I've been spamming Diana in the jungle for a few weeks now, including with the new runes. Once you get the ability timing and kiting of camps down, her early clear is pretty good and surprisingly healthy. Other than that she’s amazing in the jungle. Fuck fizz. What do you think of jungle Diana in season 11? Did this guide help you? Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote. Not the best, but it works. Actually a broken item. You’re a scaling jungler so don’t feel pressure to carry early. Diana likes long or short fights but nothing in between, what is is kind of strange. Not the best, but it works. By Njoror [SEASON 10] BECOME a CHALLENGER DIANA - BEST DIANA NA. Helps you snowball fast and gives you tons of burst. I am a jungle main, and I just picked up Diana jungle. But remember to back and buy items, dianas clearspeed is linked to her ap. Try to save the last E use (that puts it on cd) for the end of the fight, but use it for dmg if necessary. but u need to really afk jungle her to get very strong and good for the team. Buy this second almost every game. If I'm agaisnt a strong early game (eg Olaf), I'll just try to avoid them early. This subreddit is dedicated to people who mainly play Diana! Analizamos millones de partidas de LoL cada día para obtener estadísticas, emparejamientos, builds y rankings de invocadores. This subreddit is dedicated to people who mainly play Diana! If Diana pulls in at least one enemy Champion icon champion, she calls down a beam of moonlight after 1 second, dealing magic damage in an area around her, increased for each champion pulled beyond the first. Estadísticas de Campeones, popularidad, porcentajes de victoria, mejores objetos y hechizos recomendados. S10: Jungle Disastrous Diana Going Offensive or Defensive, [SEASON 10] BECOME a CHALLENGER DIANA - BEST DIANA NA. save. Language . It’s for sure viable, but I also feel like it’s situational, Wait this isnt a sub for diana from brawlhalla. Most other junglers will skip camps to gank and do scuttles and if you keep your camps on cooldown for the first 7 minutes of the game, you get a pretty healthy XP lead. They should just allow points into R from beginning of game (like Udyr). This subreddit is dedicated to people who mainly play Diana! Press J to jump to the feed. She can be "played" jungle. Since. I feel like Diana doesn't have a better starting side unlike many other champs, so my starting side depends on what side I want to play on for the first scuttle crab. I usually can carry games if not make one of my Laners get fed. I hope you all enjoy my guide. Follow . Predator is the best against early ganking junglers, electrocute or dark harvest if you're playing against a passive champ. After casting an ability, this bonus is tripled to 30% − 120% (based on level) for 3 seconds. Diana jungle does take some time to get used to and will take some practice so don't be depressed if you don't figure her out right off the bat. Ffw is not the best rune on jungle Diana. I’ve been having a higher success on Electrocute in the jungle lately because of the gank power. This subreddit is dedicated to people who mainly play Diana! Hard to build when behind though as you lack the economy for the 2x large rods. Farm after that and try to get some ganks off. Maybe in lower elo as junglers won't try to invade so often, I play her mainly in jg, and yes you have to power farm till 6, and yes getting counter jg is tough but if you can loosely track where the enemy jg is then you can mirror there farm route to stay even in cs till 6. Also, gromp will provide the healing and mana regen now so that's a reason less to try contest scuttle (since she is bad at dueling junglers early game and also bad at taking scuttle), I typically go Conqueror, (alacrity or tenacity depending on the other team), as secondary I like Taste of blood and Ravenous hunter. If the target is within 400 range, Diana will dash through their location. Reveals, draws in, and successively slows all nearby enemies for 2 seconds. And the lvl 3 gank always works, they don't expect a Diana to come so fast. You don't really need these but it's nice to have into poke matchups. By lunox. Unless season 9 brings about some major changes, the meta will stay around high pressure level 2-3 gankers. She's good in matches where you can safely farm to 6, AKA almost never in the current meta of early game junglers. Evelynn does her job better as a far to 6 and spam gank assassin jungler tbh. Champion guides for the League of Legends champion Diana.Find the best Diana build guides for S10 Patch 10.20. 169. Rush this for damage and kill pressure in lane. You can make safe ganks pre 6, like get their flash off or a kill attempt but I find she’s very difficult against duelist junglers. