>> Hays County << Please Vote! The following is the Official Ballot Order of the List of Certified Candidates for the Hays County 2020 Primary to be held on Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020. /ExtGState endobj A complete list of Voting Locations / Dates / Times for Early Voting can be found at: Certified Candidate List for 2020 Primary, Public Notice of Test of Automatic Tabulating Equipment, vimeo.com/466907676?fbclid=IwAR0gqotEwYg7yapzRaBXvLLwZ43QSAUI8_cXGraeA1Z64O67XSiT3DXibAg, Early Voting Ballot Board & Signature Verification Handbook, Judicial Meet & Greet with Judges Yeary, Newell & Richardson. %���� Click on a location for the address, directions and dates / times for voting. 1 0 obj >> In the November 2020 election, Hays County voters will decide on Proposition A; which is whether to fund a $75 million parks and open spaces bond. E-mail: elections@co.hays.tx.us << The Live Oak Health (formerly Hays County Health Department) polling location at 401 Broadway St. in San Marcos has been adjusted to building # C. We feel this location at the same address is in the best interest of public health, and also allows us the opportunity to have ample equipment that can be adequately distanced for voter safety. Hays County Elections office has released the County’s Master Ballot (below) and early voting starts on Tuesday, October 13, and runs through October 30, with election day on Tuesday, November 3, and new this year Hays County has set up Super Voting Centers.. Super Voting Centers will each have 24 machines, two check-in lines, and double the staff to help move larger volumes of … /Filter/FlateDecode 4 0 obj >>

>> /Length 4264 Conservative turnout has to be at an all time high to hold the line, much less replace losses from previous years. Please Vote! Contact the Hays County Republican Party if you need help getting to a voting location. /Contents 5 0 R /F1 14 0 R More information on Early Voting Locations / Dates / Times and Candidates can be found at:hayscountygop.org/ ... See MoreSee Less, Voter turnout is the key to this election for conservatives. ... See MoreSee Less, 2020 General Election Early Voting Locations, Dates & Times Tuesday, October 13th – Friday, October 16th Saturday, October 17th Sunday, October 18th Monday, October 19th – Friday, October 23rd Saturday, October 24th Sunday, October 25th[...], Here Come the Judges!! Judges Kevin Yeary, David Newell, and Bert Richardson will be holding a meet and greet at the HCRP Welcome Center located at 6000 FM 150 in Kyle. << x��]�o��_��b�V�O}���l�@��m�{(��M|��e����^�ח_CR�D}Xrl����V�dr83���p���w�۷�����z�ޮ��Js� �筹�����[q���of�(J����_�K�|\>==o�/?��V/� a��l�3����O������z�Y-�'i!~�>��鿿|�{�n�������g��ސl>;}�%��ή�f�ފ������7d )Y�I�'8OI&~�}Q�=$�G�f1�G⇊�[�S��k��g���D�������n�W�����[��!��P�'�j �TV��f�f��~�&Y�ѵ;�0�҂��r\SJQ(w�T���=E�n#��Lߗ�Xi�M�0��g��6f��;��3ɠ��{L?+�s���F]��T�X����m͝��e�Y~��Z>�6�����/׫�.y��~���d�b����;�چ��J�(���C�K���. Who is on the ballot Hays County has a long list of contests on the ballot for the General Election, including 19 local races. /I false This website provides information about the bond language on the ballot, the projects that would be funded and information on elections. %PDF-1.4 endobj >> The following is the Official Ballot Order of the List of Certified Candidates for the Hays County 2020 Primary to be held on Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020. /S/Transparency /Pages 3 0 R Hays County did not hold a city/school/water election on May 2, 2020, pursuant to a proclamation issued by the Governor on March 18 authorizing all political subdivisions to postpone all elections to the November 3, 2020, uniform election (i.e. /Creator(PDFsharp 1.31.1789-w \(www.pdfsharp.com\)) New registration trends lean towards less conservative demographics. 512-396-8511, Don't be the weak link! Contact the Hays County Republican Party if you need help getting to a voting location.Voter turnout is the key to this election for conservatives. Hays County Government Center 712 South Stagecoach Trail Suite 1012 San Marcos, TX 78666-6294 (Early Voting Clerk correspondence may be sent to the above address) Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 5 0 obj >> stream Conservative turnout has to be at an all time high to hold the line, much less the reverse losses from 2018. New registration trends lean towards less conservative demographics.

