Accessing the Melbourne Campus Library Catalogue. The Rod Library Department at Alphacrucis College on the borrower has accrued more than $70 (seventy dollars) of library fines at one time.

Long-term outstanding fines are reported to the Accounts Department who will invoice the student. Each overdue item is fined $1 (one dollar) per day, including weekends (because even when the library is closed, the website is still available to renew loans). Library Frequently Asked Questions. General. Final purchasing decisions rest with the Director of Library Services. In the event that a borrower misplaces an item on loan to them, they are expected to pay the library for the replacement. Dear ACNZ student We would love to hear how you are going during this time of unexpected changes. By borrowing library items, students, HDR candidates, staff and other users implicitly agree to abide by the library rules. This policy outlines the functions of Alphacrucis College (AC) libraries.

Go to Alphacrucis. The archives of the Australasian Pentecostal Studies Centre (APSC) are owned by AC and located in the Sydney campus library.

A grace period of one (1) day exists on all loans, meaning that the student has until the end of the next day to either renew or return items before being fined.

Can I print or photocopy and how much will it cost me? COVID-19 and AC Library Services Information regarding AC Library Services during COVID-19. AC libraries across multiple delivery sites serve to support AC and Higher Education Third Party Arrangement (HETPA) students, Higher Degree Research (HDR) candidates and staff in research, teaching, and collaborative learning. AC library principles and priorities of acquisition.

Library. Donated items may be accepted provided they fall within the acquisition principles and priorities listed above. How can I login to the Melbourne Library Catalogue? Why does the Melbourne Campus library have a different catalogue? Find out how to access eJournal and Online Resources on Moodle. These include committing to return loans on or before the due date, or to pay any accrued overdue fines.

All donations must be accompanied by the completed and signed online AC Donations Declaration Form.

No item is to be removed from this location unless through mutual agreement between the APSC and another institution for the purposes of display. All other facilities that the library provides will still be available. academic rigor and diversity of opinions; resources are purchased in consultation with relevant faculty members; consistent with the teaching and research activities and objectives of AC.

Users are expected to adhere to instructions and guidelines provided by the librarians and conduct themselves in a respectful manner that does not debilitate others’ learning and research activities in the library.
The decision to make a borrower housebound rests with the Director of Library Services, their decision is final. All Collections. Answers to your most commonly asked Library related questions. If a donated item is identified as no longer useful, AC may dispose of the item.

It offers masters and doctoral level degrees in ministry and theology. within the scope of the APSC’s collection development strategy; demonstrated to fill a gap in the existing archival collection; significant to the history of Pentecostal and charismatic movements (both in Australia and overseas); without pests or issues that may compromise the integrity of the collection. Borrowing from the Library. CRICOS Provider Name: Alphacrucis College Ltd. CRICOS Provider Code: 00958A. Within the overall policy framework, the processes operate as follows: Consultation and collaboration between the Director of Library Services and Program Directors will determine the levels of collecting for each disciplinary area, primarily in relation to demand. Do I need to be a student to use the Library? All or part of a library fine may be waived if the borrower can prove s/he was physically unable to return or renew their items on time. Library staff will inform the borrower verbally of the date that the items are due. Do I need to be a Melbourne student to access the Melbourne Campus Library? During this time the borrower may still use the items that the library holds however they must remain in the library.

Library collections are procured and maintained based on principles of relevance and currency, with preference for electronic resources where available. Overdue loans are charged the same amount regardless of loan period or level of study of the borrower, or campus.

Alphacrucis College (AC, formerly Commonwealth Bible College and Southern Cross College) is a tertiary Christian liberal arts college.In addition to being the largest self-accrediting Christian liberal arts College in Australia, it is the official training college of Australian Christian Churches, the Assemblies of God in Australia.

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