And if you need to cancel your performance, our COVID-19 Licence Guarantee means you can simply give us a call and we will extend your licence for 12 more months free of charge. Annual Performance Licence Information
Running Time. The Emperor wanted an eye pad. Shining Gender can vary so is not stipulated. It’s you she keeps looking at.
Twankey Oh yes, now I remember. Cannot recommend this highly enough! (to Aladdin) Don’t worry, we won’t give you away. INDEPENDENT), CAST TWANKEY That’s right. And I am your husband’s long-lost brother. Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO. we took on Cinderella last year, and Aladdin this year. There are hardly any words to describe it it’s so good. I really wish that they would do a tour . plays by author playwright keith passmore, skits by author playwright Lois and Kelly Corcoran. Princess Well, now that you have. It might help take my mind off Aladdin getting caught by the law. The bimbo on the helpdesk checks her computer and informs him that yes, such a cave exists and no, he cannot enter it himself. 12 principals plus several minor speaking roles and a chorus. You need to be more careful — get him cleaned up. Wishee But I thought you said that dad was an only child. Aladdin Princess Yasmin Widow Twankey Wishee Washee Abanazer Emperor Empress Suki Yin Yang Genie of the lamp Spirit of the ring. TWANKEY Yes, I call it a sheep dog bra.
Enter Aladdin and Wishee from Laundrette. I have some marvellous news. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Kids loved them, parents were howling. Princess I’d love to. Not to mention face off against an abominable Snow Woman. An amazing production as usual! Wishee Don’t tell me you’re still trying to catch a glimpse of Princess Yasmin? This website uses cookies to improve your experience. After that, make your own mind up! WISHEE Who’s undies have we got in here Mum? What will we do next? Twankey Yes, and once I was vewy, vewy wooed. Wishee (lifting basket lid) In this laundry basket! The perfect end to our school year. To watch children work so hard on a play is amazing so much effort was put into a dazzling musical everyone sung which doesn't happen much.✨. Aladdin Listen both of you. They hold hands and walk downstage. Chorus 3 The speed camera will have snapped your face. I’m totally innocent, honest! "This And one lady in particular. Aladdin Please don’t give me away! Wishee But the brakes on that old thing are dead dodgy, mum. Twankey Cheek! Aladdin (climbing out) I don’t know why the police have always got it in for me. If you’re looking for traditional pantomime scripts for modern audiences with your favourite routines, and plenty of opportunity to customise the script for your audience, look no further. Princess It means I don’t want anybody knowing I’m here. I’ll call back this evening. You are licensed to use this for your personal use. Of course, you can borrow him. If you’re ready to embark upon an unforgettable journey into the Land of the Magic Lamp, let this “in-genie-ous” script make your wish come true!
WISHEE Well don’t do that Mum, that will make the washing pile bigger! Enquire Now.
If you don’t yet have a player then follow these instructions: You will find the PDFs and MP3s under eSongbook Resources in the left hand menu of your eSongbook. Twankey Millionaires! It is rare that any production Yin Forget it Constable Yang, we don’t have time. The idiotic Chinese Policemen, typical panto-style comedy twosome. Yin Aladdin Twankey. Twankey No. Twankey Because my husband never had a brother. This is an excellent play that has something for everybody in it.
After song ends…. Free Sample Characters. Princess That’s a bit sudden isn’t it? If you have already downloaded and installed a Download Player from our website simply refresh your player and select your new eSongbook. eagerly Aladdin My name’s Aladdin, but I’m no thief. Please help me hide! The cast for this script comprises of: Your company was extremely fortunate in finding and performing one of the best scripts I paanto have seen! Now get inside the pair of you, before I serve up a couple of backhanders! And one lady in particular.
Click here for our suggestions. If you have purchased a Premium Pack online which includes Words on Screen™, you will immediately receive a Words on Screen™ eSongbook in your Out of the Ark Music online account.
