Bibliography Still, McCaffrey is a skillful author that I always enjoy reading and the book has several wonderful black and white drawings to go along with the text, which I really enjoyed. Miscellany The Coelura Anne McCaffrey. This site uses cookies to deliver our services, improve performance, for analytics, and (if not signed in) for advertising. I really enjoyed reading this book. Caissa is the body-heir of Baythan, an exceptional hunter and all-around perfect specimen of manhood (no really – much is made of his excellent genetic pattern). However, I did feel that the story could have been fleshed out into a full-size novel and felt cheated at the brevity of the tale because I did like the characters and would have enjoyed learning more about the planet and its customs. Published by User , 21 years ago. Casting aside her duty as the heir to the Ambassador of her world, Lady Caissa refuses to marry a man she despises and flees into the Forbidden Zone, in Yellow Triadic City, where she meets a handsome injured man, a coelura, a mysterious rainbow creature and sets a world-changing series … The Coelura is well written with a great plot, but I want to see more. But she hated the man chosen for her so she fled to the forbidden zone. It is only 150 pages and the type is quite large, but I felt that I knew the characters quite well and the plot was simple enough that there were no loose ends left at the ending. She was born on the 1st April 1926 and passed on on 21st November 2011.
Each book in the series is a … What exactly are the coelura? Copyright LibraryThing and/or members of LibraryThing, authors, publishers, libraries, cover designers, Amazon, Bol, Bruna, etc. Young Lady Caissa has been raised to show proper obedience and loyalty, even if it means marrying a man she despises. affection For the greatest gift one woman can give another. In The CoELura, Anne- McCaffrey brings the same sense of passion and excitement mat has won the hearts of the readers of the Pern series-t6 a different tale of the Federated Sentient Planets, the universe of Killashandra and Crystal Line. (from the back cover. For Murell knows that Caissa's father will do anything to capture one of the elusive, mythical coelura - the very creatures that he has sworn to protect...The Coelura is a wonderful little story by a talented author. What is her father hiding? Site created For the first time, Caissa rebels against her father's wishes and refuses to marry the boorish Gustin, heir to the Cavernus fortune and a good political ally for her father. And most importantly, who is Murell? The book "Coelura" was so good,I couldn't put it down.I only wish that there had been more of it and that Anne McCaffrey had decided to make it into a series!
The Coelura is usually printed together with Nerilka's Story. The Lady Caissa, heir to the Ambassador of the Federated Sentient Planets to the world Demeathorn, had grown up knowing that she owed her sire obedience and unconditional loyalty. Links fiction are copyright ©Anne McCaffrey 1967-2007, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. Her father expects her to follow his dictates unquestioningly, even though Caissa has long since passed her childhood and is now ready for her first marriage contract.
Shop now. Illustrated in black-and-white by Kevin Eugene Johnson.
Written as a novella (a cross between a novel and a short-story) the biggest problem with this book is that it's too short. She was expected to do her duty, even to the extent of entering into a marriage alliance she did not understand. Series: Coelura Series (1), Federated Sentient Planets Universe. The Coelura We have new and used copies available, in 4 editions - starting at $0.99. The Coelura (1983) ISBN 978-0-312-93042-4; Nimisha's Ship (1998) ISBN 978-0-345-43425-8; Ireta. Series Details The Pern Chronological Order book series by multiple authors includes books Dragonsdawn (Pern: Dragonriders of Pern, #6), The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall, Red Star Rising, and several more. Caissa was expected to marry as her father dictated to cement diplomatic alliances. The Talents universe involves a society built around the Talents of telepathic, telekinetic individuals who become integral to the connectivity of interstellar society.
Excellent story and probably best as a seperate book as Nerika is of the Pern. by Anne McCaffrey
At twenty, Lady Caissa's old enough to contract a body-heir of her own, but going along with her father's choice is so far beyond distasteful, one meeting sends her fleeing for the hills - literally. She has a feeling that his recommendation is tied to an undisclosed clause in his heir-contract with her womb-mother, the haughty and vain High Lady Cinna. Dedication: This book is dedicated with respect and I just couldn't put it down. Something a little different from McCaffrey (written in 1983).
Anne did eventually write more about this particular "universe" in "Nimisha's Ship", but set far into the future. Series Details: Body Heir Detailed Bibliographic Information Jump to: Nimisha's Ship Omnibus editions. Click on a thumbnail to go to Google Books. Dedication: To a courageous and generous young woman I wish this book had been a full length novel -- with sequels!!! There she rescues a man from the crash of an aircraft. Patrik loves to knit, bake, and help his friends while dealing with his own demons... like his thirst for blood because, oh yeah--he's a vampire. When she runs out of fuel near an interdicted area she stumbles on far more than she bargained for. All rights reserved.All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey’s Biography Lady Caissa did not know it, but she had just set in motion events which would determine the fate of her family, her planet...and her happiness. This description may be from another edition of this product. to my good neighbor, Maureen Beirne, Nimisha's Caissa's father doesn't understand why she cannot just endure the year-long contract marriage, beget a child and be done with it, but Caissa's heart rebels at such a cold-blooded contract. She intends to fly back as far as she can and then camp and wait for the sun's rise the next day when she picks up a weak distress signal coming from the forbidden zone. Lady Caissa, heir to the Ambassador of the Federated Sentient Planets to the world Demeathorn, has had duty and loyalty drilled into her since she was a young girl. The Talents universe. Published by User , 18 years ago. When she responds, she finds the most beautiful man she has ever seen. She was expected to do her duty, even to the extent of entering into a marriage alliance she did not understand with a man she despised. Caissa is now old enough that she should start considering bearing her own body-heir, but she isn't happy with the man her father suggests she at least establish a temporary heir-contract with. Lady Caissa, beautiful, rich, and well-educated, had never learned the great secret of Demeathorn, although she was about to be caught in its spell.In the aftermath of disastrous diplomatic negotiations, she fled north toward interdicted territory. The Lady Caissa, heir to the Ambassador of the Federated Sentient Planets to the world Demeathorn, had grown up knowing that she owed her sire obedience and... Free shipping over $10. They share a fictional premise and some characters.
Princess Caissa leaves her home in the Blue City in hopes of finding more freedom in Yellow Triadic City, but along the way she meets a coelura, a mysterious rainbow creature.
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