How he volunteered to fight at the age of 17. That's when...she...walked into the room. The cassette player used to listen to the tapes. Mr. Saikou has every right to chew my head off, but...he doesn't. If you would like to join our community, visit and read the #read-me channel for instructions! What opportunities do I have that nobody else has?" I CAN'T let this go! That conniving little...RRRRRGH! The Headmaster's Office is an area of Akademi High School.

It's not as though I post the videos online, or anything like that. There was never anyone in my life who I felt comfortable expressing my anxieties to.

Soaring! The strangest the exact reason why Mr. Saikou's daughter wants to travel the world. Towards the back of the room is a large desk with a key on it, a small plant and a stack of papers. They can be played in the Computer Lab. They also asked me to make sure that the room had certain equipment inside of it before they arrived - computer monitors and hard drives. The tedium of the last few decades had become...unbearable...and these big, drastic changes are exactly what I needed to break up the monotony! Foul-mouthed and short-tempered. The tape I made after Mr. Saikou's recent, ah...demands. At the beginning of his career, he was a cheerful, optimistic, energetic young man who was full of hope for the future. It feels like there's a slimy creature...crawling underneath my clothing...and I simply have to grit my teeth and live with it. Then again...I don't...really have any right to complain...perhaps this is simply...karmic retribution...for my actions. Once Yandere-chan has this information, she can approach each delinquent and help them with their problem(s), reforming them and making them go back to the way they used to be. ...I'm wrong,'s not the journalist's's not the court's's not even my fault. I got nothing. it's an ambitious undertaking, to say the least! They threatened to expose what I've been doing...unless...I meet their demands. We already had a surplus of supplies like that, wasn't a problem. Headmaster Tapes. The following tapes are from the perspective of a younger Kocho.

A Journalist who had moved to Buraza Town earlier in the decade decided to investigate. Towards the back of the room is a large desk with a key on it, a small plant and a stack of papers. There are windows at the back, but the player cannot see out of them. Each tape tells the history and the incident of 1989. ", "I will make no attempt to prolong my life. He tried to talk about Akademi, as usual, but...I wasn't having any of it. But...the entire time, he seemed like he was on the verge of...exploding.

Yandere Simulator is a stealth game about stalking a boy and secretly eliminating any girl who has a crush on him, while maintaining the image of an innocent schoolgirl. Teachers will record their lectures when class is in session, and e-mail these recordings - along with class assignments - to the reclusive student once per day. I don't even know what I'd use it for, I...never had enough spare time to develop a hobby! I think built Akademi High and made his daughter the student council president to put her through the experience of being in charge of an organisation. Underneath the desk is a bottle of alcohol. Maybe his plans have been changed... who knows?? I wasn't sure if he was giving my proposal deep consideration...or simply...pondering whether or not he cared at all. I asked the hacker if they needed anything else from me...daily meals, or...anything of the sort. Ugh... We had...momentum. I even proposed making the entrance exams a little...less difficult, and lowering the tuition fees. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Like I actually have something to look forward to! I have no clue what they intend to do in this room, but...I'm not really in a position to decline. Close. Hang a sign on the front door of the school that says, "We've gone 6 years without a murder; you can all come back now!" We had an upwards trajectory! All things considered, this situation isn't as bad as it could have been. A demo build is available here: Download Demo. Stand on a stage, and hand her a diploma?! I think that was just a cover story. But...there's no room for anything like that. She walked straight through the waiting room and directly into Mr. Saikou's office, without even speaking a single word to the secretary. It's more likely that he thought of me...well...the same way I think of this tape recorder. And I'm expected let her back in the school?! Mr. Saikou can be quite...imposing... even when remaining civil, and from that moment onward, I was too scared to pursue the matter further. I...I guess I understand why they're putting all the blame on me, it''s my school.

