Deland, FL, 32724 is located in Deland city which falls under Florida state of united states, 32724 follows Eastern (GMT -05:00) timezone.
ZIP Code 32724 for Deland FL, area code, information on county, other general info and maps. The area code for 32724 is 386.The total population for 32724 zip codes is 37,583 and covers total land area of 94.81 sq mi. On this site you will find information on all USA Zip codes and many tools to calculate distance between zip codes, shipping costs, zip codes radiuses etc. Qpzm; Postal Codes; DEVLAND Postal Code (GP) Devland is a suburb of City of Johannesburg, Gauteng with a postal code. Area code(s) 386: FIPS code: 12-16875: GNIS feature ID: 0281473: Website: DeLand is a city in the U.S. state of Florida.
The people living in ZIP code 32724 are primarily white.
Deland Zip Code - Get the zipcode for Deland in Volusia, (FL) Florida - It is located about 198 miles east-southeast of FL's capital city of Tallahassee. ECONOMY The unemployment rate in Deland (zip 32720) is 4.2% (U.S. avg. It falls under volusia county of South region and South Atlantic division. Devland Postcode - Get the postal code for Devland (GP) in City of Johannesburg and search for other postcodes in Gauteng - Qpzm. It is the county seat of Volusia County.
Location/Code Province: Location: Devland Street Code: 1811. ZIP Code 32720 for Deland FL, area code, information on county, other general info and maps. It is about 15 kms south-southwest of GP's capital city of Johannesburg. deland falls under volusia county of Florida State.The total population of the city is 27,031 and covers total area of 1,432 square miles (county). In the most recent US census the population of Deland was 27031.
City: Deland Zip Codes: Deland (zip 32720) Time zone: Eastern Standard Time (EST) Elevation: 31 ft above sea level Highlights.
Deland, FL Stats and Demographics for the 32724 ZIP Code. The primary city may not be the city in which the ZIP is located but is usually the name of the main post office i.e. 32724 deland follows Eastern (GMT -05:00) time zone. City/Zip code State. More Economy.
Zip Codes; DELAND Zip Code (FL) Deland is a city of Volusia, Florida in the Deep South region of the USA. Average income per household of 32724 area is $45,047. Recent job growth is Positive. 32724 zip code is located in Deland city of Florida area. latitude = 29.095463 and longitude = -81.23345, Total male population of 32724 zip is 15,131, Total female population of 32724 zip is 16,695.
ZIP code 32724 is located in northeast Florida and covers a slightly higher than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. Deland covers 5 zip codes and is located in South region of South Atlantic division. On this site you will find information on all USA Zip codes and many tools to calculate distance between zip codes, shipping costs, zip codes radiuses etc. Deland (zip 32720) jobs have increased by 2.0%. ZIP Code 5 Plus 4 Address ; 32724-0001: 700 (From 700 To 714 ) FRINGE TREE CT , DELAND, FL: 32724-0002: 401 (From 401 To 499 Odd) TISBURY CT , DELAND, FL deland follows Eastern (GMT -05:00) time zone.
Average house value of 32724 area is $133,600 per house. ZIP code(s) 32720–32724. You can use 32724 for secondary cities also but while mailing your package always use primary or accepted city name. is 3.7%). It also has a slightly less than average population density. 32724 falls under volusia, fl county of Florida state.
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