It is a non-nodulating legume. Die gräulich-braune[5] Borke ist anfangs relativ glatt[3] später rau[5].
The royal Poinciana, or Delonix regia, comes with many names. The seeds are small, weighing around 0.4 g on average. [14][15][10] Weitere Synonyme für Delonix regia (Bojer ex Hook.) wurde 1836 die Gattung Delonix Raf. "Gulmohar" redirects here. For other uses, see, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, "Delonix regia (Hook.) Maharashtra INDIA, Royal poinciana gulmohar tree forest jungle flowers leaf green, Royal poinciana, Biancaea sappan tree.
Gardens, Flamboyant Royal Poinciana Delonix Regia tree.
Its flowering season is May–July, which coincides with the end of the school year in Vietnam. It is the official tree in Tainan, Taiwan; Xiamen, Fujian Province, People's Republic of China (PRC); and Shantou, Canton Province, (PRC). Die Hülsenfrüchte können bei Hochwasser ausgebreitet werden. If temperatures drop near 45 degrees Fahrenheit, cover a young royal poinciana with a cloth sheet or landscape fabric to protect it from frost damage.
Ordnung, mit jeweils 10 bis 30 Paaren Fiederblättchen. This many-branched, broad, spreading, flat-crowned deciduous tree is well-known for its brilliant display of red-orange bloom, literally covering the tree tops from May to July. [16] Sehr häufig beschädigen die stark wachsenden Wurzeln Beläge von Wegen und Straßen. [3] Die Früchte reifen in China zwischen August und Oktober.
Royal Poinciana Tree (Delonix Regia) aka Flame Tree or Peacock Flower, Royal Poinciana or Flamboyant tree. Flame Tree or Royal Poinciana Tree. It is noted for its fern-like leaves and flamboyant display of orange-red flowers over summer. The naturally occurring variety flavida (Bengali: Radhachura) has yellow flowers. Die Erstbeschreibung erfolgte 1829 durch Wenceslas Bojer unter dem Namen (Basionym) Poinciana regia .mw-parser-output .Person{font-variant:small-caps}Bojer ex Hook. Royal Poinciana Tree Flowering And Fruiting.
[5] Die doppelt paarig gefiederte Blattspreite besteht aus 7 bis 20 Paaren 2 bis 10 Zentimeter langer Fiedern 1.
[3] Es werden sandige, lehmige, tonige, saure bis basische Böden toleriert.[6]. Africa, Royal Poinciana Tree small island. Er wird auch Flamboyant[2] genannt, ebenso viele andere Arten der Johannisbrotgewächse.
Branches consisting of the current or last season's growth can be cut into 30 cm sections and planted in a moist potting mixture. The royal poinciana is most commonly propagated by seeds. [3] Der Blütenboden ist diskusförmig bis kurz kreiselförmig.
In the Indian state of Kerala, royal poinciana is called kaalvarippoo (കാൽവരിപ്പൂവ്, kālvarippūv) which means "the flower of Calvary". The tree does not like heavy or clay soils and flowers more profusely when kept slightly dry. Delonix regia is endemic to the Madagascar's dry deciduous forests, but has been introduced into tropical and sub-tropical regions worldwide. [14], Der schnellwachsende[16] Flammenbaum wird in den gesamten Tropen und Subtropen als Ziergehölz[10] in Gärten, Parks und in Alleen genutzt.
The royal poinciana requires a tropical or near-tropical climate, but can tolerate drought and salty conditions. Raf. Die Fiederblättchen sind anfangs flaumig behaart, besonders an den glatten Rändern und am deutlich erkennbaren Mittelnerv. [7] In tropischen Gebieten Australiens ist Delonix regia an manchen Wasserläufen verwildert. — The Plant List", "How We Are Governed, St. Kitts & Nevis - National Symbols",, DENR Recommends Volume 4 GUIDELINES FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FOREST PARKS,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe: October–December, This page was last edited on 12 October 2020, at 11:25. Seeds after soaking them in water for 6 days. The tree does not like heavy or clay soils and flowers more profusely when kept slightly dry. They appear in corymbs along and at the ends of branches. Flamboy�n, (Delonix regia) with orange blossoms against clear blue sky, Royal Poinciana Tree. In many tropical parts of the world it is grown as an ornamental tree and in English it is given the name royal poinciana, flamboyant, flame of the forest, or flame tree (one of several species given this name).
The Flame trees reference in the song applies to the native Australian Flame Tree (Brachychiton acerifolius).
[7], Die natürliche Heimat von Delonix regia liegt nur im westlichen und nördlichen Madagaskar. [10] Known locally as semarak api, Delonix regia is the city flower of Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia.[11]. It is very widely grown in the Northern Australia, the southern extremes previously limited to South East Queensland where it is a popular street tree in the suburbs of Brisbane. Known as the flame tree, fire tree and flamboyant tree, the royal Poinciana produces large, fiery red or golden blooms that blossom from spring through summer. [5] Die fünf fleischigen Kelchblätter sind bei einer Länge von 2 bis 2,5 Zentimeter lang[3] verkehrt-eiförmig und innen blutrot[4] und an den Rändern grünlich-gelb. Because of this timing, the flower of poinciana is sometimes called the "pupil's flower". There is a popular belief among Saint Thomas Christians of Kerala that when Jesus was crucified, there was a small royal poinciana tree nearby his Cross. [5] Vier der Kronblätter sind leuchtend rot. In frost-free climates, royal poinciana can become invasive.
Red flamboyant royal poinciana flower blossoming tree isolated on white background for design work.
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