Saw the movie lastnight, loved it!!! reasearch more… few facts are wrong ,i have reasearched them, just take the woord Spartan women put it in google and let them tell ya.. im greek…and im proud to be greek!who knows i might have spartan roots..pretty cool.anyway,as we greeks taught to school women were given respect by men cause they were the ones giving birth to their babies(boys that one day will carry their father’s name and go to war like real man do)also,they were educated and trained so that their boys become physically and mentaly strong when they were born! Spartans were training a lot, though, so they weren’t at home all the time to make babies. After King Cleomenes' death, Gorgo became his sole heiress. /:).

Leonidas had confided to her. Just as most places in the world did. So Aristagoras began with a promise of ten talents if the king would grant him his request and when Cleomenes shook his head, continued to raise his offer till it reached fifty talents; whereupon the child spoke: ‘Father,’ she said, ‘get up and go, or the stranger will certainly corrupt thee.’ Then Cleomenes, pleased at the warning of his child, withdrew and went into another room. I didn’t see Queen Gorgo as a slut…though I didn’t agree with her actions, I understood why her character did what she did with Theron the statesman.

An offhand reference is made to Athenians being “boy lovers.”. He and his men are heading north, to Thermopylae, where they will confront Xerxes and his Immortals.

Picture Information.

This was where they had first become man and wife. Also, for the person who said that spartan culture was whiped out because of their “homosexuality” is false, ebcause the Athenians were the homosexuals so if any culture was whiped out it would be them, not the Spartans… and also neither sparta or athens is whiped out both are still in cities in Greece and by background is Greek (spartan to be more specific). All of Sparta knew that the Persian empire looked upon Greece with hungry eyes- empires had to expand, else they died out.

This is a recent invention (don´t remember if it appeared in the 20th or 19th century)… before then they talked about the “other sex”, rather than the “opposite sex”.

With those words, Gorgo felt her heart drop. If they did fight, it was on them. The statement of a Spartan woman “Come home with your shield or on it”, as nearly as can be determined, was said by one Spartan mother to her son, once. (“No mercy” is a Spartan watchword.) was born shortly after Gretchen Cawthon was told that women can't do web design. Update: Thanks to Carms for linking me to this pic. I think the movie generally was very predjudiced towards everyone, and i hope that no one takes it as 100% fact. It was noticed though. Not saying they’re perfect, but there’s a lot there with sources given. Gerard Butler as King Leonidas; Lena Headey as Queen Gorgo; Dominic West as Theron; David Wenham as Dilios; Vincent Regan as Captain; Michael Fassbender as Stelios; Tom Wisdom as Astinos; Andrew Pleavin as Daxos; Andrew Tiernan as Ephialtes; Rodrigo Santoro as Xerxes; Stephen McHattie as Loyalist. It cannot be avoided; no negotiations will take place now. :D, Though I know several people who are screencapping Gerry’s “balcony” scene. They were given military training, wrestled, played sports and learned how to be the head of the house while the men were away. Insulting him and his queen, content to allow him, his wife and children, content to allow all of Sparta to be enslaved or slaughtered, so long as they remained in their false seats of power.

Every night, Gorgo knelt upon a marble altar and prayed that Leonidas be returned to her safely. (I didn’t enjoy the scenes from Xerxes’ camp where there was basically an orgy going on, 24/7.) 66 total quotes Dilios Multiple Characters Persian King Xerxes Queen Gorgo Spartan King Leonidas View Quote [To Ephialtes, who turned traitor and volunteered to serve him] Unlike the cruel Leonidas who demanded that you stand, I require only that you kneel. While there, Leonidas is told, “Trust the gods. Spartans viewed themselves as superior Greeks and were Fascist by nature. I come to you as a mother. Enraged, Gorgo snatches a sword and stabs Theron, rupturing a bag of gold hidden in his robe. This is his story.

Spartan women did have a relatively large role in society. I can’t say that I appreciate the way Frank Miller has portrayed the women in his graphic novels…but there are plenty more graphic novels and artists who portray women in a less than favorable light. When everyone failed, Gorgo demonstrated her intelligence by deciphering a message on a wooden wax tablet.

Class warfare and slavery have gone on from the beginning of time. :) ). not enough spartan babies. Leonidas visits an oracle, an entranced young woman who’s “tended to” (more on that below) by horribly disfigured men called Ephors. Leonidas had dismissed these rumors, every one. As Queen of Sparta and wife to legendary King Leonidas, Gorgo played an important role in the history of Greece. When the Viking men were away, guess who defended the home turf in Scandinavia? ( I dont want to mess it up for anyone who hasnt seen it)….
The only men Leonidas invites to join his war party are those with sons, lest any family’s line be wiped out. I will not describe the second most-memorable scene because it gives too much away, but let’s just say that Spartan women know how to handle a sword and leave it at that. Given that, I think I can safely say that the enthusiasm of the crowd I witnessed had much less to do with the film’s positive themes than the fact that the filmmakers have managed to make slaughter (and sensuality) look so very cool. As Leonidas (Gerard Butler) leaves Sparta, with the 300, he says good-bye to his son Pleistarchos (Giovani Antonio Cimmino) and his wife Gorgo (Lena Headey). He and his wife, Jennifer, have three children. It’s not Saving Private Ryan.” Snyder also admitted he was more interested in creating visually compelling shots than he was recreating historically accurate fight scenes. What I liked about the movie is that it is unapologetically pro-military service and sacrifice, and totally not burdened with PC sensitivities. Some of them are just suppressed in each sex. In 480 BC he would defy an army half a million strong. pleas excuse my english, i am german. It’s not a type of storytelling we’re used to in America. As Leonidas (Gerard Butler) leaves Sparta, with the 300, he says good-bye to his son Pleistarchos (Giovani Antonio Cimmino) and his wife Gorgo (Lena Headey). What that german guy said above is incorrect. While her husband, King Leonidas, goes off to battle Xerxes and his Persian army, Gorgo remains in Sparta to uphold Leonidas’ honor in the face of corrupt politicians who would take Sparta’s throne as their own in their King’s absence.

The actual quote that Gorgo stated was: “‘When asked by a woman from Attica, ‘Why are you Spartan women the only ones who can rule men?, she said: ‘Because we are also the only ones who give birth to men.'”. Real life is more complex.

and plus, the other character’s reason for being was kind of fuzzy…so how powerful WAS he in the council? *shrug*, It’s not exactly the scene you’re looking for, but it’s a great depiction of the mood in that scene…, There had been small skirmishes between Greece and the Persians before, each fight becoming larger as the years went on and the generations changed. A sculpture believed to show Gorgo. She was Leonidas's wife. Not every citizen was a warrior- there were many defenseless women and children within the city walls; whole families were left at risk in the villages outside of Sparta's protection. I am a history buff so I hated the movie for turning it upside down, in fact Greeks fielded a slave army(not shown in the movie) whereas Persians were a free army.

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