Black-brown bars on flanks. The easiest way to solve crossword puzzles.
Yellow-green legs.
It feeds by pecking at the surface and probing mud with its bill for small invertebrates. The first is pecking with occasional probing, usually done by species in drier habitats that do not have soft soils or mud. Sexes are similar. Eyestripe is dark. Zigzag pattern when flushed. Different lengths of bills enable different species to feed in the same habitat, particularly on the coast, without direct competition for food.
Most species have a narrow bill, but otherwise the form and length are quite variable.
Black Turnstone: Medium sandpiper, scaled black upperparts, white spot between eye and bill, black breast with white speckles on sides, and white belly. logo design courtesy of The Haller Company. Common Redshank: Large sandpiper, scaled black and brown upperparts, dark-streaked neck and breast, white eye-ring broken in front, pale belly and sides with dark chevrons. The female is larger than the male with a longer bill and has a little red-brown color. Long-billed Dowitcher: This large, stocky sandpiper has dark, mottled upperparts, dark cap and eye stripe, short white eyebrow, and red-brown underparts with lightly barred flanks. It has been hypothesized this helps when probing by allowing the bill to be partly opened with less force and improving manipulation of prey items in the substrate. Broad-billed Sandpiper: Small sandpiper with a long bill that curves down at the tip. Bill length relative to head length varies from three times the length of the head in the long-billed curlew to just under half the head length in the Tuamotu sandpiper. Brown upperparts. Neck is long and streaked; long black decurved bill, blue-gray legs and feet. Female is brighter; paler crown and grayer upperparts. Rhynchokinesis is also used by sandpipers feeding on prey in water to catch and manipulate prey.
Feeds primarily on mosquito larvae but also takes mollusks and crustaceans. Wings have conspicuous white stripes visible in flight. It mainly feeds on insects and other small invertebrates. It has a black bill, legs and feet. Swift, powerful undulating flight.
Bouyant direct flight with steady, rapid wing beats. It has a swift direct flight with rapid wing beats.
Some are quite long-legged, and most species have three forward pointing toes with a smaller hind toe (the exception is the sanderling, which lacks a hind toe). In flight it shows prominent white lower back, rump, and underwing linings.
[4] The groups, with species numbers in parentheses, follow. Legs are orange-red. Little Curlew: Medium curlew, brown-streaked upperparts, white throat, dark-streaked gray breast, and white belly.
Feeds on insects and spiders. Bills may be straight, slightly upcurled or strongly downcurved. Orange-brown head and neck, and white mark between eye and bill; combination of prominent white rump, white wing bar, and pure white underwings is unique among the godwits.
Swift direct flight with rapid wing beats. Pectoral Sandpiper: This medium-sized sandpiper has scaled, dark brown upperparts, heavily streaked brown breast, plain white belly and eye ring, dark brown crown, faint wing-bar and black rump with white edges that are visible in flight. Sexes similar. indet. Sexes are similar. "Totanus" teruelensis (Late Miocene of Los Mansuetos (Spain) is sometimes considered a scolopacid – maybe a shank – but may well be a larid; little is known of it.
Search for crossword clues found in the Daily Celebrity, NY Times, Daily Mirror, Telegraph and major publications. The majority of these species eat small invertebrates picked out of the mud or soil. Sexes are similar. Direct flight with rapid wing beats.
Wandering Tattler: This medium-sized sandpiper has solid gray upperparts and heavily black-and-white barred underparts.
Bill is short and black. Western Sandpiper: This small sandpiper has chestnut-brown, scaled upperparts, white underparts dotted with rows of dark chevrons, streaked head with brown wash on face, dark bill with decurved tip, thin white stripes visible on dark wings in flight, black legs and feet, and partial webbing between toes. Bill is thin, olive-brown, decurved at tip.
It has a swift direct flight with rapid wing beats.
Tail has dark central stripe above and is white below. The sexes are similar. The face, neck and breast are rust-brown with black spots.
Marsh Sandpiper: Slender, medium-sized wader. Long-billed Curlew: Very large sandpiper with brown mottled upperparts, buff-brown underparts with dark streaks and spots.
Blue-gray legs, feet. Least Sandpiper: This small sandpiper has brown-scaled upperparts and a rust-brown crown. Long, straight, black-brown bill with green-yellow base. Brown-gray wings and upper back with black mottling. Bill is short and slightly down-curved.
Paractitis has been named from the Early Oligocene of Saskatchewan (Canada), while Mirolia is known from the Middle Miocene at Deiningen in the Nördlinger Ries (Germany).
Many sandpipers form monogamous pairs, but some sandpipers have female-only parental care, some male-only parental care, some sequential polyandry and other compete for the mate on the lek. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper: This medium-sized sandpiper has dark brown upperparts and white underparts with faint olive-brown streaks on breast and sides. Forages in grassy fields. Eats mollusks, insects, larvae, worms and seeds. The nest itself is a simple scrape in the ground, in which the bird typically lays three or four eggs. Surfbird: Medium sandpiper, dark gray upperparts marked with rufous, white rump, white underparts marked with distinct black chevrons. They are small to medium-sized birds, measuring 12 to 66 cm (4.7–26.0 in) in length. Eats mostly flies and beetles.
Legs and feet are dark red.
It has a black tail with conspicuous black-and-white barred edges; olive-green bill, legs and feet.
Lesser Yellowlegs: This large sandpiper has gray and black mottled upperparts, white underparts, and streaked upper breast and sides. Spotted Redshank: Large sandpiper, mostly black body in summer except for white rump, white spots on wings, barred tail.
The family Scolopacidae was introduced (as Scolopacea) by the French polymath Constantine Samuel Rafinesque in 1815. Wings have large white stripes visible in flight; tail has dark central stripe above and is white below. The wings show white bars in flight. The sexes are similar. The wings and tail are dark and the legs and feet are yellow. Christine __, woman at the centre of the Profumo s... Alec __, hero of le Carré's The Spy who Came in fr... John __, former MP who resigned as Secretary of St... Meryl __, star of the remake of The Manchurian Can... __ Myers, Bill Clinton's White House press secretary, North Indian city, former capital of the Mogul empire. The crown, face and neck are buff with fine brown streaks.
Diet includes insects, larvae, mollusks and crabs. The tail is white with dark bars and the legs and feet are dark gray. Sexes are similar. Large shore bird (6) Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for SHOREBIRD OF THE SANDPIPER FAMILY [curlew] We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word curlew will help you to finish your crossword today. Swift direct flight with rapid wing beats. The legs are long and yellow. White rump. The tail is dark brown and pointed in flight. The Crossword Solver finds answers to American-style crosswords, British-style crosswords, general knowledge crosswords and cryptic crossword puzzles. Swift direct flight with rapid wing beats; long wings allow them to make long flights. Direct flight with strong fast wing beats. indet.
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