Elle a appris à prétendre être une personne normale pour éviter de faire peur aux autres, mais elle reste incapable de ressentir ne serait-ce qu'un peu d'empathie envers un autre être humain. Her name is also shown as "Ayano Aishi" in the credits. She must eliminate 10 rivals in order to win Senpai's heart. Fanfiction Romance Short Stories Yandere X Reader Yandere Simulator Ayano Aishi Yandere Simulator X Reader Ayano X Reader. Ayano Aishi, also known as Yandere-chan and Yan-chan, is the main character and playable protagonist of Yandere Simulator. But what happens when a young girl about her age can't lay her eyes o... [Ayano X Reader] Twisted Love . YandereDev originally did not want to name Ayano, as he believed that a name was unimportant, but he later changed his mind. The origin of the Aishi condition was passed down generation to generation. The Empress. He leaned towards Ayano because there are fewer Google searches for that name.Ayano is nicknamed \"Yan-chan\" by other students (probably by the \"yan\" in \"Ayano\" and not because of the \"Yandere-chan\"), but teachers will refer to her by Ayano's surname or full name.The name ”Ayano” in Japanese is written as あやの in hiragana (アヤノ in katakana). Talk to Ayano Aishi online right now. Ayano Aishi, also known as Yandere-chan, is the protagonist and the main character of Yandere Simulator. She will be playable as the main protagonist of 1980s Mode. she had her senpai locked in the basement, safe from any of those sappy, prissy, whiny girls that wanted her senpai all to themselves. In kanji, is either 彩乃 or 綾乃, 彩 (aya; colorful), or 綾 (aya; designful; decorative) … YandereDev wanted her name to include \"yan\" in it somewhere. Ayano Aishi is a 19 year old student at Akademi High School. Ayano is a self-insert character capable of being any flavor of yandere the player wishes. 238K 6.6K 6.6K [Yandere-Chan X Fem!Reader] (Y/n) has always been popular among other people, even when she wasn't trying. Son objectif est d'éliminer dix rivales, pour éviter que Senpai ne s'éloigne d'elle. Ayano catches sight of you in the halls and whoops now she's in love again! She was created by YandereDev. Appearance . Ayano Aishi, also known as Yandere-chan, is the protagonist and the main character of Yandere Simulator. YandereDev originally did not want to name Ayano, as he believed that a name was unimportant, but he later changed his mind. Jealousy (Ayano Aishi X Fem!reader) 23.6K 503 131.

She has a shrine to "Senpai" witch contains a number of personal items including underwear, chewing gum, and stationary used by him. Yuko-Chan, 17-year-old transferred student, moves to a new school with many types of nice students. Ayano is a self-insert character capable of being any flavor of yandere the player wishes. Soon enough, Senpai is no longer her Senpai and now she has someone else on he... Add to library 14 Discussion 17. Her goal in the game is to eliminate 10 rivals who have a special interest in her Senpai. Ayano Aishi, also known as Yandere-Chan or Yan-Chan, is the main protagonist of Yandere Simulator.

All Aishi born-members are nearly emotionless until they find the person who can make them experience intense feelings.For example; Aishi babies do not cry when they are born. There will always be slight differences between each child born into the Aishi family, but never in terms of strength of their condition.At least two known Aishis, Ryoba a… After failing to eliminate all of her rivals, Ayano Aishi watches tearfully as her Senpai is stolen from her. Ayano est, tout comme son nom l'indique, …

Her goal in the game is to eliminate 10 rivals who have a special interest in her Senpai.

Ayano Aishi's true story. … She's a Japanese schoolgirl who develops a crush on a fellow student nicknamed "Senpai aka Taro Yamada" (Senpai can be male or female depending on the player's choice). Chat with Ayano Aishi's chatbot is very easy and funny It has been confirmed from the first Basement Tape that Ryoba is the same girl featured in the Mysterious Tapes whom The Journalist confronted.

Her goal is to confess her strong feelings for her senpai, but she has to eliminate her rivals to succeed her love for her senpai by confessing it on a Friday on a hill with a cherry blossom tree standing in the middle of the hill. Description Edit. Description Edit. Ayano Aishi (généralement surnommée Yandere-chan par le fandom) est la protagoniste du jeu Yandere Simulator. Ayano Aishi, also known as Yandere-chan and Yan-chan, is the main character and playable protagonist of Yandere Simulator. Ayano Aishi is gay now. She will be overseas for 10 weeks for Story Mode because she is chasing down The Journalist, as said in Basement Tape #10. She has a shrine to "Senpai" witch contains a number of personal items including underwear, chewing gum, and stationary used by him. Pour une grande partie de sa vie, Ayano était incapable de ressentir quoi que ce soit. She desires Senpai. As of the October 8th, 2015 Build, Yandere-chan's name is displayed as "Ayano Aishi" on social media. Ayano Aishi, also known as Yandere-Chan, is the main character in Yandere Simulator. Ask to Ayano Aishi whatever you want. But as she threatens to kill bith of them, Senpai informs her about someone else who might be intersted in her. July 5, 2016 Neptune . However, its origin is now considered a fairy tale, as Aishi's stopped taking it seriously. Ayano Aishi (also known as Yandere-chan) is the protagonist of Yandere Simulator and a canon character that attends Akademi High School. Yandere-chan will be nicknamed "Yan-chan" by other students, but teachers will refer to her by Yandere-chan's surname (Aishi) or full name. How old is Yandere-chan? Ayano was happy. To prevent the game from being banned in countries that forbid the depiction of minors in certain situations, Yandere-chan’s age might … Ayano Aishi, mainly known by her alias, Yandere-chan, is a student at Akademi High School, as well as the protagonist and antagonist of Yandere Simulator. Ryoba Aishi is the wife of Ayano's father and the mother of Ayano Aishi. You can chat with Ayano Aishi here.

"Aishi" is now Yandere-chan's canon last name.

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