These last 15 years, I have dedicated my heart and soul to District 2 and the neighbors who make our city a borderland gem.
If I was the city representative for District 4 I would have voted yes to releasing cluster information, voted for our business community to release their cluster information, invited all business owners to a special meeting to brief them on what is going on and how they can help, and I would have been transparent with my constituents and let them know that they are not alone during this pandemic. Severe neglect impacts children long after the neglect occurs. Cut areas that are not within the needs of the community. District 2 has not had a Latina representative in over 20 years and it is past time for our elected officials to reflect our community.
Welcome to the El Paso Matters voters guide for the Nov. 3, 2020, general election in El Paso County.
While serving as Judge of Municipal Court 1, I advocated for the courts to be paperless because every day I was handed a voluminous paper docket. Age: 66. However, one’s party affiliation may give some hint to a candidate’s judicial philosophy. As a former city prosecutor, defense attorney, and, presently, current judge of Municipal Court 4, I have the experience to run my court efficiently and am already doing so. My movement is all about returning the power to the people, ending pay-to-play politics, ending business as usual, transitioning El Paso to clean energy, getting the community involved, inspiring the youth, and ensuring that the people will no longer be ignored. To be clear, the wellbeing of our children and the quality of their educational opportunities transcend party affiliation. Our own state has suffered four of the deadliest mass shootings in modern U.S. history, including the attack in El Paso that was the deadliest attack targeting Latinos in modern U.S. history. Postal Service, they also can be dropped off at the El Paso County Courthouse, 500 E. San Antonio, at the east side entrance on Campbell Street. Click here to generate a sample ballot that you can use to plan your vote and take with you to the polls. I have served the citizens of El Paso since 1989 as an attorney with El Paso Legal Aid, an Assistant County Attorney, an Assistant Public Defender, an Assistant City Prosecutor, an Associate Judge and an elected Municipal Court Judge. The duties of the Legislature include consideration of proposed laws and resolutions, consideration of proposed constitutional amendments for submission to the voters, and appropriation of all funds for the operation of state government. Districts should be empowered to strictly enforce COVID-19 mitigation protocols, including wearing masks, social distancing, frequent disinfection, and regular screening. I serve all 5.4 million Texas students, regardless of political affiliation, and will continue to serve their needs above politics.
Defendants have the options of a payment plan or may also request community service in lieu of paying the fines. ... the third-largest haul of the entire 2020 Democratic primary. El Paso County Elections Department website. I understand the issues inside and out, I have experienced our lack of flood control in 2006, I experience our run down streets every day during my daily commute, I have stood up for the people of Northeast El Paso at City Hall, and I will never abandon our community or our people. Education: Burges High School, Class of 1994; Brown University, Class of 1998, Environmental Studies (Honors, B.A. Forum Paso Del Norte Chapter, Executive Committee Member of the El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organization, member of the Rio Grande Council Of Governments, member of the Paso del Norte Census Complete Count Committee, member of the Borderplex Alliance, El Paso County Democratic Party, Black El Paso Democrats, East Side Democrats, West Side Democrats, Paso Del Norte Tejano Democrats, Democratic National Committee, a former board member of Big Brothers Big Sisters of El Paso, and an honorary board member of the Medical Center of the Americas Foundation in El Paso. Occupation: Attorney. I have lived among those at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder and have rubbed elbows with those at the top. In addition, I have completed multiple Leadership classes to include the Constables Leadership Command College, which consists of over 120 hours of classroom hours. Who can vote: Registered voters in District 7, which encompasses parts of East El Paso and the Lower Valley. I am the best choice because law enforcement officers and leaders of their agencies should be transparent to the citizens they serve. I support funding state and local governments to make up for revenue shortfalls and mitigating costs to healthcare, education, infrastructure, etc. No raises or bonuses for the next year. Expanding and continuing investments in our local health schools and programs at TTUHSCEP, UTEP, and EPCC. Too many people have not been able to say their goodbyes and that is unacceptable when there are ways.
Our community also needs more investment in homelessness prevention, mental health services, substance abuse, domestic violence, food insecurity, universal pre-k, afterschool programs, and the arts. Park University. I’m the best District 4 candidate because I care deeply about Northeast El Paso. Aside from his opinions, he made the time to co-author a series of books on brief writing, appellate advocacy, and statutory interpretation. Age: 37. Cities like Houston have put together task forces using a combination of city services, data scientists, health professionals and technology experts to identify and assist communities hardest hit by COVID-19. Individuals that may be indigent can also have a hearing and there may be a waiver of fees depending upon each circumstance. Making sure the public safety is ensured and enforced with immediate response. Who can vote: Registered voters in Constable Precinct 7, which is primarily in the Upper Valley and Far West El Paso.
