Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motions of the stars, and they pass by themselves without wondering. If you're falling off a cliff, you may as well try to fly. There is pleasure in the pathless woods, there is rapture in the lonely shore, there is society where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar; I love not Man the less, but Nature more. With every drop of water you drink, every breath you take, you're connected to the sea. I'm constantly jumping off cliffs and developing my wings on the way down. If people are constantly falling off a cliff, you could place ambulances under the cliff or build a fence on the top of the cliff. At most it has been the accomplice of human restlessness. THE EDGE OF THE SEA (1955) PREFACE “When we go down to the low-tide line, we enter a world that is as old as the Earth itself – the primeval meeting place of the elements of earth and water, a place of compromise and conflict and eternal change.

The eys will be looking at something the rest of us can't see. A book to be read for pleasure as well as a practical identification guide, The Edge of the Sea introduces a world of teeming life where the sea meets the land. I never feel alone when I'm out there. Wise Old Sayings is a database of thousands of inspirational, humorous, and thoughtful quotes, sorted by I must go down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and the sky; and all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.

"The Edge of the Sea" is a fitting conclusion to Rachel Carson's so-called "Sea Trilogy" that started in 1941 with "Under the Sea Wind" and followed in 1951 with her famous "The Sea Around Us".

I live through risk. We are tied to the ocean. We are placing all too many ambulances under the cliff.

In civilized life, law floats in a sea of ethics. The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever. 6. A woman knows the face of the man she loves as a sailor knows the open sea. Without risk there is no art. ", Beautifully written prescient and commanding.

Blustering in from sea with a rollicking song he sweeps along swaggering boisterously. For us as living creatures it has special meaning as an area in or near which some entity that could be distinguished as life first drifted in shallow waters – reproducing, evolving, yielding that endless varied stream of living things that has surged through time and space to occupy the Earth.”, “To understand the shore, it is not enough to catalog its life. Dive today from the cliff of what you know into what you can't know.

If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea. Understanding comes only when, standing on a beach, we can sense the long rhythms of earth and sea that sculptured its land-forms and produced the rock and sand of which it is composed; when we can sense with the eye and ear of the mind the surge of life beating always at its shores – blindly, inexorably pressing for a foothold. 1. - … But let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. We're at the top of the cliff and we can either fall off the edge or keep climbing. The waves hit the cliff with more intensity than the shore, because the ocean knows the cliff has that masculine intensity which won't complain about her feminine energy. PESTICIDES = CHEMICAL WARFARE (supplementary info), CROSS-CURRENTS: THE PERILS OF ELECTROPOLLUTION Dr. Robert Becker, CONTROLLING THE HUMAN MIND Dr. Nick Begich, THE FLUORIDE DECEPTION Christopher Bryson, THE LAST HOURS OF ANCIENT SUNLIGHT Thom Hartmann, FOUR ARGUMENTS FOR THE ELIMINATION OF TELEVISION Jerry Mander, THE SCIENCE OF COERCION Christopher Simpson.

Love one another, but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Sometimes you just have to jump off the cliff without knowing where you will land. To me, the sea is like a person - like a child that I've known a long time. We run carelessly to the precipice, after we have put something before us to prevent us seeing it. Cliffs are poets with harps. If you are at the edge of a precipice, your every step is vital! Full of characters rich in heart, smarts, and courage, On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness is a tale children of all ages will cherish, families can read aloud, and readers' groups are sure to enjoy discussing for its many layers of meaning. There is one spectacle grander than the sea, that is the sky; there is one spectacle grander than the sky, that is the interior of the soul. There is an educational cliff we are walking over right this very second.

He who studies medicine without books sails an uncharted sea, but he who studies medicine without patients does not go to sea at all. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch - we are going back from whence we came. (VIDEO), WILLIAM ENGDAHL SEEDS OF DESTRUCTION/GODS OF MONEY, DR. MATTHIAS RATH "PHARMACEUTICAL BUSINESS WITH DISEASE". To put meaning in one's life may end in madness, But life without meaning is the torture Of restlessness and vague desire-It is a boat longing for the sea and yet afraid. FULL MOVIE, GEO-TERRORISM & ENVIRONMENTAL WARFARE (BLOG), "THE TUBE" DOCUMENTARY ON TELEVISION (VIDEO), "THE NUCLEAR WAR ON IRAQ" DR. TEDD WEYMAN (VIDEO), "THE DOCTOR, DU, AND DYING CHILDREN" (VIDEO), "HEALTH EFFECTS OF CHERNOBYL" FREE BOOK DOWNLOAD, DR. CHRIS BUSBY HEALTH EFFECTS OF RADIATION (VIDEO), DR. ALEXEY YABLOKOV CHERNOBYL/FUKUSHIMA (VIDEO), FLUORIDE POISONING: EAST MEETS WEST (VIDEO), DR. A.K. Nothing can stop me now. You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.

There's a cliff at the end point of a person's life; most us of peer over the edge of it, hanging on.

It sounds crazy, I know, but when I swim in the sea, I talk to it. Hills tell old stories. I've been living on the edge for so long, my friends call me Cliff. On the cliffs of your wild cat charms I'm riding. When the seagulls follow the trawler, it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea. "The edge of the sea is a strange and beautiful place."

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