No, almost certainly not. A small force led by King Leonidas of Sparta blocked the only road through which the massive army of Xerxes I could pass. Aristodemus, who suffered an eye injury and was sent behind the lines, eventually ordered back to Sparta with the retreating allies by the King. Yes, this was real, and the event stirred up the whole of Greece who fought off the invaders. The fame of Thermopylae is thus principally derived not from its effect on the outcome of the war but for the inspirational example it set. "[166], Such laconic bravery doubtlessly helped to maintain morale. Get your answers by asking now. "[113], Tearing down part of the wall, Xerxes ordered the hill surrounded, and the Persians rained down arrows until every last Greek was dead. Screenplay by Wendell Mayes, based on the novel "Incident at Muc Wa" by Daniel Ford. Since the numbers of men amassed by Xerxes for the invasion of Greece are impossible to quantify with any certainty, a range is probably the best way to assign a number. [138] Furthermore, this idea also neglects the fact that a Greek navy was fighting at Artemisium during the Battle of Thermopylae, incurring losses in the process. The killing of the Persian ambassador did occur and it was critical. [49] This expedition was to try to gather as many other Greek soldiers along the way as possible and to await the arrival of the main Spartan army.[48]. Yes, the battle of Thermopylae took place. The Spartan King dismissed most of the army and formed a rear-guard of around 1,500 men, including his 300 Spartans, 700 Thespians, 400 Thebans and a few hundred others, many of them slaves. Therefore, the generals, Mardonius, Tritantaechmes, Smerdomenes, Masistes, Gergis and Megabyzus had 360,000 infantry and calvary amongst them, however, this does not include the 10,000 Immortals/Companions commanded by Hydarnes. In other words, the "orders" are not personal but refer to official and binding phrases (the Ancient Greek term can also refer to a formal speech).[146]. The Greeks allowed him to come up to the camp, observe them, and depart. Was Genghis Khan the greatest leader Asia ever had? The naked body symbolizes Eros, the most important god of the ancient Thespians, a god of creation, beauty and life. No. [128] However, under pressure from the Athenians, the Peloponnesians eventually agreed to try to force Mardonius to battle, and they marched on Attica. Seeking the counsel of Demaratus, an exiled Spartan king in his retinue, Xerxes was told the Spartans were preparing for battle, and it was their custom to adorn their hair when they were about to risk their lives.
They changed what they wanted to to make the movie flow better I guess. Are the historic references about the battle fought between Spartan warriors and Persians reliable and authentic, especially the disparity of proportion in the no. [84], On the fifth day after the Persian arrival at Thermopylae and the first day of the battle, Xerxes finally resolved to attack the Greeks.
As a result, the Spartan-led force played a hugely significant role in undermining the Persian invasion. [24] Darius then died whilst preparing to march on Egypt, and the throne of Persia passed to his son Xerxes I. The Battle of Thermopylae is the inial major event of the Second Persian War, the Persian invasion, led by King Xerxes (son of Darius I who was defeated by the Athenians) into the Greek city-states (480 BC). Demaratus called them "the bravest men in Greece" and warned the Great King they intended to dispute the pass.

The Persians succeeded in defeating the Greeks but sustained heavy losses, disproportionate to those of the Greeks. The two are interlaced, both necessary to reach the desired end. ^ b: A huge number of estimates have been made since the 19th century, ranging from 15,000 to acceptance of Herodotus' 1,800,000. [c] However, compared to the probable time (about one month) between Thermopylae and Salamis, the time bought was negligible. Some English renderings are given in the table below. Yes. The Oracle is said to have made the following prophecy: O ye men who dwell in the streets of broad Lacedaemon! The Organization of Xerxes' Army. [93] A Persian force of 10,000 men, comprising light infantry and cavalry, charged at the front of the Greek formation. [136] Far from labelling Thermopylae as a Pyrrhic victory, modern academic treatises on the Greco-Persian Wars tend to emphasise the success of Xerxes in breaching the formidable Greek position and the subsequent conquest of the majority of Greece. However, once there, being warned by Alexander I of Macedon that the vale could be bypassed through Sarantoporo Pass and that Xerxes' army was overwhelming, the Greeks retreated. 300- the cartoonish film retelling of the Spartans' defence of Thermopylae against a Persian horde - now has a sequel, 300: Rise of an Empire. PS: The elite Persian troops were called "The immortals" ,a force of 10,000. While Sparta had its share of political intrigue, there is no suggestion that Leonidas was at odds with other Spartans over the decision to stand at Thermopylae. The idea ignores the fact that the Persians would, in the aftermath of Thermopylae, conquer the majority of Greece,[136] and the fact that they were still fighting in Greece a year later. Would the Post Office give you cash for stamps? The simultaneous naval Battle of Artemisium had been a tactical stalemate, and the Greek navy was able to retreat in good order to the Saronic Gulf, where they helped to ferry the remaining Athenian citizens to the island of Salamis.

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