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If Diana pulls in one or more enemy champions, the moonlight crashes down onto her after 1 second, dealing 200 / 300 / 400 (+60% of ability power) magic damage in an area around her, increased by 35 / 60 / 85 (+15% of ability power) for each champion pulled beyond the first. Diana counters well. You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month! This usually happens either when you're really far ahead or when your team has lots of magic damage champions. Diana permanently has Attack speed icon 10% − 40% (based on level) bonus attack speed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I feel like completing Nashor first helps with fighting and with clearing (but I'm a silver noob so maybe someone can correct me on that). In my opinion there are two ways to play diana: Burst with electrocute or dark harvest And. NOTE: In this section, AA stands for auto-attack, Q W E R are abilities, 2AA is two auto-attacks on minions before the combo for a. Good to use hourglass after hitting a big ult if you think they'll burst you before it goes off. ----For any more info contact me. Another viable build is Rod of Ages rush into the same rest of the build but it takes longer to scale and I'm not a huge fan of hoping your team doesnt feed until you come online. Use this ability to clear waves and poke the enemy laner at the same time when possible. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Then you can complete your build depending on what's needed. +9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP) Posted by 1 day ago. The mod emphasizes on realism to improve the gameplay of the game, and no, not graphical realism. Follow their flash with e flash. 56.94 % 55.73 % 55.18 % Diana gets countered. When last hitting under tower in laning phase, if you need to use. 20% cdr is always nice to find early as well. Pretty aggressively. Against a strong duelist jungler don’t be afraid to have to give up a scuttle or two if you have to, it’s not worth fighting for. save. Twitter YouTube Twitch Cast Your Vote Today! Also really strong in teamfights because you can R-hourglass to guarantee the damage without getting bursted down. Just the normal Conq runes. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Buy this 3rd when ahead and you 1shot the enemy team. Diana build guides - op.gg provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in s10, s9 - including Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate. She just doesn't do things that teams need junglers to do. Ask your top to take a bad trade which makes the enemy under 50% hp and you have a free kill. https://reddit.com/r/democraticrepublicans/. Super fun, and I was wondering if I can get any tips or need to know information? Very cost effective but be careful about suiciding for kills or dying in general. Also want to try and have conqueror stacked before ult for the heal. DH used to be great but is now gone. Duelists are your worst enemies early, try to avoid them and outfarm them. Do you go Electrocute or Conqueror? Gives rly good solokill pressure w/ the cc and damage so you can stay on the target and you 1v9 teamfights easily with a good r. Usually you want to q-e into a good r position in a teamfight and look for r-f whenever possible (cast r then flash right after). Diana can still function in the Jungle. Please let me know if you notice any outdated sections or errors and I will do my best to fix them asap. /r/Diana: Reddit's hotspot for everything about the League of Legends Champion, A place to talk about the gun rights policy Conference (GRPC), We are an Upcoming draft league, newly drafted prize league on Madden 17 Connected Franchise Want to support MOBAFire with an ad-free experience? 169. Thank you for reading. FFW is viable though. Diana build guides - op.gg provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in s10, s9 - including Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate . Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! Tips and tricks welcome, any discussion related to Diana is encouraged. Since Crescent Strike comes out of Diana's RIGHT arm, we want to position ourselves slightly to the LEFT of the minion wave in order to maximize minions hit when pushing the wave. +9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP) I usually buy my 2nd dorans ring on first back for early tanky + dmg in lane. +15-90 HP (lvls 1-18). If it matters, I am playing at low plat right now. You may also Sign In using your Social Media. Creating a Tank Build. Run Flash/ignite for kill pressure (e.g. Tips and tricks welcome, any discussion related to Diana is encouraged. Diana unleashes a bolt of lunar energy that travels in a counter-clockwise arc before exploding at the target location, dealing magic damage to enemies hit and afflicting them with Moonlight for 3 seconds, revealing them for the duration. You must be logged in or register before you cancast your vote.

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