Maybe check yours on your Alcatel TCL LX A502DL . i want my text messages for the month of april and may? Have been with Straight Talk for several years, now since about 3 days ago I can't send/receive MMS texts (texts with pics or a multi-person thread). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the StraightTalk community, Discussions about the cell phone service provider company know as "Straight Talk", Press J to jump to the feed. i`m using galaxy s2? to do this, you can go to the Messaging App Settings, More Settings or Advanced – Multimedia Messages – Then enable the Auto download or auto retrieve option on your android phone.
New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the StraightTalk community, Discussions about the cell phone service provider company know as "Straight Talk", Press J to jump to the feed. All other trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this site are the property of their respective owners. i answer but no one is there. I have straighttalk service and my phone is getting text and the number has a 11 infront of the number and when i text back it wont go thru what do i do?
Reward Points have no cash value and cannot be transferred to another customer.
I would send a text message and exit out of the messaging app. Ultimately decided to move my phone to a 'real' carrier this afternoon (T Mobile) as long as they could show me that MMS would work on my existing phone before I switched (which they did). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Sometimes the phone wants to save bettery life so it disable the messaging app services. I have the samsung galaxy s model number sch-1500 for us cellular.. how can i make it so i can use it with any cell provider? How do you text message a roshan number from any email provider? My straight talk phone won`t let me send a text message it keeps on saying enter center? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Enabling Messaging app without battery optimization.
My guess is that it's something on Straight Talk's end that is screwing with the 502DL. Can t send or receive texts on my galaxy s4 straight talk? What should be the sms calling number on my nokia 660 straight talk phone? Solution for Straight Talk MMS issues.. where do i enter it?
what is the number? I was about to call today to see if it could finally be fixed and before I called, I sent a picture to a friend & my husband both with android maybe it was the towers?!
Points earned through referral program are not immediately accessible and will take 60 days before they can be used. Meetme verification,told me to enter my phone number.and it says invalid number.what do i do? Mine and my husband's Alcatel LX Model A502DL stopped sending or receiving call or texts but the internet still works fine. If it’s an unusual phone, such as a Chinese clone, you may have to do some searching. My straighttalk phone wont receive or send text.
No international roaming allowed. Message center number galaxy s2 straight talk.
How do i find the message centre number in my galaxy mini as its costing me 1euro per text instead of 10cent.
I can recieve messages but it won`t let me send messages ever since i changed the message center number. What do i do if my straight talk galaxy s3 wont send texts?
How do i enter a wps pin number in my router.
My straight talk phone wont send text messages, For instagram i got a verification code but now it wont let me enter my phone number or anyone elses. i think so, coz everytime i call i get a busy tone on his idea number but my service provider shows the messages are delivered, Everytime i try to add a phone number to a contact it brings up an additional box "location information" that is asking me to enter some info but it w, Galaxy s4 straight talk phone cant call or text.
LTE is a trademark of ETSI.
what is the solutio, Sms service center number for straight talk.
My straight talk phone is not letting me send messages. it keeps saying d..? How can i receive my mms in samsung galaxy note ???? I need to know samsung galaxy y s3650 message centre from mongolia.and i cant send any message i think its becuz i changed msg centre number. Why wont my straight talk iphone send texts?
this happen to me too after three days like this i finally called straight talk my issue was in messaging app setting under (text sms messages)there is a number there that straight talk uses just make sure you dont mess with it.after i talked to then they changed that number to something else and after that every thing worked fine.. Anyone else have very recent problem with this? If you find a solution please report it here as I will do the same.
With straight talk.
Find the phone that’s best for you or keep your own phone. I decided to take a wild shot and use the, Ok, 1: you can flash it back (google stock roms for S2), Go in contacts select your contact look at the, You have to go by the store you purchase your. My straight tlk will not receive text messages Atraight talk cant send text messages but can recieve them Straighttalk sms wont let me send pictures 0 Community Experts online right now. How to now centre number in my stc because i change that number to others number my message are not send or are sending faild my message.
Single person text with no pics works fine. You can follow the step by step instructions to clean up Messaging App cache on this video: If you are having issues not receiving MMS on straight Talk, you can probably check the MMS auto download or auto retrieve settings on your phone. *At 2G speeds, the functionality of some data applications, such as streaming audio or video may be affected.
I bought one last week for my grandson birthday.