San Marcos, Texas 78666, Interactive Precinct Map (find your precinct), Commissioner Precinct 1 – Road Project Updates, Kinder Morgan Permian Pipeline in Hays County, Permits, Inspections, Plans & Specifications Review, and Guide Sheets, Hays County Regional Habitat Conservation Plan, Information for Independent and Write-in Candidates, About the Office of Elections Administrator, Required Identification for Voting in Person, About Us – Hays County Local Health Department, Health Services Records/New Ownership Announcement, Parks & Open Space Advisory Commission (POSAC). 3 0 obj >> Staff. A complete list of Voting Locations / Dates / Times for Early Voting can be found at:hayscountygop.org/Contact the Hays County Republican Party if you need help getting to a voting location. 900 Bugg Lane, Suite #111 By KUT Staff • Feb 13, 2020 . << >> this election). /Type/Catalog What is the Hays County 2020 Parks Bond? The event will be[...], Join your Republican friends every Tuesday night at the Hays County Republican Party Welcome Center starting at 7:00pm from now until the election for an hour of prayer. Voter turnout is the key to this election for conservatives. Salvador Castro for KUT. /Group Sample Ballot Read Both Sides of the Ballot / Leer ambos lados de la boleta Precinct 123 November 3, 2020 3 de noviembre de 2020 Precinto 123 General Election Elección General Hays County, Texas El Condado de Hays, Texas Page 1 of 3 Página 1 de 3 Please use a black or blue ink pen to mark your ballot. /MediaBox[0 0 612 1008] endobj Hays County Republican Party Share Tweet Email. << Sample Ballot Read Both Sides of the Ballot / Leer ambos lados de la boleta Precinct 223 November 3, 2020 3 de noviembre de 2020 Precinto 223 General Election Elección General Hays County, Texas El Condado de Hays, Texas Page 1 of 4 Página 1 de 4 Please use a black or blue ink pen to mark your ballot. Mail-in ballot applications must be received, not postmarked by that day. Conservative turnout has to be at an all time high to hold the line, much less replace losses from previous years. Hays County: 2020 Primary Elections Voter Guide . endobj /Type/Page << >> /GS0 6 0 R /ProcSet [/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] Google Map of all the Early Voting locations in Hays County. vimeo.com/466907676?fbclid=IwAR0gqotEwYg7yapzRaBXvLLwZ43QSAUI8_cXGraeA1Z64O67XSiT3DXibAg ... See MoreSee Less, Chip Roy's cover photo ... See MoreSee Less, Google Map of all the Early Voting locations in Hays County. /Producer(PDFsharp 1.31.1789-w \(www.pdfsharp.com\)) /Count 4 Phone: 512.393.7310.

Russell Hayter, Chairman /CS/DeviceRGB

/Type/Pages Go Vote! /F2 18 0 R << /Parent 3 0 R San Marcos, TX 78666 /Font Click on a location for the address, directions and dates / times for voting.

<< /CreationDate(D:20200916165811-05'00') /Kids[4 0 R 19 0 R 21 0 R 23 0 R] If you live in Hays County, here are all the races that might appear on your ballot for either the Democratic or Republican primary. << /F0 10 0 R /K false /Resources 712 S. Stagecoach Trail Please Vote! We will pray for our candidates, our[...], @ Hays County Republican Party Welcome Center. 2 0 obj New registration trends lean towards less conservative demographics. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site.

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