Help! (repeats business) That’s better. Cost is $6.50 for this previously staged digital play script. Approx 2 hours + interval depending on the length/number of songs you choose. Playstation TWANKEY That’s the one, that’s my celebrity undies pile. Journal), The script
All inclusive - A Comedy about PRETENDING to be dead, Thank You for Shopping Hoochum's Bargain Basement - Funny Thriller Script, The Cost of Love is not Immune to Inflation - a Snowman Comedy, The Wrong Side of the Road - Drama for Teens about a Car Accident, The Storyteller - a play about forgetting an anniversary, The Philosophy of Cavemen - Full length Philosophical Comedy about Human Self Awareness, Forsaken - A Play about Good and Evil. But until then, we’ll carry on as normal. Any song with the lyric “That’s when all your dreams will all come true” has got to be good for panto!
12 December 2020 – 2 January 2021 Made to Measure Productions and Weymouth Pavilion are delighted to announce our spectacular 2020/21 family pantomime Aladdin is now on sale! This panto theme style performance is hilarious and is very good! Twankey Because he just said it was, beyond imagination.
Aladdin ends up trapped in a cave – but with help from two genies, and the staff of Widow Twankey’s laundry, Abanazar gets taken to the cleaners. Suki I’m sorry to interrupt your highness.
), 5 Full Scenes, 4 Front Cloths/Curtain + The Magic Carpet. They’re my american pants. Location?
Music cue 4: Chorus After song ends…Chorus exit (SL). He’s a laundry boy, not a flaming vicar. both turned out fabulous. ALADDIN is traditional to the tips of its turned-up toes and has the
Princess You risked your life just to see me? He was after stealing gold and jewels and stuff. (WISHEE pulls some knickers out of the basket). Help! Come along constable Yang. Perhaps I would make a good a suitor? The kids and parents loved it, age appropriate and I can't get the songs out of my head .......been singing all week since. Twankey Ali Baba! Copy song files from an Audio CD onto more than one computer or onto a network. Corpse. If you need to cancel your performance, our guarantee enables you to extend your licence for 12 more months free of charge. So Abanazer sets out on a journey. However, once they’re in the cave it all goes wrong. A licence is required even if it is a 'free' performance and this is a worldwide copyright requirement. Aladdin agrees but is tricked into finding a magic lamp for Ethelazar. Yin Well, if you’ll excuse us.
Gender can vary so is not stipulated. Aladdin That’s a chance I’ll have to take Wishee. Undeterred, he rings up the Slave of the Ring Hotline for help.
Please note that if you have purchased an Annual Digital Site Licence – Multi-Product, this will cover the digital usage permissions in points 2-10 above for these products but does not cover the performance rights in point 1 – an Annual Performance Licence will still be required. You must all give me a hand. Luckily, I feel the same way about you Aladdin. Continue to stream Words on Screen™ songs from your Out of the Ark Music online account on any device (beyond your free period) for the duration of the licence. Twankey Where are my manners. TWANKEY Now, those are Donald Trump’s boxer shorts.
Wishee What! Aladdin climbs inside the basket and shuts the lid.
Twankey And where’s the proof I was speeding? Perform the work to an audience (other than pupils and staff in schools). Abanazar Have you ever been wooed before?
Wishee It’s vacant now. Which means that whenever mum asks me to wash a load of dirty, smelly laundry. The eSongbook is where we bring together all of the digital resources available for your product. Princess Yasmin will be arriving shortly, and we must remind everybody about the royal protocol. With hilarious comedy from Widow Twankey, Wishee Washee, their pet panda and a hyperactive washing machine Aladdin is the perfect pantomime adventure for all the family. Join us for a high-flying adventure full of fabulous costumes, hilarious comedy, toe-tapping songs, and breathtaking special effects! (to audience) Racket? Pick the relevant licence and click RENEW. Bye then! Princess Ironic isn’t it, Suki? Yang (to audience) Are you sure? Princess No…she’s…erm…a mute!
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