Kelsey Wallace is a writer, producer and editor for television and publications including Oregon Public Broadcasting and Bitch magazine.
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These may be done in the delivery room, in the nursery, or in your room, depending on the hospital policy and the condition of the baby. an area in a hospital equipped for delivering babies. See more. n. 1. A nurse will monitor your labor and your baby’s heart rate, either once per hour or continuously.
But if labor is progressing slowly, you may be sent home at this point. A nurse will also help you use the bathroom for the first time after birth, especially if you had an epidural. The labor and delivery room is where you’ll spend most of your time while in labor at the hospital. If you’re planning on a hospital birth, you’re in good company: over 98 percent of births in the U.S. happen in hospitals. A room to which an obstetrical patient may be taken for childbirth. Ask about this during your tour and keep the number in mind as you write your birth plan. Check with yours to find out their policies.)
A room or an area in a hospital that is equipped for delivering babies. Nurses will come and check on you every few hours, refilling your water and making sure you have plenty of ice. birthing room a hospital room that is utilized for labor and delivery. “Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean? A brief, physical exam is done to check for obvious signs that the baby is healthy. Describe 2020 In Just One Word? They change shifts every eight to 12 hours, so the nurses you meet when you arrive might be different than the ones there when you give birth in the hospital. Friends and family can visit you in this room (and meet your new baby!)
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