 The Elders Company is free to attend for anyone aged 65 or over. These young people might save us yet. The Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation As always when the name ‘Kate Tempest’ is on the billing, was pretty blown away last night by @YoCoSwkPlay‘s #Wasted! As part of Every Human Creature, we partnered with Coutours to create invisible theatre performances at sites across Southwark inspired by the work of Charles Dickens as part of the bicentenary celebrations of Dickens In The Borough. Interested?

To apply, please complete the online application which can be found here. Sex is everywhere. The Prince of Wales Charitable Foundation We delivered a programme of participatory arts workshops in local schools to develop a new piece of Theatre-In-Education exploring the history of the Elephant and Castle area through several of its’ famous former residents. Na na na na na na na, we give you unlimited tickets! Peer Gynt at Southwark Playhouse.

Our weekly workshops are open to anyone aged 14 – 25 who lives or studies in Southwark. Work is currently on schedule for the team to move in in March 2020. The two characters meet only once, at their wedding in the middle of the show. Elvis has arrived. All of our workshops are held at Southwark Playhouse in our rehearsal room and education space here at the Playhouse, about 3 minutes walk from Elephant and Castle Tube, and 6 minutes from Borough. @sophieLstone SpitLip are David Cumming, Felix Hagan, Natasha Hodgson and Zoe Roberts. Chicago. Want to find out more?

Jason Robert Brown’s Drama Desk Award-winning musical, The Last Five Years, is an emotionally powerful and intimate show about two New Yorkers who fall in and out of love over the course of five years. Recent productions have included new writing, Shakespeare and devised pieces. Directed by Jonathan O’Boyle. The People Show was born. One of the best pieces of youth theatre I have ever seen.

To find out more please contact David Workman, Youth and Community Director, on 0207 407 0234 or

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