can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. Eating fast food in large amount makes poison in the body. Is hamburger and fries the best choice because a biscuit with gravy takes more time? Which one will result in the best answer, hamburger and fries or biscuit with gravy? The main temptation to indulge in fast food is its convenience, especially during a busy work day or long road trips.
Here are the options you can choose from: For instance, most of the fast food restaurants consume the cheapest kind of chicken, which may be a potential risk to people's health. Restaurant and other commercially prepared foods are notoriously high in fat, salt and sugar. Is fast food consumption really not as advantageous to one’s health as consuming home cooked meals. Complete topic review. Today everyone is working, so you probably won't find a hot meal in the kitchen every day.

So we decided to take a fresh look at food through the eyes of the people who spend their lives uncovering what’s safe–or not–to eat. Green plants are important producers. Fast food may seem more affordable and convenient but a home cooked meal is made with much better quality. Fast food and homemade food also have their similarities because you could choose what you want to eat and when you want it. When eating balanced meals your body feels satisfied. Don’t miss a chance to chat with experts. Get Your Custom Essay on Fast Food vs Homemade Food Just from $13,9/Page. The result is damage to our health, the environment, or both. Both fast food and home cooked meals are good things to eat. Family meals provide opportunities for sharing the day's events and create a relaxing transition from busy daytime activities to slower-paced evening ones. This disease is happening nation wide and according to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention in the last 20 years they have seen a dramatic increase. Home cooked meals may not have a... ...2013 (2016, Sep 03). When it comes to the topic of obesity, most of us will readily agree that Americans have been making poor decisions and have little to no knowledge of eating healthy. If a family member has a low iron count, they can cook more red meats and green vegetables.
Americans have become addicted to the highly-processed, over-salted, and excessively sugared products fast food offers. English 111-16 Warnings that fast food is not healthy do not stop Americans who treat it as an essential part of their daily diet. People keep feeding their kids fast food but what they don’t think about is it could lead their children to obesity in the future.

Fredrick Vom Saal, is an endocrinologist at the University of Missouri who studies bisphenol-A. You also have to pay for your food in a restaurant but at home it's free. Even though they have said that they “were” injecting the chicken nuggets with a pink dye, people are still running to the franchise for their food. The problem that is trying to be resolved is fast food better than home cooked meals. Ms. Mouliatis I would much rather … Put the answers in a different color. Essay, 7 pages. One of the biggest advantages of fast food is that it is really fast. Adding to fast foods convenience, these chains have to take short cuts to deliver hot food, fast!

Eating fast food should not become a habit. There are a lot of reasons why people choose homemade food versus fast food.

The result is damage to our health, the environment, or both. Experts from different areas of specialty explain why they won’t eat these eight foods. People tend to work more and cook less than they used to 50 years ago (Folbre). Conversely, home made food is a term given to food that has been prepared at home. We asked Food Scientists a simple question: “What foods do you avoid? The homemade food brings family members together. Low cost of fast food and its nutrition value become a solution for many families who have neither time not money to cook at home.Warnings that fast food is not healthy do not stop Americans who treat it as an essential part of their daily diet. It's known as the food that you don't have to prepare. Both homemade food and soul food taste good, however homemade food offers a variety of history, emotions, and memories of different cultures. 1. This has aroused diverse views from various people. Fast food.

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