John Bishop is one the UK's biggest names in comedy, selling-out numerous National arena tours.

Bishop is manipulative, but hates it if he is the one being manipulated as shown by his restrained but visible anger when he realized that the Foot Mystics had tricked him into securing their freedom. He has survived throughout the centuries thanks in part to a succession of a one or two clone bodies. E1 While fighting against Splinter, Bishop was sent slamming against a hook, which he was impaled on, but he survived and escaped the flooding facility while no one was looking. Bishop had any surveillance station launch missiles at the ship, determined not to allow the ship to escape. He has also proven to be able to defeat the Shredder's Elite Guard with ease, in the episode Exodus, Part 1. Immediately after, Bishop learns that Finn had been stolen by the Purple Dragons and was determined to retrieve the mutant at all costs. One of the few characters known to have survived the intervening 100 years between the series' present day and 2105, John Bishop is a recurring character in TMNT: Fast Forward. John's mission starts when he flies to Shanghai and visits the Beluga Theatre at Changfeng Park, where Little Grey and Little White have spent every day for the last 10 years performing for the crowds. The Turtles were reluctantly forced to work with Bishop because of a common interest, particularly as the threat posed by the Tengu Shredder was so great that the Turtles had to ask for help against this common threat from their friends and enemies. With the Turtles aid, Stockman was stopped, but Bishop refused to let him die, and saved his old friend. Despite his physical abilities, his body seems to suffer from an unknown condition that causes it to gradually break down.

He was going to dissect them and collect more DNA when Splinter, Casey Jones and April O'Neil stormed his lab.

He was also responsible for the Roswell incident of 1947, in reality caused by the a covert take down of a flying saucer belonging to the Greys. It was this change of heart that saved him when he was kidnapped by the still-living Baxter Stockman, who, seething at Bishop's abandonment fifty years ago and still incapable of building himself a new body, wished to take Bishop's body as his own; but convinced by Leonardo that the world Bishop helped create was one where even he could live a normal life, he abandons his plan. The ship was destroyed, which was a relief to Stockman, as Bishop says it's the beginning of a "Mutually beneficial partnership". The President warns Bishop should there be anymore failures, he would cut the E.P.F. Bishop then decided to take down the brute once and for all, only for the Turtles to interfere, as 'he is the only person they hate more than Hun'. By mixing DNA genomes he also possesses a high degree of physical strength and superhuman endurance and recovery, as evidenced in when he was impaled on a hook, yet survived with no permanent damage.

He was introduced in the 2003 series' third season Space Invaders/Worlds Collide multi-parter, where he kidnapped the Ninja Turtles and tried to dissect them in an attempt to learn the secrets behind their mutation. Bishop had his men blow the main launch tunnel, forcing Saki to go through the doors of the party going on beneath. Surprised and touched that an alien which had been imprisoned and experimented upon by the E.P.F. 's resources on containing the outbreak, but there was no end to it. It is revealed that the actual reason for Bishop's change of heart was, that years ago, his alien prison received a malfunction and the place was totally destroyed, and he would have died, had it not been an alien captive, who saved his life.

Bishop became a target of giant, organic mousers, made by Baxter Stockman, who wanted revenge against Bishop for apparently abandoning him on the same facility Bishop was saved from. In "Bishop's Gambit", he even proved able to fight on par with Splinter. Unfortunately, they found out that the nanos were intelligent and that its original programming was fighting with Stockmans and gathered all advanced technologies as it escaped, underlining Stockman's overconfidence once more to Bishop. He battles the Turtles, Splinter, and Casey, before Leatherhead gets the upper hand on him.

Scientific knowledge in genetics; Master martial artist; Agelessness; Healing factor.

After an alien saved his life, despite the painful experiments Bishop had performed on the creature, Bishop felt indebted to it and decided to change his ways. Due to his devotion to the safety of the planet he is, by his own admission "a bigger picture kind of guy" who believes that the ends justify the means, so even if people are hurt or even killed he believes that it is worth it if it ensures the safety of the planet. Marked by the experience, he has since dedicated his life to staving off alien invasion. Save up to £497* a year -Compare Lots of Deals - Switch in Minutes.

He chased Finn to his wife's house, remarking that Finn still remembers.

