DON'T MISSQUIZ TIME! 2) In football, which team has won the Champions League (formerly the European Cup) the most? 3) What was Britney Spears’ first single called? 8) Who was the first female artist to achieve a UK number one with a self-written song? READ MORE: General knowledge quiz questions with answers: 15 questions, 5) Four – Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Somalia. 8) The six main stars of Friends appeared in all 236 episodes. James Naismith, a physical education professor and instructor, founded basketball as a way to keep his students active on rainy days. QUIZ TIME! La Liga quiz questions and answers: Test your knowledge, Food and drink quiz questions and answers: 15 questions, Literature quiz questions and answers: 15 questions for your home quiz, Alcohol quiz questions and answers: 15 questions for your quiz. An alley-oop occurs when the ball-handler throws the ball to their teammate who then dunks it in the basket before touching the ground. 10) In golf, where does the Masters take place? Basketball, one of the most famous sports in history. Formula 1 Quiz Questions and Answers – Lightning Speed Badminton is a fun and interesting sport that people of … Badminton Quiz Questions and Answers: Smash! 100 general knowledge quiz questions and answers: Do you know your TV? Goaltending is when a defender touches the ball while it’s on its downward path. 5) In which year was Joan of Arc burned at the stake? Can you get full marks in Tuesday's Express quiz? Here are 10 multiple choice questions to use in your battle of the brains.

2) How long does Prime Minister’s Questions last? Basketball, Elbow, Endline, Free-Throw, C. Box and One, Euro Step, Elevator Screen, Field Goal, A. Fish Quiz Questions: Round 1. 3) Who holds the record for most consecutive Premier League appearances (310)? Where is a fish’s caudal fin?

100 general knowledge quiz questions and answers: Do you know your politics? LeBron James, with over 32,000 points and an average 27.2 points per game, is the highest-scoring active player in the NBA. 100 general knowledge quiz questions and answers: Test your knowledge. When a player is moved from one team to another, C. When the ball flies from one end of the court to another, A. stays directly in front of the basket, making advancers unable to shoot, B. touches the ball while it’s on its downward path. Cocktail quiz questions and answers: How well do you know cocktails? Have fun! C. The ball-handler throws the ball from the half-court. 100 general knowledge quiz questions and answers: Do you know your celebrities?

9) Which English city was once known as Duroliponte? 3) Which country is the origin of the cocktail Mojito? You can find Swan standing on the left side of the gated entrance to Monstadt. 2) Who was made Lord Mayor of London In 1397, 1398, 1406 And 1419? Geography quiz questions and answers: 15 questions for your home quiz. 1) Who is the Patron Saint of Spain?a) St Jamesb) St Johnc) St Benedict, 2) Which of these means a speech in a play where a character talks to themselves rather than to other characters?a) Interludeb) Revuec) Soliloquy, 3) In the Vicar of Dibley, what was the name of the vicar's clueless friend?a) Aliceb) Beatricec) Charlotte, 4) Casterly Rock is the ancestral home of which family in Game of Thrones?a) The Starksb) The Tully'sc) The Lannisters, 5) Which breed of dog used to be sacred in China?a) Cockapoob) Pekingesec) Spaniel, 6) Which philosopher coined the term 'I think, therefore I am'?a) Platob) Descartesc) Socrates, 7) Who was mayor of London before Boris Johnson?a) Sadiq Khanb) John Majorc) Ken Livingston, 8) Which two countries are Europes biggest exporters of beers?a) Germany and Belgiumb) Germany and Spainc) Belgium and Spain, 9) Which two calendar months are named after Roman Emperors?a) July and Juneb) December and Mayc) July and August, 10) How many novels did the Bronte sisters write in total?a) Nineb) Sevenc) Eight, DON'T MISS60s music quiz questions and answers: Test your 60s knowledgeOdd one out quiz questions and answers: How many can YOU get right?La Liga quiz questions and answers: Test your knowledge, 1) A - St James2) C - Soliloquy3) A - Alice4) C - The Lannisters5) B - Pekingese, 6) B - Descartes7) C - Ken Livingston8) A - Germany and Belgium9) C - July and August10) B - Seven. Take these 35 Basketball Quiz Questions and Answers to see if you are a true fan of the esteemed sport. 6) Which nationality was the polar explorer Roald Amundsen? Free throws are worth 1 point for every successful throw. Before becoming the Houston Rockets, the team played in San Diego from 1967 to 1970. 100 general knowledge quiz questions and answers: Test YOUR knowledge ONLINE quiz nights became an important part of life for Britons to pass time during lockdown and catch up …
4) What is the middle name of Angela Merkel? Solve UK Pub Quiz Questions and get answer detail and source. Buzzer-beaters still count as long as the ball leaves the player’s hand before the buzzer.
Animals Quiz Questions. We will use your email address only for sending you newsletters. 50 sport quiz questions and answers for a virtual pub quiz on Zoom or House Party. 3) How many Members of Parliament (MPs) are there? 1) What is the capital of Westeros in Game of Thrones? 6) In tennis, what piece of fruit is found at the top of the men's Wimbledon trophy? 5) In what Netflix series does actress Gillian Anderson play a sex therapist? B. Please see our Privacy Notice for details of your data protection rights. 5) Since 1977, where has snooker's World Championship taken place? [See How to Play] Test your knowledge on this geography quiz and compare your score to others. 7) Which Dutch player was voted 'European Player of the Century' in 1999?

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