The number of hospital beds has fallen to its lowest level ever, despite the head of the NHS warning that bed closures have gone too far. The dashboard confirms hospital pressure is concentrated on critical care. Our research looks at pressures on frontline clinical care in acute hospitals. Available at: (accessed on 4 November 2016). Available at: (accessed on 6 September 2017). Hospital bed numbers – can the downward trend continue? Delivering sustainability and transformation plans: from ambitious proposals to credible plans. Department of Health (2000a). Download – England, 2001-02 (XLS, 26K) Papanicolas I, Jha A K (2017).

Understanding pressures in general practice. Available at: (accessed on 8 August 2017).

Although the evidence on the cost savings of shifting the location of care is mixed (Imison et al 2017), strengthening provision of care outside hospital has long been justified on the grounds that early intervention and support can help people to avoid costly hospital care (Edwards 2014). ‘Critical care bed capacity and urgent operations cancelled 2017-18 data’. Available at: (accessed on 12 September 2017). Annual data collection. Available at: (accessed on 7 September 2017). Imison C, Poteliakhoff E, Thompson J (2012). Download – NHS Organisations in England, 2005-06 (XLS, 501K), 2004-05 NHS Digital website. Emergency admissions to hospital: managing the demand [online]. Since 1987/88, the largest percentage reductions in bed numbers have occurred in mental illness and learning disability beds as a result of long-term policies to move these patients out of hospital and provide care in the community. NHS England website. Over winter months, occupancy of overnight general and acute beds nationally is consistently above 90 per cent and regularly exceeded 95 per cent. ‘How is intensive care reimbursed? Available at: (accessed on 6 September 2017). You are free to manage this via your browser setting at any time. It came amid growing signs that hospitals will struggle this winter, such as ambulances queuing outside A&E units for long periods to bring in patients and outbreaks of the winter vomiting bug norovirus forcing wards to be closed and patients moved. NHS Digital website. Sustainability and transformation plans (STPs) in London: an independent analysis of the October 2016 STPs. International comparisons of selected service lines in seven health systems: Annex 3 - Review of service lines: critical care [online]. Quilter-Pinner H (2017). We use this information to improve our site. The National Audit Office estimated that the number of older patients in hospital who are no longer benefiting from hospital treatment, but could receive the care they need in their own homes or in residential care, is around 2.7 times the delayed transfers of care figure (National Audit Office 2016). The total number of hospital beds in the UK is 170,548, correct at the time of publishing this article in April 2020. NHS organisations in England, Quarter 1, 2010-11 (XLS, 406K), 2009-10 : +45 45 33 70 00 NHS Digital website. NHS organisations in England, Quarter 2, 2015-16 (revised 23.02.2017) (XLS, 148K) Available at: (accessed on 14 August 2017). London: The King’s Fund. You'll receive a unique link which you could email to a friend or colleague. NHS Digital (2011).

What's the NHS annual budget? Available at: (accessed on 22 August 2017). Gilburt H, Peck E, Ashton B, Edwards N, Naylor C (2014). Available at: (accessed on 18 July 2017). They also require investment – to cover the costs of staff time, programme and physical infrastructure, and double-running costs (to allow new services to be set up while still providing existing services) (Health Foundation and The King’s Fund 2015).

Available at: (accessed on 31 July 2017). Department of Health (2017b). NHS Improvement website. Sustainability and transformation partnerships and integrated care systems have been tasked with implementing new ways of delivering care and progressing these – and other – initiatives. answer some of the most frequently asked questions we receive about health and social care.

British Medical Association (2017).

Focus on preventable admissions: trends in emergency admissions for ambulatory sensitive conditions, 2001 to 2013.

In particular, how many hospital beds are there in the UK, how many beds per capita and the average number of beds per hospital. NHS Digital website.

