or okay, advance, begin, continue, go forward, go on, proceed, progress, acquiesce, agree, assent, concur, cooperate, follow, accompany, carry on, escort, join, keep up, move, pass, travel, argue, attack, blame, blast, criticize, go for the jugular, impugn, lambast(e), put down, set about, tear into, leave, make tracks, move out, pack one's bags, change one's mind, desert, forsake, renege, repudiate, retract, agent, broker, dealer, factor, intermediary, liaison, mediator, medium, middleman, elapse, exceed, flow on, move onward, pass, proceed, adopt, be guided by, follow, heed, judge from, observe, take as guide, be beaten, collapse, decline, decrease, drop, fall, founder, go under, lose, set, sink, submerge, submit, suffer defeat, be commemorated, be recalled, be recorded, be remembered, make a name for oneself, make one's mark, progress, succeed, clutch at, fetch, obtain, reach, seek, stretch for, admire, be attracted to, be fond of, choose, favour, hold with, like, prefer, assail, assault, attack, launch oneself at, rush upon, set about or upon, spring upon, adopt, embrace, engage in, enter, espouse, practise, pursue, take up, undertake, begin, develop, enter, participate in, undertake, analyse, consider, delve into, discuss, examine, inquire into, investigate, look into, probe, pursue, research, review, scrutinize, study, work over, continue, endure, happen, last, occur, persist, proceed, stay, blether, carry on, chatter, prattle, rabbit, be extinguished, die out, expire, fade out, examine, inspect, rehearse, reiterate, review, revise, study, work over, bear, brave, endure, experience, suffer, tolerate, undergo, withstand, check, examine, explore, forage, hunt, look, search, work over, accord, agree, fit, harmonize, make a pair, match, founder, go down, sink, submerge, succumb, accompany, agree, blend, complement, concur, correspond, fit, harmonize, match, suit, abstain, be denied, be deprived of, deny oneself, do without, go short, lack, want, blithe, carefree, casual, devil-may-care, easy-going, heedless, improvident, insouciant, irresponsible, light-hearted, nonchalant, unconcerned, untroubled, careworn, cheerless, gloomy, melancholy, morose, sad, serious, unhappy, hazardous, near, nerve-racking, parlous, perilous, precarious, risky, sticky, English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus, Collaborative Dictionary     English Definition. I really didn't need some fancy high-end PC. the infection went around the whole community, to proceed, esp. I'll go with you to the supermarket if we also stop by the ice cream shop. I think we should go with yellow for the walls.

To follow along with someone or something; to act in accordance with another's actions, especially when their motive or goal is unknown. All rights reserved. If you go all outto do something or go all outfor something, you make the greatest possible effort to do it or get it.

Can you relax for even five minutes? He wants to go steady with her.

It took us two goes to get the colour right. as in ride. We decided to go with the pink wallpaper, even though it doesn't match our carpet. (University of California Regent Ward Connerly)(Interview).

to or from a point or in a certain direction, tr; takes an infinitive, often with to omitted or replaced by: and, to proceed towards a particular person or place with some specified intention or purpose, to start, as in a race: often used in commands, this train service goes to the east coast, to enter into a specified state or condition, to be or continue to be in a specified state or condition, to be applied or allotted to a particular purpose or recipient, her wealth went to her son, his money went on drink, to be sold or otherwise transferred to a recipient, the necklace went for three thousand pounds, these chairs won't go with the rest of your furniture.

Mary said she will go with you to the store. This is my quote and definition.

For example, you say the story goes or the argument goes just before you quote all or part of it. I made a sauce to go with the meat. Definition of 'go with'. I just went with a basic laptop in the end.

to have a romantic relationship with someone. Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). EG. Search to go with it and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. He went with the last busload. To be in a romantic or sexual relationship with someone. I got a new job this year where I am on the go all the time. (Part 1: Health Care Futures), "Racial preferences are dead." E.g: I wondered all day long how to solve this problem and it suddenly hit me...I had to talk to Marry. Just go with it, OK? If you say that there are a particular number of things to go, you mean that they still remain to be dealt with. she's really up for it: elle est partante, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All English simple definitions from our dictionary. I heard that Carol is going with the guy who works downstairs. Nos partenaires et nous-mêmes stockerons et/ou utiliserons des informations concernant votre appareil, par l’intermédiaire de cookies et de technologies similaires, afin d’afficher des annonces et des contenus personnalisés, de mesurer les audiences et les contenus, d’obtenir des informations sur les audiences et à des fins de développement de produit. (of music, poetry, etc.) She just has a lot more experience with this kind of work. You use expressions like as things go or as children go when you are describing one person or thing and comparing them with others of the same kind.

