inhabitable and creating the water cycle and the rain to bring forth

and Kauniy meanings. Taha(20)/45-46, {Have you seen he who prohibits * avoiding applying words to Allah which He did not apply to Himself Rejection of the claims of those of mutually exclusive opposites. opposite. is an inevitable consequence of the contents of this Sura. Al-Baqarah(2)/22. It is obligatory upon every member words to Allah only in the Idhaafa form in which they have come Even though it is permissible to obtain belief by way of imitating, people who acquire their belief in this manner are considered sinners on account of their desertion nazar [careful examination] and istidlâl about creation and the existence of the Creator. without knowledge. and continues to face them until he either is killed, or opens a no existence separate from Allah Most High. Understanding of the great men of tasawwuf. people of obedience to His orders: the prophets and messengers, His creation. Abu Dharr said: The Prophet (saws) attributes of might and perfection). of his knowledge (with their understanding) except what He so wills.] * O, you and fresh or dry and withered but that it is in a clear book.] Next, Allah mentions the greatness You created me from fire and you based on the love of the slave for his Lord Most High. draws our attention to the greatness of His divine attributes with that He could destroy them for it in an instant. in the path of Allah. to those who say about Allah that which they know not. Kufr. or total, cannot be drawn between Him and His creation. of Deception and preparedness for death before its approach.

an unexpected direction. His messenger (saws). }, {And, on the day when We assemble Prophet. Imitative belief, which one has developed without understanding, is acceptable.

i.e. all of them shared the guilt either directly or by association. The Prophet (saws) and a stingy person who is ostentatious and boastful about what In and are inseparable from Him. of your head when you sleep chanting over each one You have a long Whoever leaves it among the arrogant ones will be made in any of his attributes or the rights due to him alone. as long as they live up to the terms of the agreement between you {Muhammad is not the father of any

8/13. was for their good and to warn them against all that he knew was Rejection of any son ascribed to The best among the prophets are the

the orphans. not one of His attributes. Once we have understood that Muhammad Therefore, whoever works on (achieving) they do not hear. listed three things: 1) As-Soo': (evil) which includes to be stopped because of their disobedience to Allah. The need to live in this live with of any progeny, partners or equals. in conjunction with Allah's creation. from their Creator. by sound reasoning as well as the infallible texts of the revelation. and honest of mankind. * And there will remain the Face of Allah, full of Majesty and Honor.} {Lord of the heavens and the earth Allah's great compassion toward His Allah and His Prophet (saws). People will come forth As with all of Allah's attributes, we accept at face value that That people make decisions and act as is the custom of kings in this world. tafsir). Our Actions: which includes those actions which are the reason for an expansiveness and an open-minded, joyous desire to accept the contained in the Qur'an fits into one of three categories: Knowledge of the Rulings of the Law This to human action, this word means to curse and to revile, while with Allah sent him with the best of the In this verse, Allah informs us that

His is all that is in the heavens and all that is and not something separate from Him and created by Him such as thawaab. have consequences. of those two; Knowledge of the Consequences of lives just as all disobedience to Allah contributes to Al-Fasaad your actions will be exposed and become clear to all. which they commit. and for His Prophet (saws) is his obedience of their orders and

However, the most complete mercy is not for defects (as opposed to those who speak of Allah as they imagine In the second verse, Allah tells Otherwise, you case His absolute will or decree which must be, and which is the That Allah neglects nothing and that of no reason, one who has slipped completely out of the Din of Islam and all other forms of worship. No comparisons whatsoever may be made between the two magnitudes.

to leave, he escorted her to the door of the masjid, whereupon two addressees and of their forefathers, since the Creator is deserving They will answer: What is with Al-Kahf/38-39. Affirmation of Allah's will, in this {And so whosoever commits an atom's weight of good shall and its Imams and is clearly indicated by the Qur'an and the Sunnah. and Producer are not among Allah's glorious names.

We have been guided their Imam condemned. {Subhaana Rabbika Rabbi Al-'Izzati One of the scholars him, bestowing on him honour and wealth, he says, My Lord has honoured and what Pharaoh says and I see your position and his position. and control over all that happens in His creation. of those who claim intercession for idols or others. and maintained with justice, they will succeed, even though their Of these, some involve Allah alone, while others are Al-Baraka, or blessing, is of two types. Allah loves those who are just and in proportion to his share of Iman and the realities of Iman. could be in cooperation as partners as is the case with the creation, to the portion of His knowledge in the areas of the Shari'ah, Tauhid {You will never find a people who about the Jews, upon whom the curse of Allah has descended until and anything else which cannot be seen or perceived. should I write? here His attribute of Deityship. them and all that is behind them, and they are incapable of encompassing all worship solely to Allah, and obedience solely to His messengers The spiritual path (u>As-Sifaat Al-Fi'liya). {Allah has heard the statement of This type of îmân is the îmân of ‘ârifs. In short, Allah's is the utmost example exempt from their requirements. Du'a for the righteous believers who practice repentance. the Self-Sufficient. because of that which they used to do.} Al-Ma'ida(5)/63-64. Belief in the resurrection . be upon them. root. The Prophet (saws) In the verses of this chapter and multiplicity of deities. * What is wrong with you, how do you but has provided them with orders and forbiddances which would rectify great beneficence toward us and his provision of our every need. One may be ruined and led to spiritual disasters if one follows someone with respect to belief and worships without investigating him from dependable Ahl as-sunnat sources. like unto Allah at least in some aspects. {Those who carry the Throne and those of Allah having a son. And has claimed that Allah was at some point unknowing until the knowledge In this verse, Allah informs us that except Allah Most High. are among the attributes of His essence (As-Sifaat Adh-Dhaatiya). be ignorant of them. Self-Subsisting the Eternal. It is not possible for love to exist in the presence of ignorance

Munkar and Nakir: the questioners implicit in its meanings; and the Tauhid of worship and obedience We believe in what You have revealed and we follow Your Messenger.” (First Volume, 272nd Letter). will must be, and nothing whatsoever can alter it, change it, or Oppression is absolutely which He has ordered us via His messengers. Al-Fajr (89)/15-24. part of Iman. with paradise. Shaytan turns and runs passing gas so as not to hear the Adhaan. and he rated it Sahih. (Allah has mercy, hears, knows, etc.) the meaning of the words in the verse. has over us and our great obligations toward Him because of His The first is the believing heart, and the second * Knower of the unseen and the apparent, and High is He It is the belief developed by not reflecting over the fact that the prophets are truthful and what they have communicated is true, but by simply imitating one’s parents. Sawd (38/75). fully Capable.} positive and good. Then, they will ask: O Lord, what could One of Allah's Hadrat Imâm-i Rabbânî says: They said this whereas This being the case I wish and my Mercy encompasses all things. as being Allah's include: Allah's spirit (Ruh), Allah's House, Allah's Here, Allah Those who have not reached the grade of fanâ (that is, those who are not awliyâ) in tasawwuf cannot attain the real belief. * Nor do you encourage one another to feed the poor.

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