Let us row back to the Lake House.
Dieskau, emboldened by the success of his previous advance, led his troops towards the, We landed, and were regaling ourselves upon the berries, leaving our boats and guns on the, But there was one little duck, that remained on the, For half an hour, they coursed him round and round the island, making the, It would thus appear that, what with its salts and functions as a cemetery, the, We followed this channel a long way, when we came to a little. Sentence Examples. 3. How to use lake in a sentence Looking for sentences and phrases with the word lake? A Chinese proverb observes that fuel is not sold in a forest, nor fish on a lake. lake in a sentence Maybe it'll be cooler on the lake ." 1. Now when High-feather reached Loon Lake he found it covered with red swans. How to use Lake in a Sentence? The American Heart Association suggests the healthy people eat at least two weekly servings of fish, such as salmon, The sun rose just about the hills near the, The traffic consists mainly of weekenders heading out to the, There are going to be larger yachts and sailing boats on the, I have swum in, canoed, windsurfed and sailed on the, Marsh fern, water horehound, spotted touch-me-not, great water dock, and, Organic globules found in a meteorite that slammed into the, From the mobile start line near the east shore north of Hen Holme, the fleet of 12 yachts spread out across the, Feeling energetic still, I jogged down to Alta, Bird species like garganey, gadwall, mallard, shoveller, pintail and wigeon use the, There is evidence from 4000 BC in the Swiss, A much larger area at the north end of the, Keeping their course on the north side of the, The water crept to the top of the massive berm that holds back the, His father, Allan Bjornaa Sr., is a Batchewana First Nation fisherman who catches whitefish and, The rank smoky smell recalls the lamp at Uncle Don's lodge on the, Altogether, including its associated maze of bayous and cypress swamps, the, When these oblations are concluded, we will all flood the, Perched on a tiny, tear-shaped island in the middle of the, The innovative aerators offer golf course superintendents a better solution to their, Lighting effects have been put up in trees and rafts lie alongside the banks of the, They had landed on a crystalline, turquoise, At the age of seventeen, Whitehurst jumped in a, The saint's reaction was instant and he heaped maledictions on the unfortunate salmon, forbidding it or any of its kind ever to enter the, He expects the spring melt to wash most of the remaining oil into an adjacent, This will make the South China Sea into its inland, Evidence of pluvial lakes have been used in the reconstruction of palaeoclimates, using shoreline evidence and analysis of, There were marshes and a salmon river nearby and I found a, The mist was still lifting off the big lake in the park at Windsor, and only a few joggers and moochers ambled about along the narrow path, that circles the, On the far side was an impressive waterfall, thundering down some sixty feet into the, Since rat root comes from a plant that grows on the edge of the, Sulphate-rich waters in bitter lakes produce mirabilite which alters on exposure to thenardite both along the margins of the, When he was dying, he told his family to spread half of his ashes on the mystic mountains and the, His remains will be interred beside the great, Never has a Michigander been more happy to share a big, great, Under the shade of a banyan, we train our binoculars on the far side of the, If you are one of those unlucky allottees who gets a site next to the scenic Jakkur, You'd been drunk for hours, but you dove off a double-decker, On three sides, cliffs and screes rose from a, Forest staff are proud of their reputation for providing exceptional grooming and you can usually count on, Great Lakes steelhead and salmon and some, It's not really an island, nor has this man-made, For six weeks after Labor Day, Norman Maclean has the west side of the, He explained to me that there were probably about 20 or so divers in the, We are partners to the lakeside communities and advocate for the needs of the, Other stories tell of his close calls and the controversial landing he made on what was supposed to be a dry, And Elwin Roberts, an engineering technician, spotted a Ryder at the, For example, at Iceland's Askja Caldera volcano, which has been active during the past 5,000 years, there is a small crater, With every race and creed of the the world paddling on a, Some cabins and resorts are scattered along the, A walkway will lead to the entrance into the tumulus, an exploration area involving a boat ride on an underground, In the fading light, with a view right up the, I must visit the picturesque European wine, The story is all the more remarkable when you take into account the size of Europe's wine, Send up some rooster tails as you zip across the, Last week, voters here approved a bond issue for a big, new artesian well to guarantee that this town's beautiful landmark, In the park you will also find the serpentine, a, The water loss the weed causes through transpiration is well above that of open water, causing reservoir and, We would skid the logs to roadside with horses, and then they were hauled to the, Have a glass of Washington wine by the massive river-rock fireplace, or stake out an Adirondack chair by the inn's, I would give her a rundown on all the other presents I'd received, how Daddy let me ice the cake, how the, Sometimes the Coliseum was transformed into a desert or into a jungle, and it could also be filled with water and turned into a, Mr Deacon says that far from damaging wildlife, the, There was the pool shaped like a piano, and the, The basic economy of hunting, fishing, and food gathering, and the settlement pattern that focused on, Whooper Swans at RSPB Conwy and on Llanrwst floodwater and a Common Scoter on Abergele's Pentre Mawr, Bob caught his fish close in while Mike cast a waggler and a feeder well out in the, Symbiotics Energy has asked the Corps to bring down the water level in the, Bedivere once again relays his disobedience to Arthur, who requests the sword be returned to the, Lake Baikal is the only confined freshwater, Oregon's only national park, Crater Lake National Park, comprises the caldera surrounding Crater Lake, the deepest, A few hours before sundown we camped at a small playa, Altogether, three different kinds of fish were caught, including, I began my visit at Lake Trasimeno, the largest, The situation was eventually relieved by carving a water channel from the lip of the, The PRTT provides measurements of the residual tear volume in the lacrimal, High frequency metabolism study in a large and shallow temperate. Bush said Monday from Lake Tahoe, where he is vacationing.
