Dear Jake: Since every state requires that you attend school a certain number of days per year (usually around 180 days each year) and that you are only allowed so many unexcused absences (and tardies), your school can impose consequences if you have missed too many days. I try getting him up 1 1/2 hrs early but he takes his time.

Otherwise you could be further disciplined by the school for not showing up for detention. I was not able to lower absences down to 9 because the attendance ladies refuse to do it for me since it was after hours. Again, if you believe your rights were violated, you and your parents may want to first ask to discuss the matter with the principal. My name is Jocelynn & i live in Tennessee.

As a result the school searched us even though we had done nothing wrong. Take a look at the Student Handbook for the rules and penalties for excessive unexcused absences. I got introuble for being out past 12. I live in Chicago, Illinois. Hello, I am 14 years old.

I just contacted the State because no one contacts me, but I haven’t heard anything. Good luck. Dear Blake: Your Student Handbook and the laws of your state spell out the number of unexcused absences allowed before the school takes action.

Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules about truancy and the consequences for violating the policy. She is only 16 years old.

My husband is 15 and I’m 19.

Hi, some security gaurds at my (old) school caught me ditching a class I didn’t want to go to. You may want to contact the school’s guidance counselor or another therapist and see whether you could meet to discuss the situation. I’m 21 in College and I am enrolled into Air Force ROTC. Dear Laura: Most courts would look to the parent who has physical custody of the minor and hold that person responsible for seeing that he or she attends school.

It should be spelled out as to what the consequences may be for additional absences.

Will i automatically get fined or probation? I sent notices as she will ill each day of school. You could also be ordered to attend a class about the importance of education and some community service. Good luck. Good luck. Good luck. I had excuses but they were too late. Check your Student Handbook for the rules about excused and unexcused absences. (This is information only – not legal advice).

(This is information only – not legal advice). and every day after 15 absences i need a doctors note. (This is information only – not legal advice). Since you’re on probation, truancy is likely a violation which means you could be explaining your absences to a judge if your PO decides to violate you. We know that won’t happen with you, but just a reminder. It could be $50 and up to a few hundred. Your husband can check his divorce decree and see what it says about his son’s education and also your state’s truancy laws.

I am 14 and have never bunked off school in my life before. Good luck. I have looked everywhere on the FL DMV website and have only seen information on teens that are ages 14-17. (This is information only – not legal advice). Considering the DMV messed up majorly?? I am in constant contact with the school. You could also ask your school’s attendance officer, counselor or even principal.

There are a limited number of unexcused absences allowed before the school takes action. I do online schooling, but I haft to go twice a week and do the rest of the work online.Trouble is I dont have a ride to go. ), Hi. [This is information only – not legal advice]. Once you hit a certain number of absences, you will face certain consequences like detention, in-school suspension or even a referral to truancy court. The mother went on a camping trip to San Diego with her boyfriend and took my son with them for 3 days making my son miss school for 3 days. don’t carry through to one’s adult life. I live in Texas and im 18, if I am accused of truancy, does it affect me? which was my freshmen and sophmore year, and now im (This is information only – not legal advice.).

He could be charged with contributing to the dependency or incorrigibility of a minor, or as an accomplice to the offense of truancy. You could try speaking with his probation officer about this. Your future depends on it. I’m not a bad kid I kiss make bad decisions. We think you could be comfortable in leaving this off the application. I’ve flat out skipped four days, and I’ve been late too many times to remember, mostly intentionally, skipping about the first 3 periods. I was woudering in California can my 27 year old brother take me to court if my parents cannot come due to work? I got a truancy contract for skipping two classes in middle school because I wanted to finish a project that was due for class. Her own friends have told her guardian. Good luck. If there’s a warrant out for your fiance, you’ll want to take care of that asap. Im in my senior year of high school, can I still be truant? They can explain what you can expect to happen now.

