0000064275 00000 n 0000063875 00000 n
0000095257 00000 n Hope you enjoy and always adopt a shelter pet . Great auction items including trips, wine baskets, sporting tickets, artwork and more!
0000111314 00000 n
0000082523 00000 n I had limited time this year and needed to work with what I had. 0000083480 00000 n 0000094161 00000 n ( Log Out /
First comment our admin sees gets the item!
0000084572 00000 n 0000002818 00000 n 0000064600 00000 n 0000002942 00000 n 0000022945 00000 n 0000022824 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %���� Our 4th Annual Ties and Tails Gala is being held at the beautiful, historic Hotel Bethlehem. Facebook Live Pop-Up Thrift Store! 0000106507 00000 n 0000123319 00000 n 0000064115 00000 n Starting at 10am, we will have 100 items available for purchase. This year we hope raise Saxon Sharbino 2018 "Last Chance for Animals" Benefit Gala Red Carpet.
0000033351 00000 n Hollywood NOW. 0000111565 00000 n Join Last Chance Ranch for our 5th Annual Tails and Ties Gala! 2:24. 0000082592 00000 n ( Log Out /
0000093067 00000 n Upper Bucks Chamber of Commerce | Quakertown, PA 18951.
0000001336 00000 n Sponsorship and auction donation opportunities are available.
0000002322 00000 n 0000002718 00000 n Last Chance Ranch Bingo bingo card with follow us on instagram, attended our open house, visited our thrift store, have LCR merch, adopted a farm animal, fostered an animal, gone to any event for LCR, pet joined a zoom call, shared a social media post from LCR and held a donation drive for LCR 0:40.
0000119956 00000 n
0000085312 00000 n 0000104832 00000 n Use code TABLE40 to save when purchasing a table. Last Chance Ranch Tails and Ties Rescue Gala. 0000041971 00000 n
0000032710 00000 n We will have nearly 100 silent and live auction items including: vacation packages, sporting tickets, artwork, animal related and more! 0000063230 00000 n
0000084244 00000 n ( Log Out / 0000084862 00000 n Deante Yee. 0000105309 00000 n
Download Waiting for Morning (Brides of Last Chance Ranch Series #2) ebook PDF. 0000086527 00000 n
0000117986 00000 n 0000052983 00000 n I had limited time this year and needed to work with what I had.
trailer <]/Prev 452038>> startxref 0 %%EOF 66 0 obj <>stream 0000001734 00000 n
0000097012 00000 n
Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Fun for everyone 21 year+. ( Log Out / Burke also promotes the upcoming Tails and Ties Rescue Gala at the Homewood Suites by Hilton in Center Valley on Saturday, June 20.
0000096114 00000 n 0000085670 00000 n Last Chance for Animals - Japan Rescue Video. Pulled from the grasp of uncertainty, potential slaughter, euthanasia, neglect and abandonment, Last Chance Ranch ... Our 2019 Gala raised over $42,000 for the animals in need. 0000052090 00000 n
0000085112 00000 n 0000083591 00000 n
0000002209 00000 n 0000098858 00000 n This is the video I created for Last Chance Ranch Animal Rescue in Quakertown, PA.
0000107099 00000 n 0000001723 00000 n
0000119579 00000 n Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Last Chance Ranch Ties and Tails Gala 2018.
0000093556 00000 n XC�� �@����f ��F`�|�� 1�OK���0Ed�����t�+3��%��hc��.
0000106052 00000 n 0000098556 00000 n
0000110699 00000 n Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account.
I created this video for the Tails and Ties 3rd Annual Gala (April 9, 2016) at Last Chance Ranch animal rescue to honor Dr. Sam Geller for all the generous work he does to help the animals in need. 14 0 obj <> endobj xref 14 52 0000000016 00000 n 0000105905 00000 n 0000083660 00000 n 0000119174 00000 n
Pulled from the grasp of uncertainty, potential slaughter, euthanasia, neglect and abandonment, Last Chance Ranch (LCR) ... Our 2019 Gala raised over $42,000 for the animals in … 0000094984 00000 n 0000117730 00000 n
0000111889 00000 n 0000083742 00000 n 0000085287 00000 n ... Last Chance Ranch Thrift Store. ... Pamela Anderson at Last Chance For Animals Annual Gala Beverly Hilton Hotel.
0000086793 00000 n 0000089363 00000 n 0000110124 00000 n
0000110375 00000 n
0000118391 00000 n 0000097604 00000 n
0000096557 00000 n
0000002198 00000 n
0000063715 00000 n 0000012592 00000 n 0000074078 00000 n 0000012573 00000 n We have so many wonderful dogs available for adoption that aren't getting enough attention- so we had a summer photoshoot to show off all their good sides! Last Chance Ranch Animal Rescue, true to its name, is the last chance for many animals. 0000124507 00000 n
0000118918 00000 n 0000001595 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %����
0000118768 00000 n 0000085397 00000 n Last Chance Ranch Animal Rescue, true to its name, is the last chance for many animals.
1:12:13. 0000063091 00000 n GALA FOR ANIMAL RESCUE: Last Chance Ranch will host its Boots, Barks and Bowties Gala at the ArtsQuest Center at SteelStacks in Bethlehem at 5 … 0000082412 00000 n For more information, visit lastchanceranch.org . 0000001605 00000 n 0000082674 00000 n 0000084044 00000 n
Last Chance Ranch - 7th Annual Tails and Ties Rescue Gala 0000052665 00000 n 0000053048 00000 n
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