You'll have a chance to add more details next. Bloemhoffers berei tussen graad 8 en 12 nie net vir die NSS-eksamen voor nie, maar ook vir die lewe. Happy new year guys & thanks for all your support . Learners are expected to wear the official school uniform, and to … Holy Cross Sisters' School in Bloemhof, Bellville, Western Cape Holy Cross Sisters' School is an independent primary school . School uniform and general appearance 1. Request for Clothing Stores. 5.1.1 No learner may be in possession of drugs (this includes chemical substances, tobacco, chewable tobacco, cigarettes, -cigarettes, hubbly- e In 2014 there were 462 registered learners, including 60 Grade R learners. HOLY CROSS SISTERS’ SCHOOL Tel: (021) 919 4734 BLOEMHOF STREET Fax: (021) 919 8263 P O BOX 1016 BELLVILLE 7535 Dit is gestig in 1874 deur ds JH Neethling, prof NJ Hofmeyr en prof J Murray en formeel geopen op 26 Januarie 1875. h�b```�|f�T~��� !GP�m�#)`���ᖢmS����� [������y��y�D�8;D�^Ts` C���ӹ�n��t��VG(L�8Eؕ���������;�;B;�|���08�;Hq 00���l@��s?�"�% ��0��d< �2a`|� Ons is ‘n waardegedrewe skool en moedig ons leerders aan om met respek, afgerondheid en integriteit die lewe aan te pak, altyd goeie werksetiek te handhaaf en vir mekaar, vir ander mense en vir die omgewing om te gee. Hospitality Studies Dress Code. DSTV Installers, 10 Salamat Shopping Centre, WES, Bloemhof - 2660 (Landmark: SHOPPING CENTRE ). Leerders mag in April óf somersdrag óf wintersdag dra, maar mag nie die twee meng nie. The South African College Schools - or “SACS” as it is commonly known, is a semi-private English medium primary and secondary education institution situated in Newlands - part of the Southern Suburbs region of Cape Town, South Africa.Founded in 1829, it is the oldest school in South Africa. @PathFinda 2020 / Web usage & terms conditions / Booking terms & conditions / All rights reserved, Durbanville Valley Wine Route (Cape Town), R300 (Edenpark, Cape Town to Weltevreden Valley, Cape Town). Ons as die Verteenwoordigende Raad van Leerders (VRL) se visie vir 2020 is: BRAND MET TROTS. Klik HIER vir inligting oor hoe die COVID-19 Nasionale Inperking ons raak. Summer Uniform will be worn as of 1st September; Winter uniform as of 1st May each year. Full school uniform, including blazers, is compulsory during assembly on a Monday and on formal occassions. What are you looking for? Bloemhof Hoer Skool is a Secondary School located in Stellenbosch – Western Cape. GIS Longitude: 18.857248 Voormalige studente van die skool behou kontak deur middel van die Bloemhofbond. Holy Cross Sisters' School is an independent primary school.

1359 0 obj <> endobj Dié drie skole vorm 'n "minikampus" met 'n paar gedeelde akademiese vakke en opvoeders.

Phase: Secondary School Verskeie prettige aktiwiteite word deur die leerders beplan en bestuur en dra daartoe by dat leerders eendag met heimwee kan terugdink aan hulle skooldae. Not only is it shorter, it will always work even if the page name changes. 31/12/2019 .

I want Islamic board, Request for Clothing Stores. GIS Latitude: -33.943437. In 2014 there were 462 registered learners, including 60 Grade R learners. To download the Dress Code, click on the respective links below: REVISED SCHOOL UNIFORM (2013) Dress Code. What is Section 21 School?Or Section 21 Schools in Stellenbosch Western Cape, Municipality:Cape Winelands Die skool is die oudste Afrikaansmedium-meisieshoërskool in Suid-Afrika en die enigste in Kaapland. %%EOF We provide access to academic information to parents, students & teachers.

Number of students: 683 H3Q>�6e`� ��8���L R.LέPe� MZ� Circuit: 8 Welcome to Bloemhof Hoer Skool Secondary School information page. 3. Created: Friday, August 29, 2014; Last updated: Wednesday, June 3, 2020. Number of techers: 43 Clothing, Footwear, Furniture, Schoolwear, Outdoor Equipment ... we have it all!. Jy kan ook deel wees van die besondere opvoedingsprogram by Bloemhof! In 2017 was enkelgeslagskole weer in die meerderheid van die top 20 skole in die Wes-Kaap.

Your email address will not be published. Local Municipality: Stellenbosch, The Principal: W Van Heerden

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