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MyCareText is a cloud-based messaging platform that connects patients and their family members with their healthcare providers throughout the cycle of care. When providers meaningfully engage with patients and their family members, everyone benefits. With just a few keystrokes, clearly communicate about pre-op prepping like showering and NPO. San Francisco Bay Area, Silicon Valley), Operating Status of Organization e.g. Positive outcomes: the product of great partnerships. *, Want to Be Smoke-Free?
These Monitors May Make High-Def Obsolete, This Video Technology Will Transform Your OR, This Device Helps Surgeons See More Clearly, See In Amazing Detail With This Autoclavable 4K Camera, This Breathtaking Monitor is Amazingly Affordable, This Novel Device Closes Wounds Easily And Efficiently, This Wound Closure Device May Make Sutures Obsolete. Finally, New Systems for Inguinal Hernia Repairs! It allows EHR to send texts and email to family and friends to inform them of the patient’s progress. Sterilize Vendor Trays in Minutes NOT Hours, This Skin Cleanser is Proven to Reduce SSI, This Air Purification System Is A Game-Changer, This Group Has Your Sterile Processing and Materials Management Covered, A Much More Efficient Way to Keep Laparoscopes Clean and Fog-Free. Rise Above Your Competitors With This Certification Program, When You Think Airway, Think This Company, This Video Scope Prevents Cross-Contamination, You Won’t Believe the Image On This Mini-C, High-quality Compounded Medications From a 503B Facility, These Syringes Help Prevent Sharps Injuries, Everything SP Professionals Need To Succeed, Your Staff Will Love These Heating/Cooling Vests, A Much Safer, More Efficient Way To Transport Scopes.
You may opt-out of MyCare Text Messaging at any time by texting STOP to the number indicated in the message.
Add the mobile numbers or email addresses of patients or family members to MyCareText via EHR or manual entry and you're ready to send messages.
Will Your Scope Leak Tester Get a Passing Grade? Offering solutions for patients and healthcare experts, providing peace of mind knowing personalized medicine is aiding in patient success.
For more information, call (888) 628-4243, visit or click on "Learn More" below. With just a few keystrokes, clearly communicate about pre-op prepping like showering and NPO. Keep family members informed during the procedure. This cloud-based, texting and email platform helps you communicate with patients and families before, during and after surgery. An individual must be 12 years or older to request access to health information in MyCare. The surgeon can also request a face-to-face discussion with the person indicated as the Healthcare Proxy. Wait! You Can Trust These Pre-Filled Anesthesia Syringes, Quality Matters. MyCareText is a messaging platform thatworks with your EHR to send HIPAA compliant texts and email to family and friends to inform them of the patient’s progress, to help with organizing tasks, and to provide real-time information during procedures to keep key support people in the loop. Whether you're at home or on the go, access St. Luke's myCare on your schedule.
An unsubscribe message will be sent to your mobile number confirming the cancellation. Select State and Facility (above), and click "Enter" Shop for your items to purchase; Identify your friend or family member
That’s Why You Should Use This Compounder, Where to Go for Creative Solutions for Solutions, These High-Tech Eye Procedure Packs Save Time and Money, Ophthalmology's Only Multi-Use Guarded Knives, Non-Invasive, Non-Opioid Patented Sublingual, Eye Centers: Sign Up For This Free Instrument Assessment, Treat Osteochondral Lesions With This Innovative Technique, This Knee Positioner Delivers Maximum Surgeon Comfort, This Virtual Rehab Assistant Keeps Patients Moving and Cuts Costs, Improve Total Knee Outcomes With These Two High-Tech Innovations, This Combo Provides Better, More Economical Nerve Blocks, This Stress Reliever Calms Patients' Nerves, Outstanding Products for Superior Staff and Patient Safety, This Marker Remains Visible, Even After Scrubbing, These Products Protect Both Patients and Staff, One Patient Positioning Kit For All Your Procedures, These Devices Make Patient Positioning Easy, This Pad Prevents Sliding During Reverse Trendelenburg, Count On This Tablet To Prevent Retained Sponges, This Device Marks Injection Sites Under Fluoroscopy Quickly and Safely, The Tried-and-True Approach To Patient Warming, Maintaining Normothermia Just Got A Whole Lot Easier…and Quieter, Fight Opioid Abuse With These Innovative Nerve Block Products, Little Things Make a Big Difference With These Regional Anesthesia Trays, This Product Makes Nerve Blocks Easier and Faster, Boost Net Revenue And Patient Volume With This Program, This Service Turns Your Personal Injury Cases to Cash, Finally, A Safety Scalpel for the Other 85%, Improve OR Sharps Safety for Less Than a Dollar Per Procedure.
MyCare Text is unique to the market, the message is sent to the families’ cell- phone and it could provide communication for family members that are not in the hospitals waiting area. Find startup jobs, tech news and events. SaaS, Android, Cloud Computing, Medical Device), Where the organization is headquartered (e.g.
The program works with your existing EHR or as a standalone solution.
MyCareText was launched in 2012 and is operated from Atlanta, Georgia. Keep family members informed during the procedure. MyCareText makes that process much easier. MyCareText is a cloud-based messaging platform that connects patients and their family members with their healthcare providers throughout the cycle of care. MyCare is a multi-disciplinary line of tests committed to personalized medicine, for revolutionizing patient care. This cloud-based, texting and email platform helps you communicate with patients and families before, during and after surgery.
No special equipment, hardware or software required, so implementation and adoption are fast and easy. 5. St. Luke's myCare St. Luke's myCare patient portal helps you manage your health information online easily and securely. Did you ever experience the anxiety, fear, and anger while waiting for the doctor or nurse to update you with the status of your loved one? The platform gives healthcare providers a framework to engage with their patients and family before, during, and after a procedure. It is a powerful messaging tool for connecting patients and their family members with their healthcare providers throughout the entire cycle of care. Your product information request has been received and we will forward information to the contact information you provided shortly.
Seed, Series A, Private Equity), Whether an Organization is for profit or non-profit, General contact email for the organization. Go With the Leader, This Device Protects Spine Surgeons from Radiation Exposure, MAC Medical: Made in America to the Highest Standards, These Products Make Your SPD More Efficient, Minimize Transfers, Maximize Safety with TMM PLUS Stretcher-Chairs, These Procedure Trays Save Money and Time, These Products Support the Fight Against Breast Cancer, We’ve Got You Covered: Dressings for Pressure Injury Prevention, This Fluid Management Device Saves Money and the Environment, These Fluid Absorbers Lower Risk And Cost, This Fluid Management System is Moving Surgical Suction Forward. At post procedure, the platform assists with organizing transportation, home healthcare coordination, improving medication adherence, and overall follow up, including a pre-adopted channel for capturing patient and family feedback. Total number of current team members an organization has on Crunchbase, Total number of investment firms and individual investors, Descriptive keyword for an Organization (e.g.
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MyCareText is built for hospitals, clinics, and acute or ambulatory care centers. Don't Throw Away That Infusion Pump! To receive information regarding "MyCareText patient communications," please enter your contact information below: You can also Log In to have some of this information filled in for you. The Quietest Fluid Management System on the Market? Your username is your network login Your password is network password MyCareText makes that process much easier. Minor Eligibility. For more information, call (888) 628-4243, visit.
The platform gives healthcare providers a framework to engage with their patients and family before, during, and after a procedure.
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MyCareText is a cloud-based messaging platform that connects patients and their family members with their healthcare providers.
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