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A drivers license is required to receive a visitor badge. Designated smoking areas are located outside the Hospital buildings. Information on visiting St. Louis Children's Hospital including visiting hours, directions, and what to expect as a patient or visitor. Friends and family can also call the Gift Shop to have these items delivered to a patient. You can find wall units of gel throughout the units, at the nurse stations and in patient rooms. Please respect our quiet hours from 8: 00 pm - 8:00 am daily. Visiting hours: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. Parents are welcome to be with their children 24 hours a day unless otherwise advised by medical or nursing staff. Notices concerning concealed weapons are posted on all hospital and parking lot entrances. But our greatest reward is helping kids and their families enjoy a healthier, brighter future. Wash your hands after using the restroom or changing a diaper. Visitors need to check in with a staff member at the front desk. 110 N. 175th St., Suite 1000 Assessing your child and taking their vital signs (temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure) every 4 or 8 hours. Our ED also offers nasal swab testing and saliva testing for COVID-19. Directions to testing sites and other information will be provided. Clean your hands thoroughly before and after you visit a patient.
Parents and legal guardians are welcome to visit any time. If you have questions about using the elevator system, please see the Welcome Desk. A member of our team will help you get a badge. General visiting hours are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily for any healthy individual who’d like to visit a hospitalized patient. If for any reason you do not get a pass or ID badge when you first arrive, please try to do so as soon as possible during your visit because visitors without a pass will be stopped by Security.
Parents/caregivers who are sick with COVID-19 or live with someone who is sick with COVID-19 should follow the CDC’s recommendation and stay home for 14 days from their last exposure. Place dirty diapers on the bathroom scale and notify the care team. Learn more about Amazon Lockers. Online learning can take some adjustment. : Making Your Child’s Care a Safe and Positive Experience, Pediatric Advanced Life Support Courses (PALS), Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition and Stabilization (PEARS), Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course (ENPC), Allied Health & Other Healthcare Professionals, Children’s Specialty Pediatric Clinic – Lincoln, Outpatient Rehabilitative Services Clinic – Lincoln, Outpatient Surgery Center at West Village Pointe, Sports Physical Therapy Clinic at Spring Ridge, Nondiscrimination Statement & Language Our goal is to make sure you understand what to expect during your visit and feel as comfortable as possible. Wearing a mask at all times when you are around other individuals, including your child’s care provider. All other visitors, like family and friends, will need to present a photo ID at the Welcome Desk and will receive a one-day visitor ID badge. Our staff may remind you to put on a mask when you are around others without one. Please bring your badge with you each day you visit your child. We screen patients and parents/caregivers for the following COVID-19 symptoms at our Welcome Desks and check-in areas at all locations: fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat and/or respiratory symptoms. Please refrain from visiting Children’s Hospital Los Angeles if you are sick or experiencing any flu-like symptoms. Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough. During the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, Children’s National is taking extra steps to protect our patients, families and staff. If you are staying with your child overnight and need to leave the ward, speak to the nursing staff. While every child’s inpatient experience is unique, here’s an idea of what to expect — and how to prepare for — a hospital stay at Children’s.
Visiting hours end at 8pm and doors into the hospital are locked at 8.30pm. Visiting hours As a parent or guardian, you are welcome to stay in the hospital with your child 24 hours a day, although there is room for only one parent to sleep overnight.
Waterless gel is available for your use throughout the hospital. If both parents/caregivers are not healthy, please notify your child’s care team immediately. Visitations help patients feel at peace, stay connected to those they care about and help them heal. This includes all public places, such as the hallway and cafeteria.
9 a.m. - 9 p.m. daily Parents are welcome 24 hours per day. In an effort to stop the spread of illnesses like seasonal flu, visiting hours are occasionally limited to parents and guardians only. Children’s Health is proud to become the first pediatric health system in the country to offer Amazon Lockers, self-service kiosks that allow you to pick up your Amazon packages when and where you need them most – 24 hours a day, seven days a week. © 2020 Children's Health.
All visitors to the hospital will be screened on a daily basis. Anyone found to be carrying weapons or other dangerous materials will be asked to leave immediately and may now be prosecuted. Also, remind your visitors that they cannot enter the hospital if they are sick, for the safety of our patients. A caregiver must be an adult over the age of 18. Visitors with colds, coughs or other contagious illnesses must remain at home until they are well. Read about your rights and how we protect your data. If you use your hands to cover your sneeze or cough, wash them right away with soap and water or use waterless gel if soap and water are not easily available. Completing daily rounds, typically between 6 a.m. and noon. Assistance, iy_2020; im_10; id_14; ih_20; imh_49; i_epoch:1.60273377745E+12, py_2020; pm_10; pd_10; ph_13; pmh_26; p_epoch:1.60236159594E+12, link-block-publisher; link-block-publisher_link-block-publisher; bodystr, pn_tstr:Sat Oct 10 13:26:35 PST 2020; pn_epoch:1.60236159594E+12,, Comfy clothes, house shoes, and pajamas for you and your child, Your child’s favorite stuffed animal or blanket, Bedside nurse who completes assessments, gives medications, and communicates with your child’s doctors, Charge nurse who monitors the entire floor of patients and can help other nurses with any patient issues, Child care partner (CCP) who measures your child’s vital signs, and assists with bathing, walking, and bathroom needs, Physicians, residents, nurse practitioners, and/or physician assistants, who can give medical updates on how your child is doing and answer any questions about your child’s treatments, procedures or tests, Respiratory therapist (RT) who does lung assessments and administers breathing medications. We understand that in many cases, a runny nose or sneezing may be caused by allergies. The health and safety of our patients, families and staff is important. Other guests are encouraged to visit between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. Because a good night’s rest is an important part of recovery, we recommend that siblings not spend the night at the hospital.
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