Even if i pass the “EoGs”? what kind of trouble can I get in if I just ignore it? I have always sent a note, however how can I prove I sent a note for these absences to get the case dismissed? The school may discipline you by either giving you in-school suspension, requiring you to take a class about truancy, or some other penalty. Truancy is taken seriously by every court and judge. How many times can you ditch before you are expelled or fined in CALIFORNIA? It should be school policy to notify a parent within the allowable timeframe as kids are not always responsible, as I have found out the hard way. Is there a maximum of days that you could miss and still graduate? Please help I am desperate! Good luck. Dear Matt: Since every state requires that you attend school a certain number of days per year (usually around 180 days each year) and that you are only allowed so many unexcused absences and/or tardies, your school can discipline you once you exceed a certain number. However we have started the home schooling already…if im on home school before the court date what can they do?

Im so scared!

If you do not have a court date coming up, contact your probation officer (if you’ve been assigned one) or the court directly and ask if you can request a hearing to discuss this further with the judge. They can contact the school and straighten this out before it gets worse. Good luck.

(Check our Resource Directory for more help and resources in your area. so how many more unexcused abstance do i need to be in trouble or am i already in trouble? Good luck. Even if you hate thrift stores, you can browse through the racks. I live in california ive had about 10 truancies. Dear Rodolfo: It sounds like everyone who either did not go to school or left the school that morning would have been given an unexcused absence for the day or at least for the periods of school that were missed. Most schools today have anti-bullying policies that require schools to investigate reported bullying incidents and address the problem. You could also be placed on probation – that’s up to the judge. this is my first time ditching class not school ! My mom doesn’t want to go to jail, and she doesn’t want me to go to a Juvenile Detention center, but at this point, I feel like I need to. Can the parents still get into trouble I was truant for a long time and was sentenced 48 hours community service and a $430 fine or so. This could lead to detention. Which is very understandable. I live in the midlands in England and I was wondering if the school could suspend me for this? So, im really starting to think it’s my truancy record. It turned out, after speaking with the principal and my daughter that the citation is for 4 days missed in a one month period (the week she missed for the flu.). Good luck. I live in Illinois and I wanted to know what I can do to either get this letter taken out of his file or how I should respond to it. i live in polk county, florida & so far i’ve been going to school everyday but there’s sort of a problem always getting to my 1st period class. Pay attention in the future to the rules. Good luck. (Check our Resource Directory for more help and resources in your area. My parents says that they help you get rid of your problems.

I am afraid of what will happen. (This is information only – not legal advice). Good luck. Good luck. You can go to the school’s website to see the rules regarding compulsory attendance.
You can also talk to your school’s attendance officer and explain why you have the unexcused absences.

Dear John: Take a look at your Student Handbook for the rules regarding excused and unexcused absences.
A judge can only do so much if the person isn’t interested in helping themselves by staying out of trouble and following their probation terms.

Finally, he could try Googling his state’s name and “compulsory attendance” or “truancy” for the specific laws in your state. If you are in truancy court is there a way to drop charges before we go to court? We suggest you contact the school’s attendance officer and/or principal to discuss your options and get help for this student. If there is a legitimate reason as to why you have missed so much school this year, be sure that your school is aware of the reason and save any doctor’s notes, etc. The chances of being detained are slim on a first offense and for truancy. If your parents or legal guardian called in excusing you, then under your school’s rules it may be an excused absence.

I have way too many problems and I don’t really want to go back. Dear Edith: The answer to your question depends on your local prosecutor and their policies. Good luck. Dear Nick: Since every state requires that you attend school a certain number of days per year (usually around 180 days each year) and that you are only allowed so many unexcused absences, your school can keep your from graduating if you have missed too many days. can you please help me out!!!

Take a look at the school’s Student Handbook for the rules about excused and unexcused absences. Hi, I live in Minnesota and I have been missing over 90 days of school, and It’s because of my grandma and my cousin’s death. Otherwise you’re putting your graduation in jeopardy. Check your Student Handbook to see what it says about truancy and a parent’s responsibility. Dear Pat: What you describe may constitute fraud under state and/or federal law. (This is information only – not legal advice.). Morning movies are cheaper, so you'll be able to catch the latest blockbuster at a low price. Whether you’re technically truant or not won’t affect your passing 10th grade. i live with my boyfriend because my dad lives 50 miles from my school, im 17 years old and received a summons for court today at 4:30. this is my first offense and im really scared, could you please tell me what i should expect?

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