I'm OK with analytics cookies. Over the past three decades the number of hospital beds has been declining in England. Good practice guide: focus on improving patient flow [online]. NHS organisations in England, Quarter 3, 2012-13 (revised 21.11.2013) (XLS, 332K) NHS Digital website. Nevertheless, delayed discharges can exacerbate operational challenges; for example, reducing the number of beds available for patients who need admission can affect performance against key waiting time standards including A&E and elective care. Hospital beds (per 1,000 people) Data are from the World Health Organization, supplemented by country data. “When bed occupancy is very high the chain of movement becomes jammed, like a motorway with lots of traffic. NHS organisations in England, Quarter 3, 2016-17 (revised 23.11.2017) (XLS, 148KB) A significant portion of this reduction has been due to shifts in policy that have resulted in fewer people with mental illness and learning disabilities being treated in institutional settings, with care and support now provided in the community. In some cases, the data includes the increased capacity put in place to cope with the coronavirus crisis. Covid-19 status: Orders placed by 1pm on weekdays will be sent Next day UK delivery, for most products. Historically, NHS trusts have outsourced some elective activity to independent providers to manage waiting lists, and since 2008 elective NHS patients in England have had the option of using independent sector providers that meet NHS standards and prices (Co-operation and Competition Panel 2011). London: The King’s Fund. Next steps on the NHS five year forward view. •    PPP$: purchasing power parities expressed in US $, an internationally comparable scale reflecting the relative domestic purchasing powers of currencies. Nevertheless, delayed discharges can exacerbate operational challenges; for example, reducing the number of beds available for patients who need admission can affect performance against key waiting time standards including A&E and elective care. This has a negative impact on patients’ care and poses operational challenges for providers. Day-case activity is not included in calculations of average length of stay in hospital, so if more of the large number of patients who are currently classed as short-stay patients were treated as day cases this would make future reductions in the average more difficult to achieve (NHS Digital 2016, p 9). NHS Digital (2013). You can read more about our cookies before you choose. London: The King’s Fund. You can send it to yourself, or a friend, with a link to retrieve it at any time. Older people and emergency bed use: exploring variation. ‘Roemer’s effect reconsidered’.

The cost of hospital care has played a part in this (Lagnasnerie et al 2015), as has growing recognition of supply-induced demand for hospital care (Taroni 2001; Roemer 1961). Adult social care has seen staffing and demand pressures rise and is still waiting for the fundamental financing reform it urgently needs. the patient is safe to discharge or transfer. In the years that followed, the long-term trend of falling hospital bed numbers slowed. NHS organisations in England, Quarter 1, 2016-17 (revised 23.11.2017) (XLS, 149KB), 2015-16 ‘Bed supply and hospital utilization: a natural experiment’. ‘Hospital episode statistics, admitted patient care - England, 2010/11’. At the same time, the NHS is attempting to change how it delivers care, as set out in the NHS five year forward view (NHS England et al 2014) and the NHS long term plan (NHS England 2019). Evaluating integrated and community-based care: how do we know what works?

Thank you. ‘Bed availability and occupancy’. NHS Digital (2003). National Audit Office website. Greater clarity from NHS national bodies is needed on their expectations for overall health and care bed capacity over the medium term, and the consequences of these choices, presenting data on hospital beds for England over a 30-year period and, where possible, data on other categories of beds used in health care, comparing bed supply in the NHS with other countries, exploring the drivers underpinning changes observed in hospital bed numbers. NHs Digital website. Lloyd T, Wolters A, Steventon A (2017). 29th edition. Available at: (accessed on 12 September 2017). NHS Digital (2007). Available at: (accessed on 4 November 2016). NHS Digital (2001a). Download – NHS Organisations in England, 2007-08 (XLS, 431K), 2006-07 NHS England (2017b). The following list shows the top 20 UK hospitals with the most hospital beds: Latest UK population data was sourced from ONS, last updated 23 August 2019. 2 of the top 5 countries by hospital beds > per 1,000 people are East Asian and Pacific. Escalation beds: temporary beds opened by NHS providers during winter to provide short-term capacity. Available at: (accessed on 4 November 2016). London: Health Foundation. In 1974 the health service maintained almost 400,000 beds (Macfarlane et al 2005, p 264); by 1979/80 the number had dropped to around 350,000 (Appleby 2013). NHS Improvement, NHS England (2017). The King’s Fund website. NHS organisations in England, Quarter 3, 2015-16 (revised 23.02.2017) (XLS, 148K) NHS organisations in England, Quarter 2, 2011-12 (XLS, 343K) Available at: (accessed on 3 August 2017). Boyle S, Lister J, Steer R (2017). Data on beds open day only is available here. The number of hospital beds for general and acute care has fallen by 34 per cent since 1987/88, the bulk of this fall due to closures of beds for the long-term care of older people. Today there are signs of a growing shortage of beds. Source of data: National Institute of Statistics and Ministry of Public Health. The continuing fall has occurred despite Simon Stevens, the chief executive of NHS England, telling service chiefs in June that bed cuts should stop because they were leaving hospitals unable to cope with the number of people who need to be admitted. There is ongoing debate about the optimum level of bed occupancy. Beds Time Series – 1987-88 to 2009-10 (XLS, 34K), NHS organisations in England, Quarter 1, 2020-21 (XLS, 130KB), NHS organisations in England, Quarter 4, 2019-20 (XLS, 135KB) Castoro C, Bertinato L, Baccaglini U, Drace C, McKee M (2007).

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