Bloom and her friends are getting ready for a concert on the beach tomorrow! Who's this masked man in hiding in the shadows?
Leggi il testo The Spill di Winx Club tratto dall'album Winx Club: Beyond Believix, Vol. But will they be able to get through all the smoke and flames?
Entra e non perderti neanche una parola! What are the Trix planning and who is that hideous monster? Sky accidentally dropped the Pendant of Eraklyon when he was saving the oil rig workers!
The Winx Club notices a dangerous looking oil rig right in the middle of the ocean! Winx Club Season show reviews & Metacritic score: In the kingdom of Andros, Layla's (Now named Aisha) Uncle Neptune is planing a coronation for one of his sons to be the new heir. Aisha is eagerly awaiting news from her under water relatives to find out who will take King Neptune's place! Just as King Neptune chose Nereus to take his seat on the royal throne, they were attacked! click here. Aisha uses her morphix powers to show off her acrobatic skills!
What's this?
Cookies help us understand how you interact with our site, improve your browsing experience, and What do they have in store for the Winx Club and the undersea Kingdom? Thanks for checking us out and happy browsing! 1. serve advertising to you. But what about all the oil in the ocean?
Aisha and Bloom sure know how to gather a crowd! Our fall TV preview concludes with a comprehensive guide to the new and... 2013 Fall TV Preview: Our Comprehensive Guide to the Season's New and Returning Shows.
The wonderful world of Winx is full of fun, fierce adventure, and fairies! For more information about how we use cookies and what your choices are,
Nickelodeon uses cookies. This doesn't look good! Winx Club in Streaming GRATIS su GUARDASERIE, Il cartone animato racconta le avventure di una giovane fata, chiamata Bloom, e delle cinque fate, nonché … Our massive preview has details on the most promising new shows and your... Get a list of the best movie and TV titles recently added (and coming... Music title data, credits, and images provided by, Movie title data, credits, and poster art provided by. All Rights Reserved. Is the new king strong enough to defeat him? Tired of neglect and living in his twin brother's shadow, Tritanus lashed out at his family. Meanwhile the Winx … On their way to meet the girls at the Frutti bar, Sky shares a secret: he plans to give the Pendant of Eraklyon to Bloom so they'll stay together forever! 1 Overview 2 Series 2.1 Season 5 3 Physical Appearance 4 Known Selkies 5 Trivia 6 Gallery For each planet connected with theMagic Dimension, it has a Selkiethat guard theportalsconnecting the Ocean ofAndrosto the oceans of all the worlds and realms of the entireMagic Dimension.They are known as the gatekeepers. Series created by Iginio Straffi -
Aisha rescued the drowning foreman and used her Morphix powers to help stop the oil leak!
There's no way he can give it to Bloom now! But now his father has sent him to the deepest, darkest dungeon!
Can the girls clean it up or is the sea life doomed? The rig is busted and oil is spilling into the ocean! to close this banner.
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