How do i call the right number for my service provider for andalusia alabama 36420? my mobile number or any thing else? Most common problem that many new Straight Talk users are experiencing is that they cannot connect to the internet or are unable to send or receive MMS messages. it keeps sayin enter a valid phone number? Anybody know why or what happened? How to fix set message center samsung galaxy s2 straight talk? It means the message center number in the SMS settings may have been deleted and you need to enter the appropriate number for your cellular ... Hi i have deleted my message center number and unable to send messages now can you tell me what is the message center number for andhra pradesh circl, My message center number has been updated as told by the service provider.
do you know the service center number that i have to enter??
ns_Z7_4HHA1I41K09J90ALAJBUG220I0__RWDPageHeaderPortletView, Terms and Conditions of Service at I have a blackberry and everytime i send a text to a number it says message sent using invalid number of digits even though i have the correct number. what should i do?
Why cant i send or receive text messageslg35g? The first solution works for issue related to both SMS and MMS, we are going to clean up the data and cache of the messaging app you are using.
once you enter your number, you`ll receive a code that you`ll be able to enter on facebook to ve. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Design the logic for a program that allows a user to enter a number. Alexis Why does when i call this number the phone says this number does not receive calls.
i have deleted all of my text messages..and it still says "incoming msg.
it is a cellular number and it doesn`t even got to voice mail. Traying to send a text on straight talk phone, I try to type my phone number in for vk but it keeps saying "incorrect phone number.please enter the full phone number in international format&qu, How to add own phone number in galaxys2?? ?dont know where to type in the number? I deleted my message center number on my galaxy note how do i find that number.. i can send any messages? Now go into Storage and Tab on Clear Data – confirm the message and this will reset the messaging service on the phone. Samsung galaxy s4 not sending text messages straight talk.
i`m away from home and can`t call the number given to me by service provider?
When i am entering my mobile number its showing to enter a valid mobile number.i wanted to know what is a valid phone number and how to enter it? the number wasn`t like a normal phone number.
I have prepaid by uscellular but its unlimited texting. My straight talk phone service stopped letting me send text messages why, I wamt to activate my sim card, it says " sim not provisioned(2) call your service provider".i do not the number of service provider.can you please he, What is a enter center on sright talk phones when u try send a txt. just chatted with Tracfone representative who pointed out I have minutes and data left but no message balance. I transferd my straight talk number to a android straight talk phone now i cant send text or outgoing call are surf the web and the 1800 number isn`t.
Maybe check yours on your Alcatel TCL LX A502DL . i have straighttalk service.
Mine randomly stopped working 3 days ago as well and I'm using the ATT sim. Good to know I'm not the only one having this issue. connect with other members.
Repair guides for Android cell phones manufactured by ALCATEL. A very common cause of MMS issues on straight Talk is related to the actual MMS Settings of the phone.
"Up to half the cost" is based on a comparison of the monthly cost of the $45 Straight Talk Unlimited Plan and the monthly cost of comparable no-contract, single line plans with unlimited talk, text and data on the top two carriers. Why os my galaxy s4 letting me get text messeges but not send them?
My phone can call a number okay but when texting i get the following "unable to send message" "invalid phone number.
Source: Competitor websites November 2019. Is there a way to view my text messages that i no longer have on my phone?
with the AskMeFast community and
They said I don't need anything else other than the apn name and apn because i have the sim card, but idk. What is cricket sms center number my phone can`t text message because i changed it to my own number? I had a bring your own phone verizon network card on my old phone (HTC One M9). i want my text messages for the month of april and may? i dial the number an d a f. Im trying to order off but it wont exept my english phone number what do i do? To do this, On your Android Phone go to Settings, Apps, and look for Messaging. I need the sms center number for straight talk? When i try to send a text, the phone sends me enter center.
How can i find out my sms center number for straight talk? Seems several have the same problem. When i enter a new number and save it to the address book it automatically saves it as work number how can i change it to mobile number?
"Up to half the cost" is based on a comparison of the monthly cost of the $45 Straight Talk Unlimited Plan and the monthly cost of comparable no-contract, single line plans with unlimited talk, text and data on the top two carriers.
everything checks out like the number for the message service center, etc. Why one straight talk phone cannot send text message to another? what is this?
I forgot to enter my mobily serial card number for my galaxy young and it was barring on outgoing call how to reactive my number? This is probably a CDMA-less phone like the one plus 6t and while compatible with Verizon ST can't turn the feature on. please check the number and enter a correct phone number why that? why is it saying code 97 when i send text messages?
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