Nobody knows the answers, that's the vibe.

It's not an act, it never was an act. Were they not happy to perpetuate that image, though? transformed Oasis from huge indie stars to the biggest band on the planet. £20, Oasis - The Official Magazine. One thing that kept cropping up was this quote [Noel] had at the time, which was, 'there aren't any answers to all this'. Why did the Oasis sleeves at the time stand out? £45, Regular price So that's what the sleeve is all about. In that period, sort of '93 to '97, they were probably the most prolific band of all time, bar The Beatles back in the '60s. Andy Bell Has Released A Video For 'I Was Alone', New Footage Of Oasis In Bangkok Has Appeared Online, Noel Gallagher “British Culture Would Never Sexualise A Female”, Noel Gallagher Has Recorded A Track With Dizzee Rascal, Teenage Cancer Trust To Show Never-Before-Seen Footage From Noel Gallagher, The Who, Paul McCartney, Muse, Paul Weller, Stereophonics And More, '(What's The Story) Morning Glory?' It was a quantum leap from being a big indie band to the biggest thing in the world.

Nobody who doesn't know Liam Gallagher thinks, 'oh he's a right upstart, him', without having first read it in The Sun or the News of the World or whatever it might be. Oasis' 'Half The World Away' To Feature In John Lewis 2015 Christmas Advert? What is going on here? You might find this surprising for a sleeve designer to admit this, but I don't think the record sleeves sell records, never have done. I think the most incredible thing is, I had never seen Berwick Street with no cars in it. If it wasn't all fighting back then, how do you feel about the way it's turned out? All those lyrics are in that picture, so I was made up with that.

Of all of those covers, which is your favourite? Noel Gallagher & HFB - Tour . I mean, that really is bonkers. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Free UK Shipping on orders of £50 or more. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection.

It's a bit of an urban myth, but there is a grounding of truth in it.

Around that time, I'd taken my mother to Rome for her 60th birthday and whilst there I'd bought some Adidas trainers. Atom There's loads of myths [about Oasis] that seem to be getting stronger; you'd have thought with the advent of the internet all these myths would have been put to bed, you know, but they're not. sleeve session out-take. And, you know, this perpetuating the myth - they couldn't care less one way or another, they were just getting on with it.
It must be nice, for want of a better word, to have played a part in that? If you know the song, the lyrics are, 'Standing at the station… in need of education… sink is full of fishes', all that. That's when you get into the realm of housewives who never buy records buying your record. ), Andy Bell On His Album 'The View From Halfway Down', Ride, Oasis And More. The shop is open seven days a week 10 - 5 Monday to Saturday and 11-4 on Sundays. [They were] very confident, very together, unified.

There was a conversation after a gig in Southampton and Noel said to me, 'right, we're doing Some Might Say next and I want the sleeve to be all the lyrics of the song represented in one image'. UK Shipping - £3.50. Search Cart. Click HERE for more memorabilia signed by Tony and other Oasis items. We will be publishing soon a definitive history of the Oasis logo from a concept at a meeting with Brian and the band in Sheffield late 93 to the finished iconic symbol we all know today. # Oasis 'Stand By Me'. He's funny, he's engaging.

No word of a lie, I get emails from all over the world on a weekly basis from people who say my artwork got them into graphics or it means so much to them and - from some people - it was as important as the music. I don't think anybody would ever in a million years argue that any albums thereafter could compete with the ones beforehand. £40, Tony McCarroll - Personally signed drum skin, Regular price So his experience and knowledge of that, coupled with his songwriting capabilities, made him the undisputed chief of the operation. Some Might Say, the single. Wow. The only reason people have formed this opinion of him is because of the misrepresentation of him by the media. Track By Track With Noel Gallagher. It's bonkers being with him. I spent the whole time of the recording session in the studio with the band... the idea was I was doing research. Personally signed by ex Oasis drummer Tony McCarroll on a visit to the Microdot Boutique in Kendal on the 28th of August 2020.
You know, last time I saw Liam, he dedicated Supersonic to me from the stage… in Washington DC last year. Another thing that cracks me up is people who still are convinced it's all a big marketing ploy - 'they haven't really fell out at all, it's all an act so they can get more money when they finally do get back together'. Visit to see the collection.

Menu. Yes. from £20 Oasis - Morning Glory 25th Anniversary Silver Vinyl - Signed. Dig Out Your Soul Tour 08-09. Search.

And on it goes.

I love that linear perspective.

Oasis 01-02. Official Oasis merchandise, with the classic logo designed by Brian Cannon at Microdot in 1993.

To celebrate twenty five years since it’s foundation, designers of iconic sleeves by the likes of Oasis & The Verve, Microdot will be holding an exhibition of works from 1990 to present day. Beady Eye Tour 2011-14. What does What's The Story... mean to you? I'll say they were good, because I think they are good, and that's because I really went the extra mile, over and above what was required.

All of Microdot's Oasis prints are now half price AND have free UK shipping. You don't form opinions like that without being influenced by somebody. Here, he takes Sky News back to what it was like working with Oasis at the height of their fame, and what it means to have played a part in their history. Noel, I haven't seen since… actually, I did some shots of him for his first or second solo album. But do you know what? Oasis' 'Half The World Away' To Feature In John Lewis 2015 Christmas Advert? I'd done a couple of early Verve singles at that time, and he said, 'oh, I've seen those, those are great'.

Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. I would immerse myself in the projects and the lyrics and the songs, I'd be in the studio while it was being recorded. #oasis #microdot #briancannon #liamgallagher #noelgallagher #bonehead #guigsy #tonymccarroll #theverve #richardashcroft, Post Comments It's astonishing how he's pulled this off. The shop can be found at 3 New Shambles Kendal LA9 4TS.

I had a tiny little office in a building in Manchester, a converted cotton mill made into business units, and the Inspiral Carpets had their office in there. Home; Oasis; The Beatles; The Verve; Northern Soul; T Shirts; Military; Products; Propaganda; Contact; About; Log in; Create account; Search; RETURNS; Twitter ; Facebook; Instagram; Close cart.

I know sleeve designers who didn't even listen to a record before doing the artwork. Most bands, when they get signed, know nothing - they might be great songwriters, they might be great playing live, they might know about the equipment they're playing - but they know nothing about the workings of the music industry. I don't think the word is necessarily misunderstood, it's misrepresented. The 'unsolvable conundrum' of their biggest album 25 years on, (What's The Story) Morning Glory?

I tell you what the most incredible point is: never once, ever in the history of rock 'n' roll, has the coolest guy in town been knocking on 50 years of age.

They didn't care what the media said, there was no hype going on. Each shirt comes with a thank you letter personally signed by Brian. That doesn't make one of them wrong and one of them right, or one of them better, one of them worse. Because I was a fan - not just of Oasis, I was a record-buying fan, that's how I got into [designing] in the first place - I'm of the opinion that a well-designed, well-created sleeve is a bonus for the fans. It's just all over the show at the minute.

The Oasis logo I designed in 1993.

And yes, course he is.

Unit price £195, Oasis - D'You Know What I Mean? Read which well-known sports brand was the typeface inspiration and why I changed it. It would be impossible to create such a canon of work if you were at each other's throats or at the drugs all the time. And you're the guy in the image, aren't you?

The one walking away? There's plenty of bands - you see it all the time, especially these days when young bands are trying to pretend to be Oasis: 'Oh, we don't give a f***'. Bottom line is, it's all down to Noel, isn't it?

Stop The Clocks Promo Tour 06-07.

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