... (Bruce and Peggy MacKinnon) Subject: s/steely_dan/corrected version:home_at_last.crd _____ This is one of the more straightforward Steely Dan tunes in terms chord vs. bassline and all those funky Fagen keyboard voicings.
Subject: s/steely_dan/corrected version:home_at_last.crd This is one of the more straightforward Steely Dan tunes in terms chord vs. bassline and all those funky Fagen keyboard voicings.
If there are any typos or whatever, please e-mail me, Bruce MacKinnon. Difficulty: advanced. Yes No. Some of the more common piano voicings of the mu major chord are more challenging to play on the guitar.
In the key of G, the mu major chord has the notes: G A B D, In the key of E, the mu major chord has the notes: E F# G# B. The chord vocabulary used by Steely Dan is much richer and more jazz-influenced than most other groups, so the sound of a mu major in this context will be different from the use of an "ordinary add2 chord" in the context of more simple chords. Chordie is a
Easy! Although you can play the chord on the guitar as well as a keyboard, things are easier on the keyboard as there is much more freedom to choose different voicings.
... (Bruce and Peggy MacKinnon) Subject: s/steely_dan/corrected version:home_at_last.crd _____ This is one of the more straightforward Steely Dan tunes in terms chord vs. bassline and all those funky Fagen keyboard voicings. (Read the. So the chord itself is not unique to Steely Dan - but the way Donald and Walter used the chord, the voicings they chose, and the chord changes they used it in made it something rather special in Steely Dan music. If you still run into problems with certain chords you will probably need to leave out the bass note and just play the top notes of the chord. Guitar Tabs Universe What does it sound like? I'm fairly certain the chords are correct. For guitarists, the answer is to try and find ways of using open strings in mu major chords wherever possible. F11 A7 G♯13 C♯7 D7. search engine for finding guitar chords and guitar tabs. Gm9. CHORD FORMATIONS: EADGBE EADGBE EADGBE EADGBE EADGBE EADGBE 353333 x6878x 6x776x x5756x 464544 x35343 Gm7 Ebmaj7 Bbmaj7 Dm7 Ab7 Cm7 EADGBE EADGBE EADGBE EADGBE EADGBE X88888 575655 4X456X X4342X X5453X F11 A7 Ab13 Db7 D7 If there are any typos or whatever, please e-mail me, Bruce MacKinnon at: bpmack.atcon.com "Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down … The usual name for this chord is an add2 chord, sometimes also called an add9 chord. Chords Texts DAN STEELY Home At Last.
Key Variations. You need Flash player 9+ and JavaScript enabled to view this video. reset password, language * The best way to get used to the sound of the mu major chord is by playing the examples described below on a guitar or keyboard. If there are any typos or whatever, please e-mail me, Bruce MacKinnon. chord vs. bassline and all those funky Fagen keyboard voicings. The mu major chord is something musicically inclined Steely Dan fans have often asked themselves about. The original song is hosted at www.guitaretab.com. Author CPWKruger [a] 6,148. Tuning: E A D G B E. Key: Bb. Home At Last by Steely Dan Chords Different Versions Chords, Tab, Tabs. at: bpmack.atcon.com "Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your trousers, and slide on the ice" -Sydney Freidman. The chord, or rather the name mu major, was invented by Donald Fagen and Walter Becker, quite possibly while sitting at the piano working on their early demos in the late 60s/early 70s.
In other words, move your thumb up a note so the right hand now plays ABD.
The idea of the mu major chord was almost certainly conceived at the piano. Just what is the mysterious Steely Dan mu (µ) major chord? Where this cannot be done, try alternative fingerings and positions for the chord. On the guitar however, it can be more difficult to achieve this dissonance. ), (Tab out of the input box to set the playback rate. Choose and determine which version of Home At Last chords and tabs by Dan Steely you can play.
[Steely Dan guitar tab & chords]
Was this info helpful? login EADGBE Intro. Espanol Guitar chords and guitar tablature made easy. Here are a few guitar chord shapes for the mu major that you can try. [Steely Dan Index] (Tab out of the input box to update the volume.
[Home] Because there are only six strings to use, and you use just one hand to select the notes, the choices are more limited and mu major chord shapes may involve more of a stretch than simpler chords.
Sheet music arranged for Piano/Vocal/Guitar in E Major (transposable). Includes fully scored instrumental passages. Steely Dan — Home At Last Chords. [G Dm Gm Eb Bb D Cm F Db] Chords for Steely Dan - Home At Last with capo transposer, play along with guitar, piano, ukulele & mandolin. Examples of the mu major in Steely Dan songs, Compuserve chat where Donald talks about the mu major.
View interactive tab. Mu major chords that use one or more open strings are the easiest ones to play on the guitar, for example G mu: 3x020x, D mu: xx0252 and A mu: x0242x (see table of mu major guitar shapes below).
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