All Rights Reserved. Please note that it remains the responsibility of the pa…, Updated 2 months ago The Brussels-Capital Region has also not been spared. // googletag.cmd.push(function() { “I am delighted to have inaugurated the first Brussels testing village in Etterbeek this morning,” tweeted Etterbeek mayor Vincent De Wolf. Updated 2 months ago “The municipality has put in place the necessary means to enable the opening of the “Village Mérode” in the best possible conditions and within the shortest possible time,” De Wolf added. The new testing village is one of several to be launched in a bid by the Brussels Region to increase its testing capacity. Additional testing villages are expected at the TelExpo parking lot at the Heysel, and in Anderlecht, with a more exact location yet to be determined. Kristien, You must wear a face mask which entirely covers mouth and nose. // googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); // mobileScaling: 2.0, (opens in a new tab), by // googletag.enableServices(); Yes, a mobile test centre is available at Brussels Airport to carry out COVID-19 PCR tests. This is a second wave, Belgian expert confirms... Brussels hospitals told to reserve 50% of ICU beds for Covid patients, Covid-19: overloaded Brussels contact tracers switch to texting, Coronavirus in Leuven sewers shows city is now red all over, Covid-19: Belgian nurse sentenced for spitting on police officers during lockdown, This is a second wave, Belgian expert confirms, Additional €7.7 billion may be needed to prepare EU for next pandemic, Coronalert tracing app respects all privacy rules, crisis centre assures, Search begins for ‘Best Shrimp Croquette in Brussels’, Belgian intensive care will be full by mid-November if rise continues, Coronavirus: Netherlands enters partial lockdown from tonight, Council of State overturns Brussels prostitution ban, Belgium in Brief: Netherlands Locks Down, Belgium Takes Measures, WTO allows EU to impose one of its largest sanctions ever on US, Belgium’s coronavirus average almost doubles: over 5,000 new cases per day, Brussels’ better Covid figures ‘likely’ due to lack of tests, Car traffic in Brussels exceeds pre-lockdown numbers, Vlaams Belang leader refuses to download Coronavirus tracing app, Truckers join in court action against ‘illegal’ cycle lanes, Second lockdown could destroy 300,000 jobs, says boss of bosses, Brussels to create four new testing centres for asymptomatic patients, Coronavirus: Brussels on track to boost daily testing capacity to 9,000. FlorenceVanStaey, Yes, a mobile test centre is available at Brussels Airport to carry out COVID-19 PCR tests. Who can get tested?
The whole of Europe is affected today by the Coronavirus COVID-19. by
// addSize([0, 0], [[300,250], 'fluid']). Another testing village is expected to open its doors on Monday at 201 Avenue Jupiter, near place Albert. Travellers: instructions on suspicion of COVID-19.
// fetchMarginPercent: 500, // addService(googletag.pubads()); De kaart deelt de testcentra in volgens het profiel van de personen die moeten worden getest: Stadhuis - Grote Markt – 1000 BrusselAdministratief centrum - Anspachlaan 6 – 1000 Brussel - +32 (0)2 279 22 11, maatregelen Stad Brussel tegen coronavirus, Testcentra Covid-19 (coronavirus) in Brussel. // googletag.enableServices(); Brussels should reach a testing capacity of 35,000 tests per week in October, according to Brussels Health Minister Alain Maron, who wants to arrive at 63,000 tests per week in the long run, Brussels’ first Covid-19 testing village opens its doors. // googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); // var adsmobileslot; This centre will be open from Monday through Saturday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and will have a daily capacity of 1,440 tests according to Bx1.
// //Верхний баннер This centre will be open from Monday through Saturday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and will have a daily capacity of 1,440 tests according to Bx1. You can find all Coronavirus related information for Brussels Airlines flights on this page.
// var TopMapping = googletag.sizeMapping(). Een interactieve kaart toont alle testcentra (coronavirus - Covid-19) van Brussel en de voorwaarden om zich te laten testen (met of zonder voorschrift, met of zonder afspraak en openingsuren). // googletag.pubads().enableLazyLoad({ // Wilfried Redant, We have put in place a number of measures and recommendations to continue offering you a pleasant journey while safeguarding your health, as well as that of your loved ones and our employees. People wanting to get tested there will need to book an appointment via the following link, with slots available from Monday through Saturday between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. // var adslot0; Coronavirus: Brussels on track to boost daily testing capacity to 9,000 Another testing village is expected to open its doors on Monday at 201 Avenue Jupiter, near place Albert. Kristien, by More in…, If you have booked an Europ Assistance cancellation insurance together with your flights, we invite you to change the dates for your cancellation insurance (and/or travel assistance insurance) as wel…, Updated 5 months ago De Stad Brussel heeft verschillende beslissingen genomen om de maatregelen van de federale regering in de strijd tegen het coronavirus (Covid-19) te respecteren. Een interactieve kaart toont alle testcentra (coronavirus - Covid-19) van Brussel en de voorwaarden om zich te laten testen (met of zonder voorschrift, met of zonder afspraak en openingsuren).
Face shields and FFP2 masks with a valve are not permitted on board, as they allow the air to escape to the side and do not provide com…, Updated 3 weeks ago The COVID-19 cellular laboratory at Brussels Airport is now open.
Meer info: maatregelen Stad Brussel tegen coronavirus. FlorenceVanStaey, You can check the applicable entry restrictions of your (transit) destination here or via the local authorities of your (transit) destination. Your residence/accommodation should provide an isolation room to prevent contact. // var adslot0; // googletag.enableServices();
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