The Healthcare Benefits Alliance Trust combines the design and underwriting flexibility of a stand-alone company with the clout and stability of a 1,000,000-employee organization. She is bilingual and able to assist employees with health and pension benefits. Eva is a Pacific Union College graduate who is excited to pursue a career in the healthcare industry. Controller She also handles all invoicing for the group health plan and accounts receivable for health and pension benefits.

The Healthcare Benefits Alliance (HBA) Trust was developed in the early 1990’s in response to initial discussions regarding Health Care Reform in America. Alexander Benefits is able to leverage the weight of 1,000,000+ lives to provide HBA clients with lower plan costs, customized benefit designs, long term rate guarantees, and stability in an unstable market. The need for highly skilled individuals make it a necessity for healthcare organizations to offer competitive employee benefit packages utilizing insurance providers with extensive experience with hospitals and healthcare workers. Please contact our team of experienced consultants to explore how the Healthcare Benefits Alliance Trust can benefit you and the unique needs of your organization. She explains and helps members understand important features of their benefit plan, locate network providers and utilize other cost saving services.

Benefits Representative (Not available in WA. Whether it's a medical emergency or simply preventive health care, your Alliance benefits can help you get the most for your health care dollars with health and wellness benefits. We value the long term relationships we have built. Allianz Care is a market leader in global health and medical insurance for globally mobile people, providing a global network with a local touch. Alliance Health (formerly Alliance Behavioral Healthcare) is a Local Management Entity-Managed Care Organization (LME-MCO) serving people in North Carolina’s … Through a collaborative effort with Alexander Benefits Consulting and the HBA Trust, several hospital systems capitalized on group purchasing health and welfare benefits giving them greater negotiation power within the industry. Pays you up to $650 per day if you are hospitalized as a result of accidental injury; Spouse and dependent coverage is included with Family package. Email: Click Here, Soila Lopez Email: Click Here, Linda McClure Becky Barlow Executive Director California insurance agent license #OA80594 (Accident and Health, Fire and Casualty, Life) Email: Click Here. Behavioral health crisis situations can be serious but do not always require an evaluation at a hospital emergency room. The Healthcare Benefits Alliance Trust combines the design and underwriting flexibility of a stand-alone company with the clout and stability of a 1,000,000-employee organization. Through our expertise, and the scale of the HBA Trust, we can negotiate financial arrangements and multi-year rate guarantees that save our clients on average of 25%. Through our expertise, and the scale of the HBA Trust, we can negotiate financial arrangements and multi-year rate guarantees that save our clients on average of 25%. The strength and scale of the HBA creates opportunities for you to balance risk, control expenses, and increase purchasing power. She assists employees and providers with medical, dental and vision claim inquiries.
Account Manager She handles all financial and accounting matters, working closely with member employers, vendors and auditors. Soila is the customer service representative for the CGF Pension Plan. Becky oversees member services and benefits administration for the organization.She holds several management and insurance designations, including accreditation as a Certified Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) Professional. Abby has a degree in Psychology and likes to help people. Becky is currently serving as Board President for Community Health Initiative, Napa Valley, and also volunteers for the Agricultural Personnel Management Association (APMA). Eva handles customer service for the group health plan. Get advice and no obligation quotes from licensed insurance agents. Email: Click Here, Liz Corpus More about Becky Becky oversees member services and benefits administration for the organization.She holds several management and insurance designations, including accreditation as a Certified Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) Professional. High-Value Health Care happens when individuals have access to higher-quality care that costs less. Moreover, the program has expanded beyond hospitals to include physician groups, other health care industry organizations and universities and colleges.

An alliance of consultants, insurance carriers, healthcare providers and employees that reduce risk by using a proactive approach to health insurance and employee benefits consulting Through a collaborative effort with Alexander Benefits Consulting and the HBA Trust, several hospital systems capitalized on group purchasing health and welfare benefits giving them greater negotiation power within the industry. Email: Click Here, Agricultural Health Benefits Insurance Agency®CA DOI License #0I36115, Ag Health Benefits Alliance of Northern California ®, Agricultural Health Benefits Insurance Agency ® and California Grower Foundation ® are registered trademarks of the California Winegrower Foundation ®© 2020 All rights reserved.
As employees approach retirement age, Soila estimates pension payout options so the employee can make educated decisions concerning their financial future.

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