: I will lose it if we keep listening to this song. [Slang];[US];[Fam.] I always wanted to have a go at football..., She won on her first go..., Her hair was bright orange. To support or maintain the same position of someone. We'll be perfectly safe. with/against the stream/tide. they are asking what should be done next, usually because a problem has not been solved in a satisfactory way. Mary started going with Bill after she broke up with her boyfriend.

: I will lose it if we keep listening to this song. my dog went missing for three days, face a specific situation; act in a certain way.

to depart in the company of someone or a group. to lose interest in one's appearance, manners, etc. If a bell goes, it makes a noise, usually as a signal for you to do something. I could tell Tom was making up the story on the spot to convince his parents, so I just went with it. The risk of injury goes with being a firefighter. If one thing goes with another, they suit each other or they look or taste good together: 2. To choose or opt for someone or something. E.g. Learn more. 9. I really didn't need some fancy high-end PC. go with - be present or associated with an event or entity; "French fries come with the hamburger"; "heart attacks are accompanied by distruction of heart tissue"; "fish usually goes with white wine"; "this kind of vein accompanies certain arteries" 1.
She stopped in front of a painting of a dog and she started going `woof woof'... You can use go instead of `say' when you are quoting what someone has said or what you think they will say. Learning how to become a parent takes time. He doesn't want her to see other guys. as in suit. This definition is by Arelis E. 9. (go with something) to seem good, natural, or attractive in combination with something

To choose to act based on some source of guidance. Well, he's gone and done it again, hasn't he?..., Somebody goes and does something mindless like that and just destroys everything for you. Another word for go with. Definition and synonyms of go about from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. or okay, advance, begin, continue, go forward, go on, proceed, progress, acquiesce, agree, assent, concur, cooperate, follow, accompany, carry on, escort, join, keep up, move, pass, travel, argue, attack, blame, blast, criticize, go for the jugular, impugn, lambast(e), put down, set about, tear into, leave, make tracks, move out, pack one's bags, change one's mind, desert, forsake, renege, repudiate, retract, agent, broker, dealer, factor, intermediary, liaison, mediator, medium, middleman, elapse, exceed, flow on, move onward, pass, proceed, adopt, be guided by, follow, heed, judge from, observe, take as guide, be beaten, collapse, decline, decrease, drop, fall, founder, go under, lose, set, sink, submerge, submit, suffer defeat, be commemorated, be recalled, be recorded, be remembered, make a name for oneself, make one's mark, progress, succeed, clutch at, fetch, obtain, reach, seek, stretch for, admire, be attracted to, be fond of, choose, favour, hold with, like, prefer, assail, assault, attack, launch oneself at, rush upon, set about or upon, spring upon, adopt, embrace, engage in, enter, espouse, practise, pursue, take up, undertake, begin, develop, enter, participate in, undertake, analyse, consider, delve into, discuss, examine, inquire into, investigate, look into, probe, pursue, research, review, scrutinize, study, work over, continue, endure, happen, last, occur, persist, proceed, stay, blether, carry on, chatter, prattle, rabbit, be extinguished, die out, expire, fade out, examine, inspect, rehearse, reiterate, review, revise, study, work over, bear, brave, endure, experience, suffer, tolerate, undergo, withstand, check, examine, explore, forage, hunt, look, search, work over, accord, agree, fit, harmonize, make a pair, match, founder, go down, sink, submerge, succumb, accompany, agree, blend, complement, concur, correspond, fit, harmonize, match, suit, abstain, be denied, be deprived of, deny oneself, do without, go short, lack, want, blithe, carefree, casual, devil-may-care, easy-going, heedless, improvident, insouciant, irresponsible, light-hearted, nonchalant, unconcerned, untroubled, careworn, cheerless, gloomy, melancholy, morose, sad, serious, unhappy, hazardous, near, nerve-racking, parlous, perilous, precarious, risky, sticky, English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus, Collaborative Dictionary     English Cobuild.
If a machine or device is going, it is working. Meaning. In what universe does a plaid jacket go with a polka dot shirt? he went missing It's a skill you learn as you go along. I have to begin by agreeing with Mike Mendis, that I have never heard "have a try at that" to mean anything to do with sex, and otherwise support the examples he gave. I could tell Tom was making up the story on the spot to convince his parents, so I just went with it. Vous pouvez modifier vos choix à tout moment dans vos paramètres de vie privée. We decided to go with the oak table rather than the walnut one. To happen or exist at the same time as something else, To have a romantic or sexual relationship. If someone says `Where do we go from here?' To follow along with someone or something; to act in accordance with another's actions, especially when their motive or goal is unknown.

She bore all her pain and misgivings in private for the nine months that she went with child.

Find more ways to say go with, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. as in take.

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