I had never done one before), tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death. "I'm so excited! You are dismissed. I said bluntly and before I knew it, a gentle purr escaped from the back of my throat and I heard someone laugh behind me. A Faunus, like his cousin, the infamous Blake Belladonna of Team RWBY, he has faced y... #beacon

Be ready. Where huntsmen and huntresses aren't enough, these vigilantes will take things into their own hands as they try to change the world the only way they know how: by fighting it. "You leave me no choice." "I'm Vienna. At the end up the path, you will come to a forest temple filled with multiple relics. Soon enough, I went flying into the air, a now laughing Rachel close to my side. before walking off.

That concludes chapter two of Volume one of my SLVR fanfiction. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge--to hone your craft and acquire new skills--and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. "See you around, Kitty.

"Thanks. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. Vienna said, snapping me from my observation mode. Any questions?" After a while, I just sat down on a bench. ", Their eyes widened. Professor Ozpin said with a smile on his face. And you are so cute when you purr." "Oh I can't wait! Now get in your stances. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Also, I did copy the Ozpin speech, and I have no regrets at all . I literally rolled my eyes when I wrote that last part.

As I picked it up, I heard a voice yell, "No! "You will gather in the ballroom tonight. "Kitty, get up! He had pale skin and the scar on his cheek made him look a little intimidating, but not by much. I DO NOT own the RWBY universe or the characters within!

Looking away from Rachel, I looked at the stage and saw an older man with medium length white hair and surprisingly cool Harry Potter glasses. Ignore him also." Well, not technically flying, just flying through the sky. So, this chapter is kind of up late, but I did spend about three days editing my other three chapters, so don't be mad at me.

"I'm sorry," I said and rubbed my eyes. "Forget that. She went flying, a loud scream escaping her lips. Adios, Sebastian-chan!". "Don't mention it." #hunter #faunus #fanfiction "Yeah, just follow me." We have initiation today!" "Good morning." ", Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Rachel frown and look at me, her small ponytail swinging behind her, smacking a girl in the face in the process.

If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Which also happens to be where Sebastian Anthony lives. Sometimes my brain is so helpful. I sighed and leaned my head against the bench and the purple girl walked up to me, holding out her hand. As we were running, I went into my observation mode. We're going to be flying! Beacon Academy, a school designed to train Hunters and Huntresses alike, is located in the kingdom of Vale.

Rachel was bouncing up and down as I stood next to her. Please consider turning it on! "Oh, Kitty. I walked away from her before Rachel could practically drag me away. #faunus A small shock was sent through my body, and before I could do anything else, the small shock turned into a large one and the next thing I knew, I was lying on the floor with a pair of bright purple eyes and a pair of bright red eyes staring at me in shock.

By Wolf47029 Ongoing - Updated 21 hours ago Embed Story Share via Email Read New Reading List. "It lives! #rwby Vienna asked, the concern high in her voice. "Girls, I hate to ruin the moment, but I did just get electrocuted. This is a really really cool animation, but there was that moment where a knight was taken out with a tap to the head with the hilt of an axe, a wrist-mounted sword, while cool, wouldn't actually be very good. I hate school so so so much. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. Whatever." At the same time, a "Kitty! I looked at Rachel and she shrugged. Most information about them, including their very names, are unknown so far, though details observed throughout the Trailers are recorded here. #fanfiction She yelled that last part and I heard them laugh. "Ignore them. "That being said, the first person you make eye contact with will be your partner for the next four years. "I told you to stay away from them.". Soon, less and less students were walking around the courtyard, most of them heading to the ceremony. I chuckled as I prepared myself for the launch. Be mad that they had to be edited. Luke spat.

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