At first, it was just saying things like “turn off your music,” or “turn off your light.” But then it started to get more complex; it started asking me to do favors for it. He found my lady and he slipped me on her delicate foot with no effort. Rule #4 If I have company do not talk to them and go into the basement. It’s a little creepy. Check back often to see new entries, and consider entering your own student’s work!
That means the afternoon is mine. “Thanks,” I said sarcastically. Next, think I knew, I was trapped in the year 1720 and Cinderella was standing in the middle of the road. Why is this note in my backpack? If you become the character, then it is this other person up there and not yourself. Genre: Dramatic. Eventually, she gave in, but there was one condition. I thought I was getting something better than things that just get smelly. Just one day every once in a while. (trying to joke) You are not paying $1 million for a popsicle, are you? I tried on all her crowns. More than my actual mom, that’s for sure! Aw man, I lost it. It’s a house, and I think it’s made of candy. Did they even care about him before he carved the roast beast? When people see it, everyone will be copying you!
Universal was a lot more fun now that I rode coasters. Hello? Well, I would not let that happen.
Description: A child overhears a bizarre argument between his/her parents. I wonder who I will meet. Description: A fast-food worker rants about his terrible life. But we have this agreement! No, go that way. (takes out a pacifier) I never really gave it up.
The best things happen at night. Great opportunity to be very physical during this monologue! In Greek and Roman stories, I popped out of Medusa’s head along with a gold loving pirate. Everything that happened today was all just a misunderstanding. Description: A person explains why we shouldn’t hate the Grinch. Sure, they say that the oldest kids are the smartest, but I’m proof that the scientists are wrong., By: A kid dreams of an odd encounter that has a real-world complication. Genre: Comedic When was the last time they dusted? The size of my foot. That’s racist, but you never realise that until you’re older. But you want to hear something even more strange? My brother gets the whole day on the internet. Last night, I heard them arguing, and they were talking real low, so naturally, I snuck up to the door and listened in.
But she would not budge. Genre: Comedic I get it now! The kids will hear.” Like he didn’t want us to know there was an elephant in there either. I’m not going to be homeless. Can I speak to President Mumumba, please? By: A girl defends herself after being suspended from school.
Bikes are a type of transportation, and so is a car. Genre:Comedic Gender: Any ), “Lay your ear close to the hill. (worried and puzzled) Maybe they don’t like penguins anymore. Gender: Any Gender: Any Dad? Bippity, Boppity, bam! With all that said, I hope next time you read “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”, you’ll understand his motives. Did you hear that? But that turned out to be the least of my problems. So, Lizzie invited me over to meet Shelly, and that day after school we started walking over to her house. I love theatre, even though I’m shy. Genre: Comedic But not all of our life is peachy-perfect. You’re Prince’s best pair of shoes! I shout, “Hey, over here! We need you in the fifth-grade classroom. Yeah, I know he’s ugly. Oops. Description: An elf complains about how difficult Santa is. I, Exclamation Point have finally found something NOT to be excited about. What time is it even? But this year was the last straw.
It was a gift card for an Xbox.
Gender: Any I mean, it’s not easy being a ghost. I rest my case. You treat me so unfairly. (Imitating children.) By: Avery Kyle, Ohio, USA, Age 12 (rolls eyes) Anyway, when we got to the museum, Creepy Cathy and I walked around looking at the artwork, like any normal person would do at museum. Second Place Winner! My annoying sister – “I’m not gonna be quiet. (BUT If I who have decent grades and no test that day then I’m grounded for the next week.) Every time I say “Chocolate” or “Candy” I end up not smiling and ending up looking like I’m possessed! First Place Winner! Me – “Whattttt?” Gender: Any She’s natural, and I respect that.
(Smirks at audience, winking flirtatiously.) I’m livin’ the good life. But you did not know what you were wishing for. Too bad for you, I’m Spritey O’Doodle. (Starts playing the flute.) By: Will Woolwine, Georgia, USA, Age 14 They just care about costs and profits. Surprise! In all the movies I am portrayed as the bad guy, and to be fair, most of my kind are bloodthirsty killers. My annoying sister – “Aggg no Julia, Julia, Julia, Julia. Description: A teen tells a story to his parents so as not to get in trouble. She was so excited to try me on. Whose mom bought a frozen drink and beef jerky! I have the iceberg. Busy click of an elfin hammer, Then I was in the North Pole when, out of the blue, Santa’s work shop appeared. As the leader of the Union of the Order of the North Pole Elves, I stand here today and urge you to say no to Santa! But that’s not all they keep calling me Lauren, I’m not Lauren. Yeah, it was really good, but it was not worth the risk. That’s where all the money went! And can you believe, in all of these, I get paid nothing?! And my job? Gender: Any See a performance of this monologue here. Every day, she does this. Gender: Female It was really boring at first, so I was about to turn it off until I saw Shelly! Linguini is innocent! That’s disgusting! (worried, even scared at the thought) Or, maybe, it’s not us, it’s them! I have a forbidden love, the kind of love that is not supposed to exist. I can play video games or watch YouTube and it doesn’t matter. Description: A fork proclaims superiority over the other utensils. I’ve got to get back to work.