I mean, the entire nation has been talking about this school for months. In fact, Mr. Saikou told me I was perfect for the job after just...asking me a few questions. There was only one way to leave that room, and I was standing right in front of it! Being discovered and blackmailed has been my worst fear for over a decade now, but...this person - whoever they are - isn't asking for money. The Headmaster's Office. That's why he toiled for over half a century until he had become the richest man on Earth. I should dispose of them, would be such a shame. What could he possibly want from her? Two beige couches surround a coffee table on the white rug. I was confused and worried, and...frankly...scared. The past few years were...perfect.

He didn't reply.

If implemented in the game, they may provide information about why Saikou Corp seems to be interested in Ayano Aishi.

I wouldn't feel right talking about it with any of colleagues, but...I need to get it off my recording my thoughts will help! Could I have stopped this? was different. Fifteen years without closure. But, it turns out that I was wrong - REALLY wrong - and, I got to hear the truth straight from Mr. Saikou himself! She didn't know all the specifics, but...she knew enough to give me a basic summary. This can be used to help complete Gaku's task in joining the Delinquents.
...If Akademi High was built solely for one girl, and that girl has graduated...what happens next?
As for the September 2nd, 2017 Build, Ayano Aishi can place a bug under the headmaster's desk. She gets to decide who's allowed to enroll, she gets to decide the school's policies, and...I'm pretty sure she gets to be student council president starting from day one, no questions asked. During Mission Mode, there is a safe to the left side wall, and the safe key is located behind the left tree. She glanced in my direction for a moment, and...our eyes met. In the future, the key to the katana place will be put somewhere harder to find. This game is currently in development. Before 1989, Enrollment was dictated by Saisho Saikou's daughter, meaning that she decided who enrolled and who did and did not attend the school. But once the idea was in (read as: idea's in) my head, it was...impossible to just stop thinking about it. Nobody wants to attend a school where a serial killer might be running loose! That's the whole reason I'm recording this right now.

I asked the secretary if it would be alright to begin the meeting early, but... she refused... ...She told me that Mr. Saikou had another appointment right before mine, and that I'd have to wait my turn before I could see him. How often? The past few years weren't too bad, but now...for the first time since the school opened, enrollment is actually lower than the previous year. It's not... That girl, that...MONSTER! To be honest, I'm not sure if I really believe this is happening! Globalization spread Japanese culture across the face of the planet. Log in sign up. The Mysterious Obstacle (A currently unknown student in Yandere Simulator) will not be present in YanderX. Yandere Simulator Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. I guess Mr. Saikou could tell I was nervous, because he gave me a gift - this portable tape recorder! The silence lasted for about fifteen incredibly tense and uncomfortable minutes. I'm responsible for it, and...everyone inside of it. The Mysterious Tapes are narrated by The Journalist, as he details his life from the events of 1989 to 2019. Young people, who had promising futures, whose lives I was responsible for! They intend to occupy this room for a full semester...and they have made it very clear that they are not to be disturbed for any reason. I don't know how anyone could have managed to accomplish something like that, but...I can only assume that this person must've been...some kind computer hacker. I'm going to dig for answers until I'm forced to stop. It's a win-win. Just a stupid object where you can store your thoughts without consequence. It, it's not your fault, or, or anything, it happens because they're just...they're just, this, this crazy, screwed-up person! The secretary was silent for a few moments, and then gave me some generic platitude about how "the details of Mr. Saikou's appointments must be kept strictly confidential.". At first, I thought it was some kind of...long-term business plan. Her current whereabouts are unknown. Even if I told the world what he confided in me, the media would never run the story...and it would quickly be dismissed as a baseless rumor or...crackpot conspiracy theory. I remember that my hand was actually...trembling as I gripped the handle. The different game mechanics and tapes of Yandere Simulator. Without justice. I sacrificed the best years of my life for this school. By now, almost everyone who pulled a trigger of launched a bomb during World War 2 was dead or elderly, so revenge had lost all meaning.

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