We talk about the scenery of Lake George. After the battle of Put-in-Bay, on Lake Erie, he started to retreat. Copyright © 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact: Meaning: n. a group of 5 lakes in central North America. Researchers link the deaths to toxic chemicals in the Great Lakes. CHAPTER III. How to use lake in a sentence. Many were the fish that were caught in Lake Palti, as we skirted its banks, and that embellished those dinners that were now getting so plain. (4) One possibility: Clinton may campaign in, (12) But now the fish are moving north the, (15) We'll be passing over Yellowknife and the 5, (17) Benny joined the Navy and reported to the, (18) Sulphur, falling as acid rain, is killing fish in the, (19) Shortly afterwards, he secretly arranged for the building of a cargo fleet to carry the ore via the, (20) The epicentre of the nation's in decision encompasses a group of states in its heartland, around the, (21) Tourist : Which is the best way approaching the, (22) The woolly mammoth was a smaller furrier beast, that lived in the north closer to the glaciers of the Ice Ages, from Alaska through Canada, and east to the, (23) A small whitefish ( Coregonus hoyi ) of the, (24) Superior , Lake Michigan Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario are the Five, (25) Fire activity was concentrated west of Hudson Bay, and smoke wafted southeast toward the, (26) The Army Corps of Engineers has spent millions of dollars to erect electronic barriers to keep Asian carp from moving from the Illinois River into the, (27) Witnesses report that it was as dark as night, and dust was pushed as far as the, (28) The only thing preventing this cold-water-loving species from infesting the, (29) And ships can reach the Atlantic Ocean from the, (30) Three - quarters of the ore comes from the Lake Superior region of the. 59351 This lake is deep. | In dyeing and painting, an often fugitive crimson or vermillion pigment derived from an organic colorant (cochineal or madder, for example) and an inorganic, generally metallic mordant. Here are some examples. From Martin's Lake House we were to take our departure in the morning. When the acid level of a lake exceeds a certain point, the fish that live in it begin to die. Lakes definition: → the Lakes | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Here we were to leave Lake Palti and mount the pass that stood above our camp. CK 1 248098 We swam in the lake. CM 1 239985 The lake was frozen. There had never been a better engineer on the, Willersley wanted to go for an expedition across the, Beyond shadowy nutmeg groves lies the Laguna, a volcanic. Pretty soon the boat began to move up the. It was the first meeting, after landing from Lake George, with the advance of the French troops.
English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Lake" in Example Sentences Page 1.
Surrounded by a lake in the centre of Bandar Seri Begawan, the ceremonial barge remains unused. The last good wash I took was in Crystal Lake the other side of the Bear-tooth Mountain. CK 1 325380 Go jump in the lake. In the larger portion of this artificial lake there were two islands, thickly wooded. Six ducks and 5,000 grass and silver carp have been introduced into the reborn, There is another very large grassy area across the other side of the, In the dusk we walked out onto a little bridge to watch birds, and in the stilly evening, out over the, There were prolific hatches of mayfly all over the, Altogether it is rather like skinny-dipping in a, It may not be four star like the one in Berlin, but it's a great deal nicer with a lovely view over the, It's in a fantastic location on the coast, with sea-views out of one side, and views over a lovely, But over time, fertilizer run-off from agriculture, for example, may load the, The boat was 14 feet long and it's clearly a boat for a, Once again, pollution-laden storm water had been flushed from sewers into the, Every motorbike for miles around is heading for the, One of the missiles accidentally missed the launch platform and fell onto the Heliopolis, The best he could hope for was to land in a, The Dee River, with its headwaters in Bala Lake, the largest natural, The hot springs and underground river that enter the, The chase cars began because we were using a dry, During the second day at the camp, I decided to go tubing on the, Investigators said it appeared the pair were tubing on the, It is understood the disease was then introduced to the trout, After the rowers were shuttled off to the hotel for a night of rest, the parents ate a lovely dinner by the, Thousands of litres of heavy industrial oil spilled into the, So it's likely that Hutchinson, a hard-core, You will also probably know the average depth, the surface area, the age of the, The new images showed further details of what scientists believe is the rocky bed of an ancient, Residents of the village heard the plane approach from the direction of the, There is an urgent need to resurvey and map the, The helicopter he was flying reportedly hit power lines then crashed into a house on the.
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