We are on the 'read 1000 books before kindergarten' path and we will easily be able to do it here and never, ever get bored. Best library! This charming, lovely and well-run library is why I will keep going back with my daughter. I feel so lucky to have such a nice one in the community.It's small, but they have a good selection of books, audiobooks, films, etc. https://www.mapquest.com/us/texas/bee-cave-public-library-304032802 This library is affiliated with Bee Cave Public Library (view map) Mailing Address: Bee Cave Public Library . The answer is much more likely to be "recently" if you have children, but for many adults, it's probably been a while.

Thank you guys! Bee Cave Public Library is CLOSED until further notice. 2 other reviews that are not currently recommended. Moral to the story, if you are looking for a classic library environment where you look at books, read books or even do work on your computer in a respectable environment this is not it! Organizational structure: This is a publicly funded and managed library. I just moved to Bee Cave. Movie theater nearby. Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4), Citizen Police Academy Eligibility Requirements, Accepting Applications for Commission and Boards, Governor Issues Order Further Easing Restrictions on Bars, Businesses. Online Catalog. Any place you can go to and check out books to read for free (yes, taxes, blah blah, you get what I mean) is a GIFT. Address: Library details: Bee Cave Public Library is a Public library. The library serves a population of 4,076 residents . Friendly folks, a great kid's story time program, decent selection, and great location for me makes this an easy library choice. Connect to: Library Web Site Online Catalog.

Absolutely wonderful library! City Government | Yeah this is a thing for me. My kids 9 and 6 love visiting Bee Cave library. Bee Cave Public Library is located on the ground floor of Bee Cave City Hall, in the Hill Country Galleria, just west of Austin, Texas. You can check out books instead of buying them, so there's a small savings right there from your entertainment budget. While I consider myself to be quite animated during story time with my toddler, having a little help is always a bonus. The library serves a population of 4,076 residents . Record History: This listing was created on Jan 5, 2006 and was last modified on Sep 22, 2020. In fact, all libraries are a gift. Remote Desktop | It's a pleasant way to remind yourself of the good things in our world. Or, you can report corrections just by sending a message to Marshall Breeding. One day all I had was a 20 dollar bill to pay for some pages I had printed out. Remote Email, © 2020 Bee Cave, TX. Shocked I asked the librarians about is and they said "well this it how it is in the summer when school is out" but all these kids where toddlers! Ridiculous. First, a visit to the library will take you back to your childhood if you're fortunate enough to have those memories. The ladies who work there are extremely helpful. How long has it been since you've visited a public library? Second, libraries are free. Please wait until you've been notified by email, text, or phone call that your items are ready before coming to the library. Watch this fun video! Phone: (512) 767-6620 E-mail Bee Cave Public Library Mailbox. I frequent my local library, Bee Cave Public Library, whenever I visit the Galleria. The rest of the reasons why it is just plain awesome: Technology: you can log in and download books straight to your mobile device(s.)  Free wi-fi, computer access, foreign language audio books, learning Apps, the list goes on. The selection of books are wonderful: an eclectic mix that adds some diversity to your reading repertoire and can keep you away from the mundane. Claim your business to immediately update business information, respond to reviews, and more! Bee Cave Public Library is located on the first floor of Bee Cave City Hall in the Hill Country Galleria, located at the intersection of Texas Highway 71, Ranch Road 620, and FM 2244 in the City of Bee Cave, Texas. They're a home for people who love to read, pure and simple. Absolutely wonderful library! Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Copyright © 2004–2020 Yelp Inc. Yelp, , and related marks are registered trademarks of Yelp. Updates: Corrections or Updates? Site Map | They have a ton of community groups and events, and it's right in the middle of the galleria next to town hall.I love coming here because I know I will always leave with a smile and at least one great book. Administration: The director of the library is Front Door Pickup is available during limited hours--see below.
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.css-1o5pw2t{width:24px;height:24px;display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;position:relative;overflow:hidden;top:-0.1em;fill:rgba(187,186,192,1);}.css-1o5pw2t::before{position:absolute;display:block;left:0;}.css-1o5pw2t::after{content:'';display:block;position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;}.css-1o5pw2t svg{position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;fill:inherit;display:block;left:0;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;}.css-1o5pw2t:hover,.css-1o5pw2t:focus{fill:rgba(117,114,128,1);}. I do love their Ebook collection, many choices, can watch on any device and auto return. There was also a man eating his lunch while talking on his cell. Bee Cave Public Library is located on the ground floor of Bee Cave City Hall, in the Hill Country Galleria, just west of Austin, Texas. Incoming materials will be quarantined before checking in to minimize the risk of contamination, so they will remain on your account for a few days after you have returned them. Your trust is our top concern, so businesses can't pay to alter or remove their reviews. Barbara Hathaway We offer a wide range of materials and programs for children, teens, and adults, and strive to create a warm and welcoming place for our community. She didn't have change so she let me pay the next day :) so sweet! Wondering how Front Door Pickup works? Quaint, lovely little library with a well curated selection of titles. There are better ones than just great. Visitors | This entry is from the Directory of Public Libraries in the United States. 78738 Quaint, lovely little library with a well curated selection of titles. I asked the librarians so what happened to silence in libraries and they all just stared at me blankly and shrugged their shoulders. This directory is a component of Library Technology Guides. It is small, but worth every book.

