cymlīc; cyme suitable (fr. The Gaussian distribution that comes from Boltzmann-Gibbs ensemble interferes with the Poissonian one that comes from the additivity of the entropy. comly (comparative more comly or comlier, superlative most comly or comliest) Obsolete form of comely. I must come, when I've specially come up to London to see you. Etymology . Continuing to use this site, you agree with this. [bef. It's cheer that comes from the decorations, the swing of the jazz band, the atmosphere, the sense of spirit and a hot meal that keep her coming back each year. 2006 … Law dictionary, comely — beautiful, handsome, c.1400, probably from O.E. I only heard that he might be coming from Adelaide, and then that he wasn't coming. favor ( n.) an advantage to the benefit of someone or something; the outcome was in his favor. [OE. Pleasing or agreeable to the sight; well proportioned; good looking; handsome.
The ï¬rst term is the contribution of the loop, the second comes from the boundary condition and the last one comes from the arm. 2013. More than two-dozen jobs are coming to Cherokee County with plans of a chemical maker coming to the Upstate. ". The coming fiscal cliff might be a sign of football good times to come. Cognate with Middle Dutch komlick, komelick, Middle High German komelīh, gomelīh. Live, he says, I am coming.”. Ascham. Her sweetheart usually was Philander. What does comely mean? See beautiful. to cyme exquisite (c. MHG … Universalium, We are using cookies for the best presentation of our site. very pleasing to the eye; a comely face.
Continuing to use this site, you agree with this. Meaning of comely. cyml[=i]c; cyme suitable (fr.
2. proper; seemly; becoming: comely behavior. Related: Pertly; pertness. This page was last edited on 1 October 2020, at 18:08. comely Synonyms Handsome, Pretty, etc. Functionals of the Brownian motion, localization and metric graphs. comeliness, n. /kum lee/, adj., comelier, comeliest. "It's real dangerous," Panthers defensive end Greg Hardy said of the Bears' offense, "and you knew coming out that we were going to have to come out , grind it out and hit them in the mouth.". Definitions of favor from WordNet. Ascham. And to have a little girl come into his life!
{Comelier}; superl. All Free. comely: translation. If this is not the source, it at least influenced the vowel. O.H.G. Been very busy doing other things Since folks want it to come back, it will be coming back. De Yankees come by, and a man had stopped dere just before dey come.
Been very busy doing other things Since folks want it to come back, it will be coming back . In English, often spelled Phillis, probably from influence of phil- "loving."
The comely 17-year-old from Siberia insists she’s nothing like Anna Kournikova, since Sharapova works hard on her game and already owns a breakthrough victory. The mixed functors of the category Fquad: a first study. cuman to come, become) + l[=i]c like.]
[1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English, Comely — Come ly, adv. Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2020, WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2020, ⓘ One or more forum threads is an exact match of your searched term. Other Dictionary Sources Very pleasing to the eye ("a comely face") Synonyms: bonnie, bonny, fair, and sightly. 1000; ME cumli, OE cymlic lovely, equiv. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English, Comely — Come ly, adv. Suppose Mr Isaac Dempster should have come out into the office and found I had gone out! Synonyms: favour. comely ( adj.) comely ( adj.) These women were much more, It is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is. 1. favor ( n.) an act of gracious kindness; Synonyms: favour. Help WordReference: Ask in the forums yourself. adjective (comelier; est) Etymology: Middle English comly, alteration of Old English cȳmlic glorious, from cȳme lively, fine; akin to Old High German kūmig weak Date: 13th century 1. pleasurably conforming to notions of good appearance
1000; ME cumli, OE cymlic lovely, equiv. O.H.G. Ripeness is all.”, “Death twitches my ear. Become a WordReference Supporter to view the site ad-free. {Comelier}; superl. Adjective . bad looking, despicable,… … New thesaurus, comely — ► ADJECTIVE (comelier, comeliest) archaic or humorous ▪ pleasant to look at; attractive. Cognate with Middle Dutch komlick, komelick, Middle High German komelīh, gomelīh. The generic use was so common that for a time the name was a verb meaning "to celebrate in amatory verses. comelier, comeliest [ME comli < OE cymlic < cyme, lovely, delicate, orig., feeble; akin to MHG kume, weak (Ger kaum, scarcely) < IE base * gou , to cry out > Gr goaein, to groan, bewail] 1. pleasant to look at;… … English World dictionary, comely — UK [ˈkʌmlɪ] / US adjective Word forms comely : adjective comely comparative comelier superlative comeliest old fashioned a comely woman or girl is attractive … English dictionary, comely — comelily, adv. They say that good things come in small packages, and that is certainly true when it comes to this beautiful, newly updated, luxury two-level condominium at The Landing in Fall River.
[bef. Anagrams . In a becoming manner. 2006 … Law dictionary, comely — beautiful, handsome, c.1400, probably from O.E. comely.
cyml[=i]c; cyme suitable (fr. OED compares the sense range of nice.
Coming out, Gainsborough sighted Mrs Trumbler coming up High Street and Miss S. coming down it. See beautiful. c. 1200, "decent, suitable, proper to the time, place, circumstances, or persons;" late 14c., "handsome, fair, graceful, pleasing in appearance" (of a man, woman, or thing), probably from Old English cymlic "lovely, splendid, finely made," from cyme "exquisite, glorious, delicate," which is apparently from West Germanic *kumi- "delicate, feeble" (source also of Old High German chumo "with difficulty," chumig "weak, delicate;" German kaum "hardly, scarcely"). Sense of "saucy, impudent" is recorded from late 14c. comeliche, AS.
{Comeliest}.] DERIVATIVES comeliness noun. The coming fiscal cliff might be a sign of football good times to come . fem. {Comeliest}.]
