In Agamemnon, by the Greek poet and dramatist Aeschylus, however, Clytemnestra was made to do the killing. See esp. ), Odysseus goes in disguise to the hut of the swineherd Eumaeus.

You have to ask about each character one at a time. When Agamemnon returned home from the war, he was brutally murdered by his unfaithful wife, Clytemnestra, and her lover, Aegisthus.
Book 13 Departure from the Phaeacians. might come back, and held them off, without ever saying positively that she would never marry again. (c) the idea of the hero? The Odyssey What might be Homer's purpose in having Zeus recall in such detail the story of Agamemnon, Clytemnestra, Aegisthus, and Orestes? Aegisthus and Clytemnestra now become king and queen of Mycene. Eumaeus bring Odysseus to the palace. Phaeacians transport Odysseus to Ithaca with many treasures. With what scene in the Iliad does it seem to correspond? Source(s): Also, note how Menelaus precludes the truth of his wife's tale by telling his tale of the horse. The Greeks gather at Aulis before setting sail for Troy. The Greeks now sail for Troy, and after a ten-year siege they take Troy under Agamemnon's leadership. by his scar (note that she seems to already know him, more or less, and to be confirming the recognition by feeling for the scar: why is the long episode of the hunt introduced here-- what effect does it have? Aegisthus has the urge to revenge Agamemnon because in a dispute over th kingship Agamemnon's father, Atreus, killed the children (except Aegisthus himself) of Aegisthus' father, Thyestes; and then served these children as dinner to Thyestes. Clytemnestra was unfaithful to her husband Agamemnon who was in battle at Troy. What does she seem to represent? In Homer's version of the story in the Odyssey, Aegisthus ambushes and kills Agamemnon in a feasting hall under the pretense of holding a feast in honor of Agamemnon's return home from Troy. about the nature of kingly discourse?). He tells the second of his Cretan tales. Book 17 Telemachus arrives at the palace. What exactly does Athena advise Telemachus? Why is Agamemnon important in The Odyssey?

Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Project MUSE is a leading provider of digital humanities and social sciences content, providing access to journal and book content from nearly 300 publishers. Penthilus 1 had a son Echelas, father of Gras, who colonized Aeolia in Asia Minor. (Who is Calypso? Book 6 Nausicaa plays ball. …Agamemnon landed in Argolis, where Aegisthus had, in the interval, seduced Clytemnestra. Aegisthus was the apparent lover in the triangle who killed Agamemnon in order to establish an intimate relationship with his wife. We remeet the principal suitors, Antinous & Eurymachus, Telemachus arrives at the palace, and Theoclymenus the seer declares that Od. ), Amphinomus: a "good" suitor, warned by Odysseus, but marked to die by Athena, Odysseus and Penelope have a conversation (Wow! Yet, it usually proves to be impossible, and also here. The murder was avenged by Orestes, who returned…. Menelaus' tale of the wooden horse. The story about Agamemnon, the infidelity of his wife Clytemnestra with Aegisthus, Agamemnon’s death at the hands of the two lovers, and the vengeance by his son Orestes on behalf of his father is repeated several times in the story because: Agamemnon is the commander-in-chief of the Greek forces fighting against Troy. "2 Here, at the very beginning of the Odyssey, linked to the Leit-motiv which will be discussed later, appears an idea which is cor-roborated many, many times in the course of the epic: Men bring their own sorrows upon themselves. Agamemnon's wife. ), Proteus, the "old man of the sea", able to change his form (we get our adjective "protean" from this god), Hermes travels to Calypso's island to get her to release Odysseus. What does this tell us about Helen? Meanwhile, back in Mycene, Aegisthus, Agamemnon's first cousin, has managed to seduce Clytemnestra, Agamemnon's wife, and the two conspire to murder Agamemnon on his return home. (who else? (Why? At the feast itself, Aegisthus and his men ambush Agamemnon, and kill him amongst the food and drink. In Agamemnon, by the Greek poet and dramatist Aeschylus, however, Clytemnestra was made to do the killing. of his encounter with Proteus. (Clytaemnestra to The Elders. Od's men untie the bag while he is asleep, but Aeolus will not help further. He heard from Menelaus that Od. The voyage of T., the arrival of Od., and the recognition and reunion of father and son, were all supervised by Athena. When Agamemnon returns from the war, Aegisthus and Clytemnestra kill him at a banquet (in violation of the all-important host-guest relationship). ), Helen (ditto-- or at least an old acquaintance! Abuse of Odysseus by handmaidens and suitors. He was killed by Orestes 2, on the latter's final return to Mycenae. Aegisthus rejected this woman when he married Clytaemnestra.

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