I ran across this review from a person who knows what he is talking about, it bears repeating. There was also the VIP area which I was too broke to go into but the drugged out people and nudity which often stumble out left me with no doubt that it was the equivalent of a Caligula scene in there. It is still hard to believe the phenomenal things I saw and did at the limelight while I was going to school working towards my doctorate. There were other events throughout the year but those two were always spectacular! Whenever a boring song played, there they were, all the men tugging at my sleeve, “Wanna dance?” But the minute a hot song played and I had to sit through it just dying to dance, I thought, “To hell with you guys if you won’t dance to the good songs!”. Sitting at home on New Years Eve, 2017 reflecting on the new years I rang in at the Limelight. This was a hallmark of this incredible club, extravagance, innovation, versatility, originality and unequaled quality.
Several rooms, each decorated differently were smaller bars along the fringes of the club. The club’s wild reputation lured in visiting celebrities. You’d surely include newer songs that fit the theme. A caged dancer would be lowered from the ceiling and land at the foot of the stage. Let’s go.” So, we went and danced on the speakers.
In June of 1981, orange juice pitchman and former beauty queen Anita Bryant, known for her vocal anti-gay stance, stopped in. That dance floor, what a trip, the twinkies,those huge speakers, We would bring the dances we saw back to our little town.
Zuletzt bearbeitet am 22. There is so much, I been to south beach club liquid, Sly Stallone was there ,Madonna too, not even on the same Universe with Limelight. He said, “Well, come on! It was impressive on the dance floor however, if you were lucky enough to go up to the second floor above the dance floor it was mind boggling – you could literally see music. Things often occurred there you don’t normally associate with a discoteque – think of modern day furries. He said that the Limelight solo dancers were nicknamed “Twinkies” — maybe as a shortened version of Twinkletoes.
Your ears would ring for hours after you left. I did see the sharks, and the Panthers, the sharks were there for the filming of the Burt Reynolds movie Sharky’s Machine. I’d been watching the Twinkies dance, oblivious to dance partners, lost in the joy of the music, and so I became one of them. Those folks obviously never went to the Limelight. room on the back wall provided privacy for visiting celebrities, and the curtained booths were notorious spots for cocaine use and sex. They created an immersive environment which has never been equaled or even approached. Great. He danced up on one of the speakers, and he was my favorite to watch. I took my camera to the Limelight on two occasions, one of which was the 5th anniversary. Your songlist is not quite accurate, Pink, and Backstreet Boys, were released, much later, thnn 1987, when Limelight closed down.,all great songs, and the rest of Your list is quite accurate..just clarifying!! ( Log Out / Like all clubs, it had it’s heyday and then eventually went downhill… However, during the first two years of it’s operation, it was like nothing I’ve ever seen. I recall standing in line under the heat lamps one night and the two ladies in front of me had on clear raincoats and pumps – absolutely nothing else. If I were going to put together a Limelight playlist, including songs that came out after they closed down but that they would have played, the following songs would be included.
2003 wurde der Clubbetrieb eingestellt. Thousands of flashing and moving and strobing lights, and even occasionally smoke blown in, turned the dance floor into a fantasy world of dancers. The legendary Limelight nightclub was the place to see and be seen during its peak in 1981-1982. This is a group devoted to the many people that frequented or worked at Peter Gatien's first Atlanta Nightclub, Limelight Atlanta. Then there were the 8-10 curtains which pulled back or pulled up to reveal the giant limelight logo which slowly rose from above the stairs to a second back dance floor while the walls expanded doubling the dance floor area to open the club. You run to the spiral staircase just to get out and get involved (I just loved this place) There were U shaped couches red velvet material, ten or more bars selling drinks, Bathroom porters treated you like a king, you tip them, they could get you anything, and I mean anything. The lights were of every shape and color, some spun, some strobed, some twinkled, some pulsed, some were structural and fixed but most could be raised or lowered nearly to the dance floor. They talk about the owner and his nefarious connections and legal troubles. I was Googling Company B at the Limelight in Atlanta and found this. The Limelight giant was dead. Grab a shower, a quick dinner and arrive at the Limelight around 9:30 PM. And the crowd during the early days was always fantastic… beautiful well dressed clientele, including stars of the recording and entertainment profession. I and my business partner have worked or visited every notable club on the east coast during the late ’70s to mid ’80s.
Too bad I did not get to meet him. This was lonnnnngggggg before Shazam was even a concept, and you had to remember the words or hope you could read a record spinning at 45 RPM.
All I know it was the one place for serious dancers who felt the vibe of the place and the great music. Being one of the regular twinkies whose sole focus was on dancing, I can tell you there’s an “aura” or “vibe” to a song that transcends. It was simple insane. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Things like the only holographic laser I have ever seen which produced a green naked couple making love midair over the dance floor, (I only saw it once in 4 years).
The lime light was decadent and boasted 5 million in light and sound equipment in 1980 dollars.
I was known as Sunday Girl, although sometimes I came during the week. It amazed me the moves you could pull off dancing in one place. amzn_assoc_linkid = "3d7181702f51214ad94eab857dbea4ee"; Der erste Limelight wurde in den 1970er Jahren in Hollywood (Florida) eröffnet. But yes – I think anyone that experienced the Limelight experienced a world apart from anything else – a fantasy world so to speak. John – I miss you breaking in my pumps! To Eat Shit is Divine!”. Installing OSX Snow Leopard on a 2012 Mac Pro 5,1 Computer, Make the Time to Draft Your Last Will and Testament, Destruction of the World as Predicted in the End of Days Prophecies, Alligator in the Barn and Santa Claus in the Sky, Extraterrestrial Ants and the Power of Illusion, The Antichrist isn’t a Person, it’s a Movement, La Bamba – Antonia Rodriguez * (sorry, I couldn’t find an Amazon link to this one). The Limelight staff told me that the women were his bodyguards. Where do you work?”. They would not move for what seemed like hours, just posed there like mannequins. /* Allie Mars 468x60 */ When you go out to dance, the last thing you want to think about is going to work on Monday, or any other mundane aspect of life. Supposedly, the Humane Society had already put a stop to the animal attractions, but that did not matter because this place was so different from anything we had ever seen and there was much to see.
I have to agree with all of you. That is great! The club closed in 1985. There are so many memories to reflect on but we all probably have a little of each others story in our own. A private VIP area with sheik-style tents was where the celebrities got to party.
I never saw any of that in the two years I danced there. Beneath the dance floor was a massive fish tank, which was home to two sand sharks. So two of my friends and I packed our best disco clothes headed out for Atlanta one weekend to see this famous club. Being a girl solo dancer had a weird side effect. Mai 2014 um 02:47 Uhr bearbeitet. We were so lucky to have lived during this special time. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-7483906406930375"; A large staircase in the lobby led downstairs to the infamous glass dance floor. Dress and attitude codes were enforced, and some wannabe guests were denied entry to the club altogether, sometimes just for the sake of sensationalism. I also went looking for a replacement for the Limelight and have still never found it. I was at Miami Nights and got to see Company B, Expose’, Stacey Q, Steve Paul Perry, Paul Parker, and Debbie Gibson perform.
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