[Compar. Suitably or fittingly; gracefully; handsomely; in a pleasing manner. DERIVATIVES comeliness noun.
Etymology: OE. DERIVATIVES comeliness noun. If you'll come I'll run up and put a chair ready, and then come back for you. comeliness, n. /kum lee/, adj., comelier, comeliest. mid-13c., "evident, unconcealed, manifest, apparent to the eye;" early 14c., "attractive, comely, of good appearance," shortened form of Middle English apert "open, frank," from Old French apert, from Latin apertus, past participle of aperire "to open" (see overt). according with custom or propriety; comely behavior. xomely, domely, fomely, vomely, cimely, ckmely, clmely, cpmely, conely, cojely, cokely, comwly, comsly, comdly, comrly, comeky, comeoy, comepy, comelt, comelg, comelh, comelu, "my bonny lass","there's a bonny bay beyond","a comely face","young fair maidens", "her becoming modesty","comely behavior","it is not comme il faut for a gentleman to be constantly asking for money","a decent burial","seemly behavior". a comely woman or girl is attractive. cymlic lovely, splendid, finely made, from cyme exquisite, glorious, delicate, from W.Gmc. Contayned in II Bookes. Synonyms: bonny / bonnie / fair / sightly.
cuman to come, become) + l[=i]c like.] comeliche, AS. ORIGIN probably shortened from becomely «fitting, becoming» … English terms dictionary, comely — [kum′lē] adj. Browse for all the origins, histories, and meanings of Comely … [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English, comely — index attractive Burton s Legal Thesaurus. Toxophilus, the Schole, or Partitions, of Shooting. Origin of comely before 1000; Middle English cumli, Old English cȳmlīc lovely, equivalent to cȳme exquisite (cognate with Middle High German kūme weak, tender, German kaum (adv.)
He thought some one would come to inquire.
Comely can be traced back to an Old English word meaning "lovely, glorious, or fine." Definition of comely in the dictionary. "He that is comely when old and decrepit, surely was very beautiful when he was young.
"Money is always an issue when it comes to anything in your life, Kristies Kare or adult daycare is half the cost of at home care and we will help you get secure funding so that you can come visit us," said Johnson. ), "a poem" (not in the theatrical sense) and directly from Latin comoedia, from Greek kōmōidia "a comedy, amusing spectacle," probably [Beekes] from kōmōidos "actor or singer in the revels," from kōmos "revel, carousal, merry-making, festival" + aoidos "singer, poet," from aeidein "to … comely Decent; suitable; proper; becoming; suited to time, place, circumstances, or persons. cymol adverb Come"ly In a becoming manner. proper name, in old pastoral poems and plays a generic proper name for a comely rustic maiden (1630s), from Latin Phyllis, a girl's name in Virgil, Horace, etc., from Greek Phyllis, female name, literally "foliage of a tree," from phyllon "a leaf" (from PIE *bholyo-"leaf," suffixed form of … Handsome; graceful; symmetrical; pleasing in appearance: said of the person or of any part of it, and also of things. *kumi delicate, feeble (Cf. comeliche, AS.
Decent; suitable; proper; becoming; suited to time, place, circumstances, or persons.
kaum hardly, scarcely … Etymology dictionary, comely — adj fair, pretty, bonny, handsome, lovely, *beautiful, good looking, beauteous, pulchritudinous Antonyms: homely … New Dictionary of Synonyms, comely — [adj] beautiful a ten*, attractive, beauteous, becoming, blooming, buxom, fair, fine, good looking, gorgeous, graceful, handsome, nice, pleasing, pretty, pulchritudinous, stunning, wholesome, winsome; concept 579 Ant. “From listening comes wisdom and from speaking, repentance.”, “Everything comes if a man will only wait.”, “When death comes it is never our tenderness that we repent from, but our severity.”, “Death always comes too early or too late.”, “Men must endure, their going hence even as their coming hither.
The history of Comely originates from a unknown background. *kumi delicate, feeble (Cf. OK, Usage of the words and phrases in modern English, The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. [OE. come|ly [ `kʌmli ] adjective OLD-FASHIONED. ", "Not once perceive their foul disfigurement, "It is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely .". cuman to come, become) + līc like. comely Handsome; graceful; symmetrical; pleasing in appearance: said of the person or of any part of it, and also of things. The news comes as highly caffeinated energy drinks and shots have come under increasing fire after reports this week that 5-Hour Energy shots have been linked to 13 deaths in FDA "adverse event" reports. comely - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums.
From Middle English comly. Aside from beautiful itself, we have lovely, handsome,pretty,fair,good-looking,gorgeous,ravishing, and even well-favored. 2013.
According with custom or propriety ("comely behavior") Synonyms: becoming, comme il faut, decorous, and seemly. chumo with difficulty, chumig weak, delicate; Ger.
kaum hardly, scarcely … Etymology dictionary, comely — adj fair, pretty, bonny, handsome, lovely, *beautiful, good looking, beauteous, pulchritudinous Antonyms: homely … New Dictionary of Synonyms, comely — [adj] beautiful a ten*, attractive, beauteous, becoming, blooming, buxom, fair, fine, good looking, gorgeous, graceful, handsome, nice, pleasing, pretty, pulchritudinous, stunning, wholesome, winsome; concept 579 Ant. cymlic lovely, splendid, finely made, from cyme exquisite, glorious, delicate, from W.Gmc. Information and translations of comely in the most comprehensive … Comely — Sire Disguise Grandsire Domino Dam Pretty Maiden Damsire Kingston Sex Filly … Wikipedia, Comely — Come ly (k[u^]m l[y^]), a. Pleasing or agreeable to the sight; well proportioned; good looking; handsome.
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