Summer term ends on Wednesday 22 July 2020 Summer half term is 25 May 2020 – 29 May 2020

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It was known as Thomas Becket RC Upper School when Northamptonshire still operated the three-tier system and was renamed to its current name when the LEA reverted to the two-tier system.

stream These term dates are for Greenwich Local Education Authority. They are open to pupils for 190 days and provide training to staff on the other 5 days.

Address: Thomas Becket Catholic School, Becket Way, Kettering Road, Northampton, NN3 6HT Telephone: 01604 493211. Please click on the relevant links/documents for more information: Academy Term Dates: OUR LADY IMMACULATE CATHOLIC ACADEMIES TRUST LTD. Schools must open for 195 days each year. 1 0 obj x��][o7~7���G��Y�/AQ q�6�����C�N�6A����{gF�4iDNX�<3�>���C������ӏ积_2������S���#���K&���kł���v}|������W���.�8>�[�Lϝf>zn��7�r�ٟ�����.��~9>�}���a�o������u|���O[�%��;�x%:;�PO,�����xg%s�p�z$�j����G a �{sУ8�MAH��R�k��m��x`��o�]�� :Q�����xgg�W�����/�=������_�v���o���������z{��m6i��>�҆�;&�3�����Ҵ�q������s/�"�h �p�R8Đ�?d>Ŏ�ˤŻ��q\X楆��u�%����9��������˳���bܴ������ WB�O�,2@���V��4�p�%9?q3�DqT�y����c�XF�I�:/w�=q,��Bw���mcY�j��"�+0�l��sP����K|9���v�'F����4�nCJ�R��+j�q��Ve,e�.��K�V��n\�����~{�h��Fr����he;��~��6x����q_�+�*;�������ٳ�؏��e�ߡ�o�? Sorry, we don't have any term dates for Thomas Becket Catholic School at the moment. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. 2 0 obj �W��W_�n�jU��0�� ���=+om&g�j��(B���4����]�qv�ȲL�8�\A�HM��۬*�[gȺ,���OB��?Wr@&����ý�5�;���`�bN����"�ʖ�B.

All comments are moderated so may not appear immediately. St. Thomas a Becket Catholic School was built in 1974 when children moved from the old St. Joseph’s site next to St. Agnes Church in Whitley Road. 2020 / 2021 INSET and training days for St Thomas A Becket Catholic Primary School We recommend that all parents check the staff training dates St Thomas A Becket Catholic Primary School have published on their website. We recommend that all parents check the staff training dates St Thomas A Becket Roman Catholic Primary School have published on their website.

All comments are moderated so may not appear immediately. Friday 15th May .

Click here to view our Parent Calendar 2020-21. endobj Thomas Becket Catholic School – Term Dates. %���� End of Term Friday 18th December 2020 Term 3 Inset Day Monday 4 th January 2021 Re-open to Pupils Tuesday 5th January 2021 End of Term Friday 12th February 2021 Term 4 Re-opens to pupils Monday 22nd February 2021 4 0 obj St Thomas a Becket Catholic Primary School _____ Ready, Steady, Go is now operating virtually! %PDF-1.5 We recommend that all parents check the staff training dates St Thomas Becket Catholic Primary School have published on their website.

Mottisfont Road Abbey Wood London SE2 9LY. Please verify these dates with St Thomas A Becket Roman Catholic Primary School.

Map of Secondary Schools in England and Wales. <>>> Schools must open for 195 days each year. It was known as Thomas Becket RC Upper School when Northamptonshire still operated the three-tier system and was renamed to its current name when the LEA reverted to the two-tier system. The Bishop Konstant Catholic Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education. Becket Close Birchanger Road South Norwood London SE25 5BN.

Please check back soon. We recommend that all parents check the staff training dates St Thomas Becket Catholic Primary School have published on their website. Since September 2010, we have been federated with our infant school who Use this comments section to discuss term dates for Thomas Becket Catholic School. :z�!,P�;��R���a�O�O��k��3�QM�Û�������z��r��L����~��i7��|n8VQ�f� �Ƥ)7&���`CD?�zG(��C ��(i�V& ��\c�si�_o�/��Yv��]ʘ|*> *%MкB��L��/p?

Thomas Becket Catholic School is part of OLICAT Schools.

Use this comments section to discuss term dates for St Thomas A Becket Roman Catholic Primary School. They are open to pupils for 190 days and provide training to staff on the other 5 days. endobj <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Use this comments section to discuss term dates for St Thomas Becket Catholic Primary School.

These term dates are for Wiltshire Local Education Authority. Becket Way Kettering Road North Northampton Northamptonshire NN3 6HT.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the East Sussex School Health Service are now delivering Ready, Steady, Go virtually to families. ST THOMAS BECKET CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL. Since September 2010, we have been federated with our infant school who shares our site. End of Term Letter .

Holiday Dates. The school was founded in 1977 and was named after St Thomas Becket. Ready, Steady, Go is our free 8 week programme for children aged 4-11 and their families. St Thomas Becket Catholic Primary School TERM DATES 2019-2020 AUTUMN TERM 2019 Inset Days: Monday 2 September Tuesday 3 September School Opens: Wednesday 4 September School … We recommend that all parents check the staff training dates Thomas Becket Catholic School have published on their website. ]k������� .�͇ Please verify these dates with St Thomas . *��J^��3q� ��u�o�Q�u\f0�w���M���qi��$Z��8�� �Z

Friday 18th December 2020 Monday 4th January 2021 Thursday 1st April 2021 Friday 28th May 2021 Please do not post any personal information relating to yourself, or employees of St Thomas A Becket Roman Catholic Primary School as these comments will not be approved. 685 pupils between the ages of 11 and 18. They are open to pupils for 190 days and provide training to staff on the other 5 days. Sorry, we don't have any term dates for St Thomas A Becket Roman Catholic Primary School at the moment. �QZ��-�Ə���LzNIa>�.�*�� Please do not post any personal information relating to yourself, or employees of Thomas Becket Catholic School as these comments will not be approved. <>

Please do not post any personal information relating to yourself, or employees of St Thomas Becket Catholic Primary School as these comments will not be approved.

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