Click here to find out what ID to bring and what's on your ballot. Endorsed by: Austin Black Lawyers Association, Houston Lawyers Association, Black Women’s PAC, Hispanic Bar Association of Austin, Like what you see? FOX4 VOTER'S GUIDE: 2020 Texas ... the third-largest haul of the entire 2020 Democratic primary. Monday, February 3, 2020 Last Day to Register to Vote in Primary Election. Progress Texas is our 501(c)(4) which is also a non-profit, but donations are NOT deductible for federal income tax purposes. The court is currently fully Republican, making flipping these three-seats even more important to bring justice and balance to the bench. This could be the year our state flips! Tuesday, July 14, 2020 Primary Runoff Election (if applicable). Work under this status has strict limits on lobbying and political activity. Please vote the entire ballot! You may also enter your address into to see a personalized sample ballot & compare candidates' responses. Full Story Our state is at a tipping point: rapid population growth has resulted in rapid voter growth, which in turn has produced progressive wins around the state. We do our issue education and civic engagement work under this status. This Court is the last resort for all criminal matters in the state. Here are 7 reasons he shouldn’t be in office. It’s also about a competitive race for the U.S. Senate which has an impact on deciding who gets confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court, and our state’s energy commission, known as the Railroad Commission (which has nothing to do with railroads), which is a pivotal decision maker in America’s contribution to climate change. Sept. 28, 2020 | Updated: Oct. 12, 2020 5:00 a.m.

Now, she’s taking on Senator John Cornyn, who has consistently attempted to bar Texans’ access to affordable health care.WATCH: Flipping Texas with U.S. Senate Candidate MJ Hegar, Endorsed by: EMILY’s List, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, NARAL Pro-Choice America, Human Rights Campaign, Everytown for Gun Safety, Vote Vets, Texas AFT, Texas AFL-CIO, Vote Vets, This race has nothing to do with railroads!

The most competitive races on the path to turning Texas blue. Voter Guide: 2020 General Election, State and Local Races Voter registration and early voting information below; A comprehensive list of all North Texas races will be added to … From start to finish and top to bottom.

Donate today and become part of the team. Tuesday, March 3, 2020 Primary Election Day. 2020 Texas Voter Guide A comprehensive survey of the candidates and key national, state and local races that your vote will decide in November. Texas’ indicted Attorney General is under investigation again. John Cornyn supporters lob sexist attack at MJ Hegar for tattoo covering battle wounds, Three reasons why an Amy Coney Barrett appointment could be detrimental for Texans. Early Voting for the Tuesday, November 3, 2020 General Election begins October 13th and ends October 30th. Find voter information for Texas, including details about deadlines, registration, mail-in voting, and poll locations. Endorsed by: Texas AFL-CIO, Hispanic Bar Association of Austin, Houston Association of Women Attorneys, Stonewall Democrats of Dallas, Endorsed by: Texas AFL-CIO, Women Organizing Women Democrats, Texas Coalition of Black Democrats, Endorsed by: Texas AFL-CIO, State Tejano Democrats, Houston GLBT Caucus, Austin Black Lawyers Association, Endorsed by: Texas AFL-CIO, Black Lives Matter Houston, Houston Black American Democrats, Texas Democrats with Disabilities. Texas, ... as several recent polls show no candidate with more than 15 percent support of voters. Progress Texas Insitute is our 501(c)(3) non-profit, which is an IRS tax status that allows donations to be deductible for federal income tax purposes. Voter Guides and Resources. Find your regional candidates: Central Texas (Travis, Hays, Williamson County Area) Dallas Area (Dallas, Collin County Area) Your donation helps us keep up this work. Saturday, February 8, 2020 Estimated iVoterGuide Release Date for Primary. Vote for these four strong women and we can leave those justices at home for good. It’s our poorly-named energy commission and it regulates the oil and gas industry.

The power of Texas voters has never been stronger than it is in 2020. From start to finish and top to bottom. We split our work between these two organizations depending on the nature of the project. Use The Texas Tribune's voter guide to learn more about voting during the pandemic, mail-in voting, voting in person, Texas candidates and key dates for the 2020 general election. Vote by Mail applications must be received by your county elections officials - not postmarked - by July 2, 2020. Work under this status has more flexibility for lobbying and political activity. There is still time to apply to vote by mail. Endorsed by: Texas AFL-CIO, Texas State Teachers Association/NEA, American Postal Workers Union, United Farm Workers, Clean Water Action, Indivisible, NARAL Pro-Choice America, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Vote Vets, Sunrise Movement, Everytown for Gun Safety, Scientific American, Hegar is an Air Force veteran who successfully took on the Pentagon’s ban on women serving in direct ground combat. Click here to print the Pro-Life Voter Guide. The 2020 General Election Voters Guide English El Guia de Elecciones General de Texas 2020 en Espanol Your own personal Voters Guide is online at Melissa Phillip, Houston Chronicle / Staff photographer. It’s about needing just nine seats to flip the Texas Legislature heading into a redistricting year. Thank you for subscribing - we will be in touch soon! You might be asking yourself, what is Progress Texas Institute and how is it different from Progress Texas. This year, whether you live in a swing, blue, or red county, your vote has the power to enact big changes at the ballot box. Get the scoop on all the candidates in the 2020 Texas General Elections. (Or print in black and white here) State law allows you to take a paper copy of the Pro-Life Voter Guide into the voting booth with you, but *you cannot use your phone. Please vote the entire ballot! Texas Secretary of State 800-252-VOTE (8683) Email Election Information Vote Texas .

Earlier this year the all-Republican Texas Supreme Court denied opening up vote by mail to all Texans as a safe alternative to polling places, and they did it while working from home. Take the Pro-Life Voter Guide with you to the polls in the 2020 Republican Runoff Election! This election is about more than the race for president. The Biden/Harris team is running strong in Texas and have been leading in many polls. Our voter guide lists the races we’re closely watching, and is intended to help you identify the most competitive state and federal races in 2020. It’s our most pivotal decision-maker on climate change!WATCH: Progress Texas Happy Hour with Chrysta Castañeda, Endorsed by: Annie’s List, Planned Parenthood Texas Votes, Texas AFL-CIO, Tejano Democrats, Sierra Club, Houston Area Black Democrats, Liberal Austin Democrats, Preston Hollow Democrats. It’s about needing just three seats to flip the State Board of Education which makes policy on sex education, diversity curriculum, and influences what goes into textbooks both in Texas and in surrounding states.Our voter guide lists the races we’re closely watching, and is intended to help you identify the most competitive state and federal races in 2020. Voting Deadlines Registration Deadline: October 5, 2020 Absentee Ballot Request Deadline: October 23, 2020 Absentee Ballot Return Deadline: November 3, 2020 Early Voting: October 19-30, 2020 General Election: November 3, 2020. by Mandi Cai, Carla Astudillo, Yasmeen Khalifa and Catherine DeLaura Sept. 18, 2020 Use The Texas Tribune's voter guide to learn more about voting … Voters Guides In the month before an election, check here for printable Voters Guides with candidates' responses to nonpartisan LWV questions. The key is turnout everywhere. For those who prefer to read a print version of the Voters Guide, there is a copy of the Texas League's Voters Guide on the LWVTX website. Tuesday, February 18, 2020 - Friday, February 28, 2020 Early Voting for Primary Election. Yes, I want to receive text message alerts, 2017 Statewide Constitutional Ballot Guide, Flipping Texas with U.S. Senate Candidate MJ Hegar, Progress Texas Happy Hour with Chrysta Castañeda, The Hyde Amendment has limited abortion rights for 44 years - it’s time to repeal it. Chip in $10.

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