SELECT ELECTIVE UNITS TO THE TOTAL VALUE OF: Psychological Science Correlational Methods, Advanced Psychological Science Qualitative Methods, Mixed Methods Research in Health Psychology. When you apply, please include your final academic transcripts, grading keys and degree award certificate (if applicable) to ensure your application and qualifications are assessed at the same time. Admission to the Honours stream is by invitation and follows high achievement within this Bachelor Degree. Our Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree provides you with an opportunity to stand out from the crowd and develop a unique individual research project in a critical and supportive learning environment. Entry into Psychology Honours Stream: The minimum requirement is completion of a three-year Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) accredited psychology course in an Australian university with a minimum of a distinction average in second and third year. Graduates with a Bachelor Degree with Honours may also qualify for entry to a Master or Doctorate by Research. Honours program; Entry pathways & study support; Postgraduate courses; Student experience; Honours program. Bentley-based Distance Education Area which remain Central Curtin accepts no responsibility for and makes no representations, whether express or implied, as to the accuracy or reliability in any respect of any material in this publication. The hands-on laboratory work, bioinformatics and writing were a definite highlight of … This course is accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council. A full-time study load usually consists of 200 credits (approximately eight units) per year, with 100 credits (approximately four units) in each semester. 13018 (v.3) Psychology Honours Dissertation 492 or any previous version Prerequisite(s): 13017 (v.3) Psychology Honours Dissertation 491 or any previous version OR PSYC4000 (v.1) Psychology Honours Dissertation Preparation or any previous version UNIT REFERENCES, TEXTS, OUTCOMES AND ASSESSMENT DETAILS: Psychology Honours Dissertation 492 The fees shown above apply to international students studying on-campus in Western Australia. of any reliance which may be placed on this material by any person. or any previous version, 13017 (v.3) The IELTS – or the International English Language Test System – tests your English-language abilities (writing, listening, speaking, and reading) on a scale of 1.00–9.00. In particular, the University reserves the right to change the content and/or method of assessment, to change or alter 306067 v.2 Honours Psychology Stream Introduction. You will prepare a research proposal in your third year and develop advanced knowledge in abnormal psychology, adult development, community psychology, cognition, cross-cultural psychology, Indigenous psychology and individual differences. The tuition pattern provides details of the types of classes and their duration. Partially Online Internal material from the Internet but with regular and ongoing This major/stream is part of a larger course. further information. Bentley-based Distance Education Area which remain Central We do accept mid year enrolments. Find out how the human mind thinks and why we behave the way we do. reliability in any respect of any material in this publication. Curtin will not be liable to you or to any other person for any loss or damage (including direct, consequential or economic loss or damage) This Psychology (Honours) course from Curtin University helps you learn about perception, cognition, emotion, personality, behaviour and interpersonal relationships, and how psychologists examine, explain and predict what people do as individuals and in groups. Yes. The offering information on this website applies only to future students. Note on fourth year: Due to stringent accreditation requirements, you must attain a minimum credit average in your second and third year core psychology units to continue into the fourth year of the course. Did you know you can compare them side-by-side in our Compare-tool? Except to the extent mandated otherwise by legislation, Curtin University does not accept responsibility for the consequences Graduates of the four-year program are eligible to apply for associate membership of the Australian Psychological Society (APS) and provisional registration. Studying part-time will extend the duration of your course. Citizens or permanent residents of a country other than Australia or New Zealand. Fees apply. Curtin is ranked in the top one per cent of universities worldwide. Excludes The indicative tuition fee is subject to an annual tuition fee increase of up to 5 per cent and may be subject to legislative change. Psychology Honours Dissertation Preparation, Quality Assurance in Psychological Research. Curtin accepts no responsibility for and makes no representations, whether express or implied, as to the accuracy or For further details, see the University website External. 4 Years. The University reserves the right to withdraw any unit of study or program which it offers, to impose limitations on enrolment in any unit or program, and/or to vary arrangements for any program. however caused and whether by negligence or otherwise which may result directly or indirectly from the use of this publication. Our supervision, academic and technical support structures are widely recognised in Australia and overseas. It also provides an understanding of the theoretical framework within which various approaches and techniques have been developed. Precise information is included in the unit outline. or program, and/ or to vary arrangements for any program. Studyportals Tip: Students can search online for independent or external scholarships that can help fund their studies.
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