Fingertips touching the keyboard of the overlords, wanton destruction at a whim. 4. I have REAL ULTIMATE POWER.”, A very dark and satirical book, by an unknown author going by the pseudonym of Robert Hamburger. Collect 15 discarded technologies from techno-animated sludge. Whoever told you that is a total liar.
Served. What do admins do when they're not blocking people or flipping out?
However, in between the various discourses about ninja "facts," snippets of Robert's real life get disclosed, revealing the truth: that Robert is an extremely lonely and maladjusted teenager with a metric ton of personal issues, using his ninja fantasies as a form of escapism. An extremely rare and powerful status effect. Like all other mammals, admins can be mean.
I've finally perfected my device that will animate the sludge to bring that technology up to the surface for you. As usual, Mechagon's trash is our treasure. This page was last edited on 21 January 2012, at 07:15. Because they are so, totally sweet, he has to share his "knowledge" of the ways of the ninja with everyone, including their prowess at flipping out, killing people, and having sex. This page was last edited on 26 June 2020, at 16:04. • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles • Tortuga • UnBooks:Bloopy's Pirate Dictionary • UnBooks:Ninja Attack Machine Gun Frosty • Vikings • Video Piracy • Windows Vista Pirated Edition, From Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia, “Admins don't have REAL ULTIMATE POWER. Robert Hamburger loves ninjas, and considers them the epitome of awesomeness.
Caution Ninja • Clinja • Great Pirate-Ninja conflict • Guitar Ninja • HowTo:Be a Pirate • HowTo:Create Laser Ninja Sharks • HowTo:Survive a ninja attack • International Talk Like A Landlubber Day • Long John Silver's • Ninja • Ninja/Laws • Ninja conspiracy • Ninja Gaijin • Ninja Insurance • Ninja Management • Ninja Pirate • Ninja-Pirate Assembly of God • The One Pirate • Pirate • Pirate Liberation Organization • Pirate Ninja • Pirate radio • Pirates versus Ninjas • Real Ultimate Power • Robot Ninja • Sid Meier's Pirates!
This site is awesome.
[Discarded Technology](15) 3. AND THAT'S WHAT I CALL REAL ULTIMATE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's the power, oh my god the power! The ending implies that Robert himself ran away from home with Francine. Admins are the ultimate paradox. Hi, this site is all about Admins, REAL ADMINS. On one hand, they will ban anyone without thinking twice, but on the other hand, admins work to uphold quality standards for Uncyclopedia. It's based off the parody website of the same name. On HoboArena, stats are only increased by 700 .
All you have to do is pop 'em and grab the tech! The junk is a kind of island, ringed by a liquid (waste). These guys are cool; and by cool, I mean totally sweet.
Start by reading Page Creation and Details and Rules of This Wiki, and get powerful! 3. My name is Anonymous, and I can't stop thinking about admins.
An extremely rare and powerful status effect.
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