You could have informed me before… I’m in the middle of the ocean, Mr. President! And a laundry washer…’cause I don’t wanna do them anymore! I’ve had it. By: Kaitlyn J., Madison, Alabama, USA, Age 11
Gender: Any Ugh! What’s that? First Place Winner Why doesn’t my mom do it? A real bow with about 1,000 arrows…not for inside. By the time I was done, the giants were coming. Genre: Comedic I have final say.
(Shocked) It makes sense now! She feeds us. monologues in categories like Classical, Dramatic and Comedic. Maybe reading a book will work. It’s flying over me. A beautiful box. Well, stay safe, and I hope the pencil wound in your arm heals. It becomes your closest friend, both figuratively, and literally.
We all thought she just fell asleep or something. My traitorous citizens didn’t tell me I am flat-out naked! I Neeeed to sleep! She takes me to a world where awkward moments don’t exist and jealousy is something to joke about and fights never happen (and if they do I don’t remember them). But I am so, so good! Genre: Dramatic I mean, when I first got here, I was really scared and lonely. And don’t even get me started on how lonely he must have been. I had to play that part, but I needed a plan. Well, I’ll tell you! Well, if you were to ask me, I would pass. Genre: Comedic, (The character is running away and has stopped to talk to someone.). I wish I had never seen that spaceship. If you had just left me on my rock and MINDED your own BUSINESS, you’d probably still have your frickin’ house! Well a boss gets to yell at people who are doing a bad job, and they make more than two dollars a week, which is my current allowance. Some very famous people had stage fright: Elvis Presley, Barbra Streisand, Meryl Streep and Sir Laurence Olivier. Just because I may be darker doesn’t mean you can compare me to pitch black. Oh fudgesicles. It’s MUCH worse than you think. Genre: Dramatic. You’ll never believe what a day I’m having.
No one told me when I took this job that I’d be here forever and ever. Genre: Comedic, Hi, my name is Alex, and I am not real. I hope I will make lots of friends. If I can…I’ll just keep acting like nothing happened. I have to go. But we have made it, and we stand here together, today, in defiance of the odds, in unity. What?
This HAD to be an Xbox! No, you know what I think? Which wasn’t fair because, HELLO!
(beat) (disappointed) Oh, I understand, it is too big… (selling again, inspired, excited) I still think you should do it, Mr. President. Gender: Male or Female I have caused the kitten apocalypse. Pick a dramatic one. The game went great. Every single aspect of it. Now to just wait for him to arrive (looks at watch.) Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy Eliza is making friends, but her new friends ignore me. (beat) Oh, hello, Mr. Mumumba. Bippity, boppity, bam! I told her I knew that she thoughtit was real, but it really wasn’t. Description: A teen expresses her feelings about her best friend. I can never figure out which way it is going to go. Even if she stalks me day and night. I must! Description: A tired tooth fairy bemoans her gritty job and complains about being broke. He’s a green, shriveled-up beast who lived right above the happiest town there ever was, and every year a merry festival went on below him while he froze in his cave. On the way, I told her I knew she was making up all of these stories and that I was going to need to see some proof. Genre: Comedic Gender: Any
We crawled in and I could hear the screams of the past riders. Description: A mouse recounts the time he got into the pantry.
Oh, I can’t wait! Ooooh, look what Santa got me! I believe that I’ve made my case clear. I know I look like an ordinary mouse, but I’m somewhat of a hero in these parts. I have to sneak it out of the kitchen, though, because I’m not supposed to have very much candy and my mom would NOT believe that it’s actually for Sam. Anyway, they have this strict policy that if you’re not awake at mealtime, too bad so sad. Listens to someone in the audience.) I get why people don’t like picture day now that I say it out loud…, By: Ocean F., Ontario, Canada, Age 12 What would you do if you were trying to escape with your life? Second Place Winner By: Ryan H., Texas, USA, Age 16 Gender: Male MOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM! Gender: Any (gender can be changed) He had a silly-looking strap-on duckbill and when we got to a house he would say “quack or treat?” The neighbors all found him charming. These speeches can make us laugh, make us stand up and applaud, or even inspire us to take action. But then, last week, a very nice farmer came by and out of all the turkeys in the pen, he picked me to come home with him! RUN!
I’m soaking wet. By: Patrick O., Victoria, BC, Age 12 Hi Austin. Now I have to take my kitten to the vet. (Notices a silica gel pack, reads…) Silica gel do not eat. Genre:Comedic Well when you’re an adult you get to do what you want, you get to go to the ice cream store and buy a LARGE ice cream cone, even though your parents told you not to when you were little. I said, “I think I broke my leg” and what did she do? I guess people don’t want to look bad, or be embarrassed in the class photo, or blink in a picture… but other than that it’s perfectly fine…(Small pause.) Gender: Female Do it for the children. Do it for the children who need their macaroni. Description: Peter Pan ends his rivalry with Captain Hook to spend more time with Wendy. Picking their noses when they think no one is watching. A petting zoo. I know it was bad. Gender: Any Description: Bowser, the villain in Super Mario Brothers hates being a bad guy. A curious-looking alien came out and took my brother. The cat had come back, and I could hear it mewing from the other side of the door.
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