He works to protect the Earth from alien invasion. of 2. Who left The Great British Bake Off tonight? He told them, that some time after Tengu Shredder's defeat, he realized the best way to protect Earth from an alien invasion, was to make aliens allies. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987 TV series), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 TV series). Bishop then began an elaborate plan to capture Splinter, whose DNA was more complex. The Abduction traumatized Bishop and let him develop a long-lasting paranoia against aliens. In 2009, Bishop appeared as the first … The comedian follows the journey of two beluga whales being released from captivity in an entertainment park in China and returned to the ocean. However, although they’re well cared for and much loved, it’s been decided to move them to a sanctuary in Iceland to live a more natural life.

Who won Star Baker on The Great British Bake Off? Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Unfortunately, the alien residue went into the sewer and accidentally came in contact with local wildlife and mutated them into a savage, near-sentient form. He learned that Saki had been constructing a ship to return to the stars. He also considered Baxter Stockman to be a friend and saved his life before offering him a chance to continue working alongside him, as they had many years earlier. He is an accomplished martial artist, which make him a very dangerous opponent: In the episode "Hun on the Run" he shows himself able to single-handedly hold his own and gain the upper hand (with no weapons) while fighting all four of the turtles simultaneously, as well as Hun and Karai effortlessly. Scientific knowledge in genetics Master martial artist Agelessness Healing factor. But instead of surrendering, Saki sent Hun to save Karai, who follows Bishop all over town.
Since then, he has played a part in most of the series' primary storylines, as both an enemy and ally to the Turtles. Bishop performed stand-up comedy for the first time in Manchester in October 2000, and the following year, made it to the final of all the major new act competitions, including So You Think You're Funny, the Daily Telegraph Open Mic Awards, the BBC New Comedy Awards, and the City Life North West Comedian of The Year Award, which he won. This time, however, Bishop did not hesitate and managed to save his friend's life. Finally, Bishop appeared in the episode "The Day of Awakening", where he informed the Turtles about Sh'Okanabo's takeover of the lunar settlement Moonbase Bishop, recruited them in his attempt to stop the alien, and provided them with the weaponry that eventually killed him. Bishop "saved" the President, his plan worked as the President agrees to give him money to fund the EPF, as well as getting the Turtles wanted by the government. Cunning, uncaring and manipulative, there was precious little that Bishop would not do to obtain what he wanted.

Bishop set up a convenient trap for Karai, who was trying to steal an alien microchip from the government, and then called Shredder to demand that he hands over all of the Triceraton tech he had been salvaging under the cover of rebuilding New York, threatening to kill Karai should he not respond in forty-five minutes. During the 2003 Ninja Turtles series, Bishop acted as the head of the Earth Protection Force, a black-ops team formed to protect Earth from extraterrestrial threats. Stockman seemingly died in the East River, but Bishop simply resurrected him, claiming that he needed his brain to clean up the outbreak.

It is known that Bishop at least once had to do a complete transfer of his personality into a cloned body, how many times total and at what intervals, in the series, however, remains unclear. (These could be the same Greys who experimented on Bishop, since the surviving alien they dragged out seems to recognize Bishop.)

But his head scientist was too focused on creating his own body. In more recent decades, he acted as Best Man to Finn, a Navy sailor who later on was turned into a mutant under unknown circumstances. Bishop is able to fend off multiple opponents, due to his enhanced DNA, which he has been extracting from all different alien species, which he has captured for his super soldier project to help stave off alien invasions. He also tells him that the Department of Agriculture expressed interest in his mousers and he wanted him to meet them, which the latter accepted. Outnumbered, Bishop decides to abandon the train he was on, but not before revealing to the Turtles of his taking of their DNA, which sped up his work by decades. During the Triceraton Invasion, he made a deal with the Federation, offering the Fugitoid, along with his knowledge of the world-destroying Teleportal, in exchange for what he needs, as well as a guarantee that the Earth would be left alone.

Bishop demanded that Stockman clean up his mess, and tries to warn Stockman to postpone his attempt to get a new human body. Unfortunately, Bishop fails to recapture the mutant and resumes that he died in a fire. Roughly fifty years prior to 2105, he and Baxter Stockman, both still working for the E.P.F., finally realized Bishop's ambition of a super-soldier army in the form of what Stockman named "Organic Mousers": biped one eyed dinosaur like creatures able to withstand heavy damage and controlled by sound. Immediately afterward, as the abandoned E.P.F. Already have an account with us? still had enough mercy in it to save him, Bishop's viewpoint on aliens changed radically, and he began to work for far more peaceful solutions, and turned his efforts into befriending them instead, leading to the creation of the Pan-Galactic Alliance. When the Turtles got sent into the year 2105 by accident, they encountered Bishop yet again.

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