I will prioritize an equitable budget that provides more funding for quality of life programs such as parks, youth sports, recreation centers, arts-culture, mental health, and hike and bike infrastructure. We should always remain aware of any opportunities for local solutions. Age: 62. Because neglect has lifelong implications on a child’s emotions and development, I defer to experts on the best course of action for neglected children. Age: 33. A municipal court of appeals judge should have knowledge of the law, and be just, fair and impartial. We can assist, but only assist. Are you ready to make a difference in 2020, if so…these are some things you need to know: 2020 Texas Uniform Election Day The Texas 2020 Election is Tuesday, November 3, 2020.
Age: 65.
Political and civic experience: I served as a teacher for more than a decade and have represented West Texas on the State Board of Education for the past four years. Age: 46. It’s a great way to go broke. With the people of El Paso experiencing gun violence on Aug. 3, 2019, we should be leading the charge on ensuring that our nation is safe from people with bad intentions who want to inflict pain and sorrow on communities throughout our nation. My budget is one of the smallest of the constables’ offices. My experiences as a lifelong resident of District 4 and El Paso make me the right choice to represent the people of District 4. I understand the needs and wants of Northeast citizens to include businesses, restaurants, entertainment, hotels, etc. These cases require a judge who understands the needs of families, a quality gained from being in the trenches with them. When I put on my robe, I am neither Democrat nor Republican. In other words, everybody is treated the same. voters guide produced by the League of Women Voters of Texas. — to ensure our country doesn’t deepen the economic divide. See a map here or call the county elections office at 915-546-2154 to confirm that you can vote in this race. Public safety should be number one as it is the public we serve. Education: Masters of Arts (Dual Degree); Human Resources Development and Management. Along with the council, the mayor develops policy for the city manager and city staff to execute. I am the best candidate in this race because I am fair, experienced and innovative. The short answer to the question is very little. We’re not finished. Under the House-passed Heroes Act, El Paso would gain nearly $1 billion, however the Senate has refused to pass it.
Age: 47. I was acutely aware of it as a practitioner representing clients before the Court. I will continue the work we began in Ethnic Studies, a more reflective set of history courses, fact-based science in all science courses, and medically accurate standards in all health education courses. I do not believe in, nor do I allow, excess spending of taxpayers’ dollars.
My job is to protect individual liberties and help families navigate through difficult times. Also, we have to work with people on things like fine amounts and payment plans. Education: Studied Criminal Justice at El Paso Community College. My conservative Christian values teach a deep respect for others, for truth and service. Along with the council, the mayor develops policy for the city manager and city staff to execute. Constables are Texas peace officers and are mandated to follow the law as written. I support legislation to keep guns out of the hands of convicted hate crime offenders and domestic abusers, extreme-risk protection orders (red flags laws), banning assault rifles and high-capacity magazines, and expanding and improving background checks. She struggled in a legal world where she was dismissed by virtue of her gender. It’s best to make bold investments today — in healthcare, infrastructure, education, etc. On gun violence, I believe we should have stricter laws and penalties for the violators, strict laws and full background checks on those who would be able to purchase the weapon, but I also believe that we as citizens should be able to own and carry our weapons legally to protect and assist in the time of need.
Justice Ginsburg made it possible for half of my law school class to be female while 30 years before, Justice Ginsberg was one of only three women in her law school class. Political and civic experience: El Paso Executive Women’s Lion Club, ACTS community, and Inn of Courts. More officers will not reduce crime but rather efforts to increase wages and increase affordable housing will reduce crime rates. FOX4 VOTER'S GUIDE: 2020 Texas Primaries.
I am the only candidate who is a child welfare law specialist and serves as an advisory attorney on the Supreme Court of Texas Children’s Commission. As we do that, my chief priorities will be health care, public education, and criminal justice. Find effective ways to deal with the current situation. Political and civic experience: Former member of the El Paso Financial Oversight and Audit Committee, Former member of the El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organization, Former Trustee of the City of El Paso Employees Retirement Trust – Pension Board, Former Volunteer Government Instructor teaching State and Local Government at the El Paso Community College (2018), Former Deputy Director for Workforce Solutions Borderplex, Former Director of Policy and Programs for Education and Workforce Development at the El Paso Chamber of Commerce, Former support staff for two City Representatives from 2011 to 2013, Former President and Vice President of the Rosedale Neighborhood Association in District 3, Founding president of the Master of Public Administration Student Association (MPASA), Yes, I have been arrested before.
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