Learn more. Was excited to check out the little local library only to walk in basically to a Day Care. Everyone who works here is exceptionally friendly and helpful.Their summer reading program is awesome, gives great incentives for reading more. libraries.org is a free directory of libraries throughout the world. Registration is free and easy. Third, libraries are at the heart of what makes our communities great. United States, Connect to: Library Web Site✔   The staff are always friendly and ready to help. I'd like to remind all the Yelpers out there to visit their own public libraries, and here are some reasons why. Contact Us | If you're reading this review, I'd like to be up front about my purpose here. The collection of the library contains 26,901 volumes. I like the dvd rental and hope they can expand the collection to have more choices. Association of Southeastern Research Libraries, Independent Research Libraries Association, Academic Law Libraries in the United States, Directory of Public Libraries in the United States, Directory of Public Libraries in the United Kingdom, https://librarytechnology.org/library/28269.

Seriously, this is American heaven. Learn more HERE. It's not the Library of Congress, but serving the Bee Cave area, it doesn't need to be. I feel so lucky to have such a nice one in the community. We offer a wide range of materials and programs for children, teens, and adults, and strive to create a warm and welcoming place for our community. Yelp users haven’t asked any questions yet about. This charming, lovely and well-run library is why I will keep going back with my daughter. This library is affiliated with Bee Cave Public Library . Children's Books and read along DVDs. First of all, location, right in the heart of the Bee Cave Galleria, offering such a perfect day: shopping, library story time for toddlers, lunch and ice cream afterwards. The library circulates 158,181 items per year. Find more Libraries near Bee Cave Public Library. Services | Already registered? Props and letter learning: it is almost like an hour of free pre-school.

All late fees and fines have been waived. Second, cleanliness. Thank you for your patience as we develop new ways to serve you safely. The outdoor book drops are open for return of materials. Toddler story time - this story time is so well-run, complete with city employee visitors (Police and Fireman) and tours of police cars and the like. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government. Contact Information:. See all photos from Valencia D. for Bee Cave Public Library. See also: Directory of Public Libraries in the United States, See also: Directory of Public Libraries in Texas. All Rights Reserved. The children's area is always clean and kept so neat and tidy. | This entry is from the Directory of Public Libraries in Texas . I said, so anything goes here? Nonetheless, adults were on their cell phones, others having conversations while their kids were running around screaming, a tutoring session that was very loud, as if it were a local coffee shop. Businesses | Look, any library is great. 4000 Galleria Parkway Residents | My kids already know who they need to ask for help. Their answer, well we are a little library. Directions: Bee Cave Public Library is located on the first floor of Bee Cave City Hall in the Hill Country Galleria, located at the intersection of Texas Highway 71, Ranch Road 620, and FM 2244 in the City of Bee Cave, Texas. Please contact Marshall Breeding About Us | The staff is so sweet and helpful I wouldn't go to any other library! login. The collection of the library contains 26,901 volumes. Texas 4000 Galleria Parkway Bee Cave, Texas 78738 Bee Cave, So many reasons to love this library.

Finally, It's easy to get a library card if you want to check out books, but even if you just want to walk in for a visit, drop by sometime and take a walk through the aisles. When you arrive, call us at 512.767.6620 and your items will be placed on a table at the front doors facing the plaza for no-contact pickup. Bee Cave Public Library is located on the ground floor of Bee Cave City Hall, in the Hill Country Galleria, just west of Austin, Texas.
Home | Please check the online calendar on our website (see link above) for holiday hours and a complete schedule of programs and activities. The library circulates 158,181 items per year. to report corrections about information listed for this library. Registered members of Library Technology Guides can submit updates to library listings in libraries.org. Please check the online calendar on our website (see link above) for holiday hours and a complete schedule of programs and activities.…. Wait: it IS an hour of free pre-school. Directions: Staff will continue to answer phone calls and emails on a limited basis. Permalink:  https://librarytechnology.org/library/28269(Use this link to refer back to this listing.). It's a wonderful library to be sure, but there are many others in our fair city deserving of a visit. I am not a frequent library visitor but I do enjoy it whenever I go. This library is responsible for the procurement of the library automation system. Yelp users haven’t asked any questions yet about Bee Cave Public Library. Contact the business for more information about recent service changes. Wireless: The library offers wireless access to the Internet.

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