(20 Sep 1975). BBC One Not sure if my Scottish peer Theo would agree, but personally I did not find it distracting that every possible Scottish stereotype was wheeled out for this one – from jokes about tightness through to Nessie herself.The production values of the serial also greatly help this feeling of robustness. Or, il estima que Tom Baker était parfaitement capable de faire les scènes d'action sans l'aide d'un assistant masculin. View production, box office, & company info, Doctor Who: Companion Departures (greatest to least), Doctor Who: Terror of the Zygons: Part Three. Was this review helpful to you? Use the HTML below. The cast all give good performances, with Baker on good form again; I like that there is not 'one thing' about him that n tends to dominate viewings (ie he is not 'serious', 'action-orientated', 'wacky' etc) but that he is able to play well across all situations as seen here. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. The Doctor is not amused to find that the Brigadier brought him all this way just to investigate some oil rigs being destroyed, however investigation of part of a wreckage appears to show a giant tooth mark. En interrogeant Angus, le gérant de l'hôtel, Sarah s'aperçoit assez vite que Huckle, le dirigeant de la compagnie pétrolière des environs est mal vu des habitants. Le Docteur propose à ses compagnons de les raccompagner via le TARDIS, mais seule Sarah Jane accepte. The Brain of Morbius, Part Three, S13:E15. Si Harry quitte l'équipage du TARDIS à partir de cet épisode, on le retrouve néanmoins comme compagnon du Docteur dans un comic book publié un an après dans le "Doctor Who Annual 1977" sous la plume de Paul Crompton[5]. S'aventurant à l'intérieur du repère, le Docteur est enfermé par les Zygons.
Alors qu'il tente de sauver Munro, un des survivants de l'écroulement d'une des plates-formes pétrolières, Harry se fait tirer dessus par un des hommes du Duc, surnommé "Le Caber". Tom Baker (V. F. : Jacques Ferrière) — Le Docteur
The Android Invasion, Part Three, Music title data, credits, and images provided by, Movie title data, credits, and poster art provided by. Check box if your review contains spoilers. Ils réussissent à s'enfuir. UNIT attempt to track down the Zygon ship … Use the HTML below. Le Docteur et ses compagnons sont appelés par le Brigadier afin d'enquêter sur la disparition de plateformes pétrolières ayant lieu en écosse. Add the first question. If you come across an infringement of BBC copyright or trade mark that you would like to report please e-mail antipiracy at bbc dot com with as much information as possible.
This FAQ is empty. Alors que leur vaisseau est bombardé par les soldats du Brigadier, ils le font décoller et prennent la fuite avant d'atterrir dans une carrière abandonnée. Le Brigadier informe le Docteur que des plates-formes pétrolières semblent avoir mystérieusement disparue dans les environs et malgré sa réticence à être appelé pour ce qu'il estime être un "fait mineur" le Docteur accepte de mener l'enquête. Meanwhile, Harry's own investigations seen him shot and hospitalized, making it clear that certainly something odd is going on – not least of which is the landlord's bagpipe playing.Despite the so-so ending to the previous season, I was in the stride so carried on into the thirteenth season to find this solidly strong serial as the kick-off. The drama does move forward well though, and this is one of the better examples of the Who staple fare.
Not sure if my Scottish peer Theo would agree, but personally I did not find it distracting that every possible Scottish stereotype was wheeled out for this one – from jokes about tightness through to Nessie herself.The production values of the serial also greatly help this feeling of robustness. The Zygons think the Doctor is dead after he is electrocuted by the communications system.
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